View Full Version : Magazine release

10-10-2014, 04:53 PM
So my magazine release has been digging into me when in my vehicle. I filed it down but not completely smooth. Anybody else file it down soon enough that it doesn't feel like sandpaper on your side? If filed smoothly does it take away from quick reloads? I'm considering popping of pig and filing of smooth. How do I remove it?

10-10-2014, 05:16 PM
Sounds like your wearing it up against bare skin? I'd wear a T shirt between it and your tender hide.

Or get a holster that covers the mag release button.

I would be leary of filing away too much of it as it's marginal for popping the mag out as is.

"Popping of pig and filing of smooth". I have no idea what that means but I durn anxious to find out.

10-10-2014, 07:44 PM
Lol dang smart phone. Haha yea sometimes I wear a wife beater between.

I was meaning, I'm considering popping that pig out and filing it smooth.

10-11-2014, 07:56 AM
I filed down my G-Lock extended Mag release to just a little taller than OEM,for just the right height that doesn't rub me wrong.
So yeah file away.

10-13-2014, 03:16 PM
A lot of things rub me the wrong way, but I haven't taken a file to them yet. I wish that the people on this MB would man up. (Not you TD2K. You stay just the way you are.) It's a gun, damn it. It ain't supposed to be dainty. :)

12-06-2014, 09:47 PM
I put a drop of Gorilla Glue on the mag release. Just a little so it just beads up and doesn't run down the side or you'll glue it to the frame. It extends it a bit and makes it easier for me to drop the mag. Also smooths it out for my dainty thumb.

12-09-2014, 09:23 PM
Lefty FTW, the mag release is opposite my tender white skin.:o

I pocket carry anyway, so I guess it wouldn't matter much.