View Full Version : another police shooting--here we go again

10-09-2014, 11:27 AM

Longitude Zero
10-09-2014, 11:44 AM
You can place a large chunk of the blame on the St Louis protestors and the incendiary language and actions of the rabble. LEO's nationwide are on edge due to increased threat analysis about ghetto thugs, ISIS, and the general anti-establishment, anti-law and order behavior running rampant. In todays environments bad actors are being given no leeway. Yesterday in my home city two officers investigating a disturbance call at a flea bag motel are opened fire upon as they knock on the door. Both are hit and return fire. One of the turds grabs the hostage and drags her several hundred yards away with gun a blazing. He executes her in the middle of the street and then is capped for his actions. If you do not CCW you should be.

10-09-2014, 12:19 PM
"A crowd of around 200 gathered at the scene in the south St. Louis neighborhood of Shaw, 11 miles (18 km) south of Ferguson. Many of the protesters marched to a major thoroughfare, partially blocking traffic and chanting "Whose streets? Our streets?" as a police helicopter hovered overhead."

"whose streets? our streets!", lofty talk for non-taxpayers who obviously don't like the place where they be staying.
my question is what are the police doing there, in that neighborhood, policing people who don't want to be policed? police the outer perimeter of that neighborhood and let the chips fall where they may inside. that's what the folks want, give it to them.
meanwhile, several blocks from there is the more well to do Flora Place neighborhood, which is policed by city police and private security, who take no prisoners.
ya get what you pay for.

10-09-2014, 12:21 PM
Ferguson police need to go on strike and quit policing until they are begged to return, if ever. Just let some of these protesters find out how it is with no police to protect them for a while.

10-09-2014, 12:24 PM
"A crowd of around 200 gathered at the scene in the south St. Louis neighborhood of Shaw, 11 miles (18 km) south of Ferguson. Many of the protesters marched to a major thoroughfare, partially blocking traffic and chanting "Whose streets? Our streets?" as a police helicopter hovered overhead."

"whose streets? our streets!", lofty talk for non-taxpayers who obviously don't like the place where they be staying.
my question is what are the police doing there, in that neighborhood, policing people who don't want to be policed? police the outer perimeter of that neighborhood and let the chips fall where they may inside. that's what the folks want, give it to them.
meanwhile, several blocks from there is the more well to do Flora Place neighborhood, which is policed by city police and private security, who take no prisoners.
ya get what you pay for.

Your last sentence intonates the privatization of the police force? If so, that's interesting.

10-09-2014, 12:24 PM
Ferguson police need to go on strike and quit policing until they are begged to return, if ever. Just let some of these protesters find out how it is with no police to protect them for a while.

wow--tough love there.

10-09-2014, 12:41 PM
If the officer did indeed fire seventeen rounds he needs more range time. Other than that it sounds like a good shoot to me.

10-09-2014, 01:29 PM
Na, 17 rounds is ok but what the officer really needed is a 30 round extended mag or a partner with an additioinal 17....What the hell do the people protesting have a problem with? The punk was shooting at the Officer first so what's he supposed to do, ask the punk very nicely not to shoot at him any more....Sheeesh

10-09-2014, 01:37 PM
We must both be mentally challenged. I was thinking the same thing. What's the issue here?

Shoot at me, I'm shooting you back and mine don't jam.

10-09-2014, 01:42 PM
hellofa sandwich that guy was eating......just sayn

10-09-2014, 02:20 PM
BTW this is how this sort of thing happens....

Dif case but probably similar

10-09-2014, 04:01 PM
What really pisses me off, is this seizure of cash from travelers, because it COULD be used to buy drugs. Tennessee was notorious for this, and the State passed some laws to curb it, so now the cops take the cash to the Feds instead of their own offices. Often this happens to people with no criminal history, no history of drug violations, people just traveling through the state. One man was robbed of $160,000 he was taking to buy a convenience store, and his money was hung up over a year while he got his records together to show he had got the cash legitimately. The feds offered to return most of the cash, in exchange for a $5,000 fee, which the man chose to accept rather than waste more money on lawyers. This money is then split 20/80 with the Feds and the Department seizing the cash, which funds their department. I think if they were forced to donate the proceeds to the State Treasurer, instead of getting to keep the money, then we would see much of this go away. When did America get to the point that this type of crap is allowed to happen, in the name of "The War on Drugs". With no evidence or even suspicion, the cops just take the cash. When did possessing a large amount of cash become a crime? Does that mean if something COULD have something to do with drugs, our rights are forfeited? In that case they could seize every car in America, because they COULD be used to transport drugs. In another case, the cops were trying to confiscate a motel, because someone sold some drugs out of one of the rooms. The manager had no knowledge of this, yet they are trying to confiscate his property over one instance of drug dealing. What kind of BS is that. Hell they could confiscate about ANY hotel or motel, as drugs are often sold out of them. I think it is things like this, and questionable deaths at the hands of police that have a sizeable portion of the public no longer trusting police to do the right thing. I am NOT referring to the Ferguson case, but many other cases where people have been beaten senseless or even killed over some minor crap that escalates. Mentally challenged people and the homeless seem particularly vulnerable to police harassment. Police automatically seem to think a mentally challenged person is on drugs. Albuquerque and LA seem to be places where anything goes as long as you have a badge. I really don't blame people for being upset at some of the things that go on. Other times like with Martin-Zimmerman, and in Ferguson, you have the race pimps come marching in to stir people up to a frenzy, without knowing anything about what happened, just some druggies phony story.
I don't think the militarization of the police is helping matters any. It makes me suspicious, why do the cops need tanks and MRAPs, and other military vehicles? What are they planning?
It's past time to end this phony war on drugs anyway. It's being used to deprive innocent people of their rights, and a way for cops to make a lot of money. Philadelphia was recently ruled against by there State Supreme Court when they were confiscating houses and properties, because of some alleged drug violation, but no one was arrested, they just seized the property on allegations. This confiscation has gotten way out of hand, with at first some 27 thousand being taken in, while the last count was over 4 BILLION dollars in cash and assets, most with no arrests, no convictions, no nothing, just allegations, that this money COULD be used to buy drugs, or that drugs were sold by someone visiting a house. Who's to say they that when they confiscate cash, they don't confiscate say $20k and only turn $17K in. Most times people don't bother to try to get their cash back if it's under $10K or so, since it costs more to get the cash back then what was confiscated. The law can screw people around, postponing trials, and rescheduling them, so that you have to appear in court 10 or 15 times. The one time you don't appear, they then go ahead and have their show trial and legally confiscate the money or property. Things like this are going to get the people really pissed off, and cops are going to bear the brunt of this hostility, as some already have.
Then you have the CIA importing kilos of cocaine and distributing it in the inner cities to fund their black ops, while the local police bust the people they catch with various amounts of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG1Id2qpSOE
Google Policing for Profit, and read the stories of the crazy crap going on in the name of Law Enforcement. I think some communities would like Ike's idea of the police leaving them alone. Many are much more afraid of police, than they are of the others in their community, and they just might decide to take out the bad apples on their own.
I do appreciate the honorable Police and Sheriffs and Highway Patrol, which are much more prevalent in my area, than questionable ones, but we do have some that think they are above the law, (mostly in the larger city down the road), or they make their own up as they go. We even have I-70 and I-35 running through the state, known roads for drug trafficking, yet we never hear about any abuses of authority. Although a lot of drugs are interdicted. They do it in a lawful manner, and very few are killed in the process. I think the most unfair case locally was they confiscated a new Corvette, because they found some pot seeds or residue in the ashtray.

10-09-2014, 04:07 PM
I really think that cell phone video cameras sometimes make people's IQ go down at least 75 points or more and some of um dont have much over 75 to start with...In knkali's video above there is a crazy guy with his hand in his jacket pocket walking around acting stupid talking to himself, the Cops roll up with guns drawn and you see something bad's about to go down so do you (A) Run like hell to cover and out of the direct line of fire before lead starts flying or (B) Whip out your phone and start filming??? Same with the bozo's who film a tornado coming right at them...The audio lets you know the people doing the filming are a couple donuts shy of a dozen....Holy Chit Bobby Ray, look at what that thing done to Cledus's house next door, there aint nothin left but the chimney but keep on filming so we can get it on YouTube....:p

10-09-2014, 04:29 PM
indeed the black will male alot out of the fact he fired 17 ronds, so fokking what, the BG fired 3 only because his Ruger jammed. Really never seen a ruger jam but in this case so waht. luckly for thecop. Damn the kid was wearing a legmonitor out on charges of a gun reltaed thing and now they wanna hang the cop cause he was white. Wpon't be long before the white cops refuse to patrol black neighborhoods when this kind of mob mentality takes over. What was the cop supposed to do, wait until he took a round, help the fokker clear his jam, . anyone taking bets on how many hits the cop had. My bet is 4 or less.. course te kids mom said little johnny don't have not gun, he had a sandwich inb his hand. IQ of 29 for her. I would say...Now if I said anything here that is racists prove me wrong. It was a wehite cop who shot a black man, nuttin more than that...

10-09-2014, 06:05 PM
Another thug learns that the trained Gun Holder beats the Street training.
This is demonstrating to other communities how they can challenge police, the match that lights the fuse?

10-09-2014, 06:51 PM
I'd say that this about sums up my feelings on this topic.


10-09-2014, 07:13 PM
I'd say that this about sums up my feelings on this topic.


Couldn't agree more.

10-09-2014, 10:23 PM
....................... Same with the bozo's who film a tornado coming right at them...
Aww, c'mon. Leave me out of this!:p

10-10-2014, 06:51 AM
Aww, c'mon. Leave me out of this!:p

That one got me, DavidS. Wish I'd thought of it. :)

Longitude Zero
10-10-2014, 10:34 AM
If the officer did indeed fire seventeen rounds he needs more range time. Other than that it sounds like a good shoot to me.

An opinion from somebody who obviously has not been in a shooting and has no clue how the body reacts under that severe stress..

10-10-2014, 11:50 AM
had that ruger 9mm not jamed that a$$wipe bad guy wouldhave emptied his gun also. so round count to me doesnt matter. as a cop I am sure they are not trained to just shoot the "sandwich" out of the guys hand or wound him in the leg or arm. It just doesn't work that way, adrenalin dump is unbelievable. I bow huted deer for many years and I realize it isnot the same as a person but I have missed many shots at 10 yards and under AND THE DEER DIDN'T HAVE A GUN EITHER. Not sure alot of training can prevent an adrenalin dump either.Not sure one tains to kill anutter person, I have been the recipent of a hold up woth weapons on me in my business years back an d my adrenalin dump ended up in my shorts. It would be nice if every round went where u wanted it but evidently that BG fired first, so had he not had any kind of adrenalin dump, that cop might have just died before he could get a shot off. It sounds to me like the cop gave the BG the first shot (or more) before dumping 17 rounds at him. IMO it ws a good shoot. Damn the BG was awaiting trail next month over weapons cvharges and assualting a police officer and was wearing a leg monitor, so you know he wa snot supose dto have any kind of gun on him. thats why the pr!ck ran, not bcuase he was bringing hime momma his SANWHICH.. I hate it that today a cop has to first LOOK AT TE COLOR OF THE GUY, If he is any color but back, then a cop should act like a trained cop and protect himself etc. U don't give the BG the first shot IMO, but now adays a cops is so scared to pull his gun on a black person in fear ofthe senseless retaliation that he will indure. Sure there are bad cops and there are even bad black cops to, but by and large 995 are good people doing a thankless job.

after watching these videos of what went on in that St. Luis area of blacks smashing cop car windows and yelling and cursing in the ear of the police officers as he is trying to avoid them, is senseless and IT IS JUST NOT RIGHT.

If a police officer today shoots a chinese person, or japanese person or Indian person, do u realy think ur gonna see riots on the street?? Then u have guys like Eric Holder and fat ass all sharpton and hair lip jesse jackson who just stir the pot so much BECUSE THEY ARE UR TRU RACISTS..

10-10-2014, 12:03 PM
Damn the BG was awaiting trail next month over weapons cvharges and assualting a police officer and was wearing a leg monitor, so you know he wa snot supose dto have any kind of gun on him. thats why the pr!ck ran, not bcuase he was bringing hime momma his SANWHICH..

not 'SANWHICH' -Its SAMMICH. I think your misspell-check is on the fritz.

10-10-2014, 12:40 PM
Jocko - only 995 good police officers?


10-10-2014, 12:58 PM
One more UPS gone.............................................. .

10-10-2014, 03:28 PM
spell check is on trhe blink again 99%. Is thaty better. They gonna riot again in Ferguson and surroundings. that is what they do. Hell he had even stolen his Ruger but thats OK. I wonder if his momma kept his sammich or did she eat it ? Just sayin

I am gonna start carrying my spare kahr mag. 7 shots is not enough for me, I just start to get close with 7 shots ad bingo, I'm out of bullits...

10-10-2014, 05:30 PM
You run out of bullits at bingo? Dude, get prepared.

Marine One
10-10-2014, 10:06 PM

Much more in the way of details in the above linked article.
Of note:
The Ruger was reported stolen
The suspect was out on a $10,000 bond and on house arrest for a felony firearms charge
Weapon and three shell casings were recovered at the scene
Suspect continued to attempt to fire the weapon after it jammed

10-11-2014, 02:58 PM
this would not have happened, the guy would still be safely in jail(prior offenses) if the STL City prosecuting attorney had her way and there was a specialized "gun court" set up to deal with gun cases. the laws are on the books, they just need to be enforced and "justice" must come swiftly. the mayor, chief of police and the prosecuting attorney want the "gun court", the judges don't.

10-11-2014, 04:34 PM
You run out of bullits at bingo? Dude, get prepared.
That's how he marks his card.......................

10-11-2014, 05:39 PM

Much more in the way of details in the above linked article.
Of note:
The Ruger was reported stolen
The suspect was out on a $10,000 bond and on house arrest for a felony firearms charge
Weapon and three shell casings were recovered at the scene
Suspect continued to attempt to fire the weapon after it jammed

Totally unacceptable.
Isn't treating a certain racial group with kid gloves "discrimination"? -that group should protest and ask to be treated like the rest of us.

10-11-2014, 06:02 PM
be careful how u talk about this fella, he is black u know..

10-12-2014, 05:17 PM
indeed the black will male alot out of the fact he fired 17 ronds, so fokking what, the BG fired 3 only because his Ruger jammed. Really never seen a ruger jam but in this case so waht. luckly for thecop. Damn the kid was wearing a legmonitor out on charges of a gun reltaed thing and now they wanna hang the cop cause he was white. Wpon't be long before the white cops refuse to patrol black neighborhoods when this kind of mob mentality takes over. What was the cop supposed to do, wait until he took a round, help the fokker clear his jam, . anyone taking bets on how many hits the cop had. My bet is 4 or less.. course te kids mom said little johnny don't have not gun, he had a sandwich inb his hand. IQ of 29 for her. I would say...Now if I said anything here that is racists prove me wrong. It was a wehite cop who shot a black man, nuttin more than that...
People like you who make everything "the black, the white" rather than the human race that make the world such an effed up place.

10-12-2014, 05:31 PM
Let's avoid attacking other members.
Our own President stated clearly that he hated his white mother and grand parents (For their "Whiteness", do you think he helped race relations? Race relations were never so strained until the Great Uniter came along.

10-12-2014, 06:01 PM
no offense taqken, u intitled to your opinion as I am to mine, I would think u would be in them inority though, Just sayin. gimme a abreak on this "human race" thing. Thats b.S and u know it.

10-12-2014, 06:02 PM
downtown, the POTUS is allowed to say that about his white family, not vice versa....

10-12-2014, 06:38 PM
Can a mixed race person be racist?
Obama Demonstrated, yes, it is possible.