View Full Version : Fresh Velocity Data

10-21-2014, 10:40 PM
You will probably want to skip ahead to the bookmarked spot (13:50) of the video, but you are welcome to view as much of the review as you wish. 7 popular 9mm SD loads chonographed through my blunt nose PM9 as part of another project.


10-21-2014, 11:02 PM
Nice job. I was surprised that the Poly barrel of the PM9 gave the lowest velocity average. Run some through the CM9 with the standard rifling as a comparison if you can. Thanks.

10-21-2014, 11:14 PM
Maybe my PM9 barrel is getting worn out from use.

10-21-2014, 11:26 PM
Thanks for posting. I appreciate all the work on your blog, particularly the ammo tests.

10-25-2014, 10:00 AM
Nice test. I was extremely surprised by the performance of the 2.7 barrel length Kimber. Surprised about the revolver as well, even measuring the length of the barrel, including the cylinder, as you measured. I wonder if the terminal ballistic performance of the 3 firearms would be identical, since the difference in the average numbers does not appear terribly different.

10-25-2014, 11:17 AM
I wonder if the terminal ballistic performance of the 3 firearms would be identical, since the difference in the average numbers does not appear terribly different.

From previous tests, I've seen a few feet per second can make a difference with the 4 layers of denim test. Short barrel 9mm terminal performance sits right on the leading edge of the bullet expansion threshold. When the Kimber was new, I tested HST 124 +P, Gold Dot 124 +P, and Golden Saber Bonded 124 +P in a head to head test. Only the GS Bonded expanded through the denim. The other two plugged and passed through without expanding.

10-25-2014, 06:40 PM
Thanks Ljutic. Any testing with the HST 147 in denim? I chrono'ed my MK 9 with the standard pressure HST 147 and came up with the following 5 shot numbers (rounded): 1) 904; 2) 940; 3) 958; 4) 914; 5) 942. Average was 932 fps (rounded).

11-03-2014, 04:03 PM
Thanks Ljutic. Any testing with the HST 147 in denim? I chrono'ed my MK 9 with the standard pressure HST 147 and came up with the following 5 shot numbers (rounded): 1) 904; 2) 940; 3) 958; 4) 914; 5) 942. Average was 932 fps (rounded).

I never revisited the HST 147 and 147 +P because it's generally unavailable. At least you can occasionally find the 124 and 124 +P from the bigger online sellers.

11-03-2014, 06:16 PM
From previous tests, I've seen a few feet per second can make a difference with the 4 layers of denim test. Short barrel 9mm terminal performance sits right on the leading edge of the bullet expansion threshold. When the Kimber was new, I tested HST 124 +P, Gold Dot 124 +P, and Golden Saber Bonded 124 +P in a head to head test. Only the GS Bonded expanded through the denim. The other two plugged and passed through without expanding.

I think that far too much is made of the FBI standards. I've never seen anyone wear four layers of heavy denim. Not even Jocko when he rode with the Hell's Angels. I'd say that it's far more likely that I'll shoot someone wearing just one layer of hoodie over a Snoop Dog tee shirt. :)

11-03-2014, 08:39 PM
I think that far too much is made of the FBI standards.

4 layers of 16 oz denim isn't part of the FBI ammunition testing standards. It's really the heavy clothing standard developed and used by the now defunct IWBA. The advantage of using a standard is you can compare results from more than one tester, but even then there are significant variations. I know one very popular YouTube tester wasn't using heavy denim. It was medium weight at best. 14, 15, and 16 oz denim is expensive, very thick, quite stiff, and 4 layers of it will stand up on it's own.

While 4 layers of denim might not be an ideal substitute for whatever an attacker may be wearing, it does present a worst case scenario. If you get expansion through the denim, then chances are pretty good a heavy coat won't pose too much of a challenge.