View Full Version : CW45 vs PM45 help me decide

06-24-2010, 11:38 AM
I would like to hear from owners of CW45 and PM45; maybe someone who has both.

I am selling my Glock 23, and I would like to buy a CW or PM 45 for shooting and CC. I currently have a PM9 and really like it, so I would like to have another Kahr with same platform i.e. trigger pull, controls ect...

Size is important, however the two are not that much different. What have you found on the two models good or bad and are you happy with the model you chose?

I will carry appendix style.

06-24-2010, 11:52 AM
I've had both and the size differential is quite noticeable as is the weight. I traded my CW45 for a PM45 because I couldn't pocket carry the CW, but can the PM. I was willing to give up one round for the increased concealment.

06-24-2010, 04:15 PM
I have cw45 w/CT and like it a lot. One factor to know about is that the cw (normal 6+1 rd.) can also use the Kahr 7rd mag (w/extension is nice)... And the pm can use ANY of the Kahr 5, 6, and 7 rnd. mags... As I'm sure you already know, cw is approx. $200 range cheaper. If you can handle both before you buy, that's always WAY preferable.

06-24-2010, 05:04 PM
I also have a PM9 that I carry daily due to my work attire. I also have a PM45 and love it. It is about as small a 45 cal you can find and only weighs a few oz's more than your PM9 and packs a bigger wallop. The PM45 is in my eye a more refined weapon than the CW45. It also is a bit smaller and lighter as was previously noted by others on the forum.
By the way the PM45 is a sweet shooter and very accurate.

06-26-2010, 04:49 PM
I've got the PM9 and CW45 and the CW9. All are fantastic weapons. With a good belt and holster there's really not much difference between the 9 and 45. Yeah, I know the PM9 is lighter, but not by a lot. I shoot the 45 better than the 9. The recoil is very manageable for a thin, light 45. I think it's less than the xd45c that I had a few months ago. The PM9 definitely pocket carries very well. Get a DeSantis Nemesis Superfly pocket holster and adjust the removable flap and you can COMPLETELY hide the outline of the gun. You can't go wrong with either pistol. Next on my wish list is the PM45........yeah baby.

06-26-2010, 04:58 PM
I've had both and the size differential is quite noticeable as is the weight. I traded my CW45 for a PM45 because I couldn't pocket carry the CW, but can the PM. I was willing to give up one round for the increased concealment.

on board with your comment..:cheer2:

Mr. Zero
07-02-2010, 12:58 PM
I have been blessed (or burdened) with rather large meat hooks, so there are some guns that I just cannot shoot well because of it. I also have a PM9 and love it, but purchased a P45 as my second Kahr rather than the PM45 because I can get a better grip on the thing. I found the PM45 grip too short for me to get all my fingers on, and too long for me to put my pinky under (like my PM9). I like the idea of the PM45, it just doesn't work for me.

I don't consider the PM45 a pocketable gun for most pockets, in fact the PM9 is hard for me to carry that way unless I have big cargo pockets.