View Full Version : CT9 Maiden Voyage

10-19-2014, 08:06 PM
I went to the gun range today to try out my CT9 among other things.
Well not a good start. I loaded the mags up with 8 rounds. ( I have 2, got the freebie...thanx Kahr!) Loaded the mag in the gun, racked the slide and it would not load. The round was nose diving into the feed ramp. Both mags did this. These mags are a ***** to load. The spring seems like it is too strong. I also noticed that the last round I loaded the nose seemed to stick up very high. I also noticed that the last round loaded in the mag the tail of the shell would hang up in the groove in the one below. I saw the other post on the 8 round mags having problems but not directly related to the CT9.
Well I ended up just loading 5 rounds and the gun ran great after that.
Also the gun seems to shoot extremely low. There is no adjustment for elevation. Is there any solutions to raise the sights? I was shooting at 7 yards.
The good part is the ergos on this gun are way better for me than the one I got rid of. I am right handed and I lost the tip of my index in an accident and I also dislocated my thumb which caused a slight protrusion of a bone. The fat grip on the Hi Point would pound that bone making it very uncomfortable to shoot. The CT9 is very comfortable to shoot. The recoil is less than expected.
I'm hoping the mag issue is something minor and the sights can be made to suit me. I maybe doing something wrong as far as the sights go. I had no sight issues with the Hi Point I had or the Ruger SR22 and the Beretta Neos I still have.
Any help would be appreciated.

10-20-2014, 06:41 AM
Use the slide release to load the first round. Start with the slide locked back, insert the mag, depress the slide release.

No sight adjustment on standard sights... adjust your aim point if you have to.

10-20-2014, 12:01 PM
The gun has combat sights. If you are used to a 6 o'clock hold the gun will shoot low. The sight picture should resemble a dotted i with the dot covering your intended point of impact.

10-20-2014, 12:23 PM
Try leaving the mags loaded to the max to soft up a bit. Did you use the mag release to rack and release. Racking a kahr is something you have to learn, not like other ull size pistols. Got to have full pull and very clean release . Some pistols with time allow you to follow the slide some don't. Have you heard of UPLULA mag loaders. Buy one. Don't need the single stack version. The regular double stack loader works fine on the kahrs and saves the finger tips !! Take some sand paper and run on the outer edge and under the feed lips . Softens that edge in case you for get the UPLULA. What ammo did you use. After you get 100 or so rounds fired it should be working very well.

10-20-2014, 05:58 PM
Thanks guys. Went back in the manual and it is stated to use the slide release to load the first round. I guess I missed it. My bad. Thanks for pointing it out. I usually pull the slide back on my other guns and let it snap back. Never had a problem loading a first round. I tried the "Kahr Technique" a few moment s ago. First round loaded right in. Awesome! Thanks again.

I am not familiar with combat sights Muggsy. I am assuming that when using a combat sight set up the dot should always cover the target? I have been using the 6 o'clock method on my Ruger. My other guns are red dots or scoped. I wear progressive lenses.(old eyes).

I heard of UPLULA from Gunblast. Thanks for the suggestion Hardluk1. I'll check out that sandpaper trick too.

Oh yeah the ammo I was using was some FMJ 115 gr from Walmart. I believe it was Perfect brand, made in Italy. It was brass cased. I have 2 boxes of Blazer Brass that I will be trying next. Also I did disassemble the gun, cleaned and lubed per the chart in the sticky.

Feeling better already!

10-23-2014, 12:36 PM
Blaser should run fine. After get some rounds thru it it will rack just fine. Darn things are just a little picky about everthing when new. Never seen the perfect brand but would not be surprised if its not perfect for it till some rounds get down range. I like Georgia arms canned heat for production break in ammo and new hp ammo ,Remington express more than any other fmj brand from big boy companies.