View Full Version : Comprehensive Lube Test

10-14-2014, 02:15 PM
I originally saw this in XDTalk. Some of you may have seen it. I think it's worth a peek.


———You can't always get what you want, but if you try you get what you need.

10-14-2014, 02:34 PM
Thanks, Brownie,

I'm rather sensitive to smells - that's a useful review.

10-14-2014, 03:01 PM
Someone went to a lot of time and trouble to test all of these products. What I learned is that you shouldn't wait 168 hours, or seven days, to clean your gun after it gets wet. Whoda thunk it.

P.S. I put a little Hoppes behind each ear before I go deer hunting. It masks my almost human scent. Mrs. Muggsy is also attracted to it, too. Works like musk. :)

10-14-2014, 04:23 PM
I discovered that my cleaner smells like petroleum product(surprise)...............grew up with Hoppe's since I was born, and the old man was downstairs, gunsmithing. Found out that my oil smells like oil(imagine that) and that even after all the smell, and lubricity, and knowing that If I leave my firearm out in the rain, for 120 hrs.......... there's a big possibility, that it will have rust on it. After all that..............my lubricant finished in the top ten. Just goes to show you.................you can use Kerosene and sewing machine oil, and your firearm will probably still function...................with dependability. I give this gentleman credit...........I'm not working, and I don't even have that much time. If smells bother you, by all means make the switch if necessary, otherwise, what you're using is probably good(unless it's Neosporin)

10-14-2014, 05:35 PM
Someone went to a lot of time and trouble to test all of these products. What I learned is that you shouldn't wait 168 hours, or seven days, to clean your gun after it gets wet. Whoda thunk it.

P.S. I put a little Hoppes behind each ear before I go deer hunting. It masks my almost human scent. Mrs. Muggsy is also attracted to it, too. Works like musk. :)

u can cover sh!t with Hoppes but it is still sh!t.. Try taking a bath muggsy. Just sayin course living in cleveland with the most poluted lake in the world, right at ur door, no wonder. I am surprised any deer even survive around there..

10-19-2014, 04:24 PM
Amazing work. Since my favorite lube didn`t fair so well, guess i`ll be heading out for something new. At least a good excuse to loiter around in a gun store.:cool:

10-19-2014, 09:30 PM
Even though my preferred lube didn't come out on top, I'll keep using it. Been using it for more than a few years and have never had any problems.

10-19-2014, 09:36 PM
But, but, but, ... stainless doesn't rust!

10-19-2014, 09:39 PM
Water displacement
Corrosion Inhibition

All very important traits for "personal lubricants". I hav tride XY jelly, KY warmin' goo, Hyperlube, or was it Hypoid-lube?, Astroglide, Dextron II, saliva and Jello brand instant puddin'.

By far, Jello brand instant puddin' is the best!

10-19-2014, 09:39 PM
Well, at least it tasts the best.

10-19-2014, 09:50 PM
Well, at least it tasts the best.
But have you tried it with cool whip! :cool:

marshal kane
10-20-2014, 09:42 AM
None of my solvents or lubricants made the "top ten" list but then I clean my gun(s) after each range session. IMO, if I'm using any of the old, trusted solvents or lubricants e.g. Hoppes and RemOil, it'll do the job but maybe not as well as the newer stuff. If the older stuff didn't work, it wouldn't stay on the market. It also helps living where there is a dry heat. My desicant condition indicator hasn't indicated a need to dry out the package in over a year. That's how I see it, YMMV

10-20-2014, 12:06 PM
But, but, but, ... stainless doesn't rust!

Stainless steel can and does rust. There are many different alloys referred to as stainless. Stainless steel is far more resistant to rusting than high carbon or other steels.

10-20-2014, 12:41 PM
We need to hang onto this somewhere. It is pretty good info.

10-22-2014, 08:16 AM
I originally saw this in XDTalk. Some of you may have seen it. I think it's worth a peek.


———You can't always get what you want, but if you try you get what you need.

Good test. Frog looks good and I'll have to give it s try when my current supply runs out. Thanks for the post.

10-22-2014, 10:38 AM
Stainless steel can and does rust. There are many different alloys referred to as stainless. Stainless steel is far more resistant to rusting than high carbon or other steels.
So much for my attempt at humor. :(

10-22-2014, 12:46 PM
But have you tried it with cool whip! :cool:


10-23-2014, 09:31 PM
Someone went to a lot of time and trouble to test all of these products. What I learned is that you shouldn't wait 168 hours, or seven days, to clean your gun after it gets wet. Whoda thunk it.

P.S. I put a little Hoppes behind each ear before I go deer hunting. It masks my almost human scent. Mrs. Muggsy is also attracted to it, too. Works like musk. :)

:biggrin1: LOL......

btw, I seen this a while back maybe on google or something but It was more in depth than this for whatever reason, I think he actually made a blog and goes through the whole 9 yards...

I can only imagine how painstaking it was for him to find out which oil to use for his vehicle.????