View Full Version : Conceal Holster for Glock 17

10-14-2014, 04:15 PM
Can anyone recommend a good/great? conceal holster for my Glock 17?
I know, its rather large, but some of Bawanna's wolves are pretty large over here, and the P380 may need some help.

I've used a Belly Band with a real loose T-shirt which works okay.

Looking for a slim IWB holster - I prefer the 3 o'clock position

10-14-2014, 04:18 PM
A hybrid holster is a great solution for IWB. My favorite is the MTAC. It's not cheap, but you'll only buy once.


10-14-2014, 04:45 PM
Just got my Cooks iwb holster today. Top notch! Adjustable clip for any angle you want. Two week turn around and priced just right.


10-14-2014, 06:24 PM
Hiddenhybridholsters.com or aliengear, i have the hidden and love it ordering an alien

I must ask though do you have 17rd mags for it??

10-14-2014, 07:45 PM
Desantis pancake http://www.desantisholster.com/THUMB-BREAK-SCABBARD

10-14-2014, 08:11 PM
Hiddenhybridholsters.com or aliengear, i have the hidden and love it ordering an alien

I must ask though do you have 17rd mags for it??

Ahem .... I did back in lovely Oklahoma ....

- hello former neighbor!! How is lovely Tulsa in Green Country doing?

Now, in sunny CA, we are allowed 10-round mags - same length, though - does that affect the holster choice?

10-15-2014, 03:00 AM
Nitingale Leather http://shop.nightingaleleather.com/Peregrine-IWB-Inside-the-Waistband-Holster-Peregrine.htm;jsessionid=D7D66ED0E5DF17A3865BF0846 B76FF91.m1plqscsfapp06

I migrated to leather a few years back and wish I had of tried one earlier. Cost more, but well worth it.

Gringo Pistolero
10-15-2014, 05:38 AM
I've been really pleased with the Comp-tac Infidel:


I have one for the G17, one for the CW45 and one for the CW9. No problem concealing the G17 at 4:00 with a light cover garment here in the Texas heat.


10-15-2014, 06:04 AM

I have one for a full size 1911, and for my PM45.

10-19-2014, 10:54 AM
somehow I don't think your going to be a long term user of a IWB holster for a G17. I have some large frame semi-autos that I don't carry, but if I had to, I'd go simple and use http://www.remoraholsterstore.com/Remora-OWB-11-Holster-p/owb11.htm it's a sticky OWB holster that will work IWB in a pinch, also work in a pocket if you have pants with a G17 sized pocket. G17 sure is a good shooter.

10-31-2014, 03:31 PM
I carry a G17 concealed every day. I use a Com Tac Infedal.

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10-31-2014, 04:24 PM
More of my Cooks m&p9 holster.



11-17-2014, 12:16 PM
Here is an odd one that works fantastic for my G19. Flatter than my Kahr PM9 in a PJ's holster. Not for everyone, but it works for me.

Raven Concealment Vanguard 2. Lots of videos available.



11-17-2014, 02:01 PM
I love mine but its mostly a "truck gun" only carried when I wear a loose untucked shirt. I use a simple Foxx hybrid OWB at 4 o'clock, with a heavy belt looped through, not a clip. (When I draw, I want the holster to stay put.)

I have to say that simple and obvious as that is, nobody has ever noticed it, but as I say I don't wear it often.

11-17-2014, 09:07 PM
I like the king tuk, I also like the Theis. the G17 is my duty gun and what I ccw off duty as well.

11-27-2014, 07:20 PM
Ahem .... I did back in lovely Oklahoma ....

- hello former neighbor!! How is lovely Tulsa in Green Country doing?

Now, in sunny CA, we are allowed 10-round mags - same length, though - does that affect the holster choice?

isn't that funny !!!!(reverse rolls) I was born and raised in so cal and relocated here about 7rs ago... It is nice here in tulsa, I like it anyhow... sure there's not as much to do around town but that's what vacations are for !!!! and no your magazine doesn't affect holster choice but I was just curious if they had a grandfather clause still like they did when I had high cap mags there....

if you ever come back out this way hit me up and we'll go to USSA on my dime and ammo !!! :)

12-03-2014, 06:41 PM
I carry a glock 17 in a 4corners concealment iwb holster. Great fit and finish and absolutely stellar customer service. Molded and shipped in a week. Will definitely be buying from them again in the future.
http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t523/joedavis0123/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/B2271FAE-7830-4F9B-9001-C3EBFC5587AC_zpsl3ucnphf.jpg (http://s1312.photobucket.com/user/joedavis0123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/B2271FAE-7830-4F9B-9001-C3EBFC5587AC_zpsl3ucnphf.jpg.html)
http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t523/joedavis0123/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/77B275FC-84FE-4179-A695-C9B945BC6F51_zpshmdlfebm.jpg (http://s1312.photobucket.com/user/joedavis0123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/77B275FC-84FE-4179-A695-C9B945BC6F51_zpshmdlfebm.jpg.html)
http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t523/joedavis0123/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/7B533F56-681A-4476-A872-3BDBF5F3DE6E_zpsi3owvdni.jpg (http://s1312.photobucket.com/user/joedavis0123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11/7B533F56-681A-4476-A872-3BDBF5F3DE6E_zpsi3owvdni.jpg.html)

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