View Full Version : That's gotta hurt

06-23-2010, 12:54 PM
Guns & beer don't mix:

2 Men Agreed to Shoot Each Other in the Butt, Need Surgery - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,595163,00.html)

06-23-2010, 01:03 PM
Every time someone gets hurt, they seem to have forgotten the 4 major rules of guns
In this case;
Rule #2 - Never point a gun at anyting you do not intend to destroy

Too bad they didn't shoot themselves in the front, preventing themselves from reproducing.

mr surveyor
06-23-2010, 01:14 PM
well, with the liberal state of affairs in Australia concerning firearms regulations (think England), it's no wonder these clowns have no concept of firearm safety. But, their age would put them in a group that could have grown up in a gun culture environment before all the Aussie gun ban business started and they should have known better.

The use of the words "airguns" and "firearms license" in the same story is just downright laughable, but I think airguns are pretty highly controlled there now. What a screwed up country.

At least we only shot each other with Daisy BB guns when I was a kid.:)


06-23-2010, 01:17 PM
Reminds me of when paint ball guns first came out. A salesman at my favorite gun shop asked me to go in a back room with him and shoot him in the back with one. Course several customers and all staff had to watch this. Told him no way it's gonna hurt. He said no they were designed so you can tell your hit but they don't hurt. I told him I don't care it's gonna hurt.
He held a piece of brown paper sack type wrapping material over his back so he wouldn't get paint on his shirt. I told him one last time, its' gonna hurt, the paper sack ain't gonna help.
I got as far away as I could in the room maybe 12-15 ft and let him have it. He instantly went into a sort of indian raindance, hopping around, bit his lip it hurt so bad, of course went right thru the paper, thru the shirt and into his skin, plus a black and blue mark that I went back daily to check out. Bout the size of a watermellon on his back. Some just don't understand this matter and velocity concept.
We shot the ups truck everyday for a couple weeks, driver got chewed out at the office everynight, took him that long to figure out where they were coming from.
Same salesman put a paintball in a microwave to see what would happen??? Time for a new microwave.
They walk among us.

06-23-2010, 02:03 PM
On the TV show 1000 ways to die, two rednecks get sloshed on Budweiser and one gets mad at his buddy for bumming cigarettes from him all night so when his buddy falls asleep in a lawnchair the other idiot goes inside and gets a 12 ga shotgun and takes the buckshot out of a shell and replaces them with cigarette butts...he then goes back outside and proceeds to fire the shotgun point blank at the head of sleeping beauty which kills him dead as a hammer.....Darwin wins again...

06-23-2010, 02:11 PM
On the TV show 1000 ways to die, two rednecks get sloshed on Budweiser and one gets mad at his buddy for bumming cigarettes from him all night so when his buddy falls asleep in a lawnchair the other idiot goes inside and gets a 12 ga shotgun and takes the buckshot out of a shell and replaces them with cigarette butts...he then goes back outside and proceeds to fire the shotgun point blank at the head of sleeping beauty which kills him dead as a hammer.....Darwin wins again...

Are you serious? I must have missed that one. Did they charge him with felony stupid or what?
In one of Jeff Coopers books he talks about a neighbor that took the bullet out of a 30-06? but left the powder and primer. Shot himself in the head with family present.:eek:Police couldn't figure out where the bullet went. Jeff actually found the bullet with plier marks on it on a book shelf. They never determined if he thought it wouldn't blow his head off or if he just didn't want to put a hole in the roof. If the hole theory is correct it worked perfectly.

Longitude Zero
06-24-2010, 08:45 AM
Natural Selection in action.

06-24-2010, 08:54 AM
I'm sure it required a Neurosurgeon... it had to be brain surgery.