View Full Version : No More Guns rev 2
Over 70 yo gun enthusiast, owner, and shooter for right around 60 years. With 45 to 50 firearms in current personal inventory I've come to the final conclusion that enough is enough. The last two times, trying to go cold turkey, didn't work well at all so now I'm being a bit more realistic.
Three on my bucket list....a quality lw compact 1911 pattern pistol in 9mm, a good lever action rifle/carbine in .22lr, and a functionally reliable tac 9mm, like a Beretta Cx4 Storm. After those, if ever, I'm totally done.
10-25-2014, 09:21 PM
10-25-2014, 09:33 PM
Kinda in the same boat. Trying not to buy anything. But what I'd recommend. Springfield emp. Kel tec sub 2000. Henry golden boy.
10-25-2014, 09:57 PM
Good luck with that. Every time i say I'm done i buy another within 60 days. So far I'm good at holding to only 4-5 pistol calibers and 3 calibers of rifles. Does that count?
10-25-2014, 10:28 PM
I would also say good luck. I have not had much luck with limiting my collection. I have finally decided that I will HAVE to trade something for anything else that I wish to acquire. Wish me luck.
10-25-2014, 10:36 PM
Hang in there fellas. After awhile you just stop counting. It worked for me. :)
Bill K
10-26-2014, 07:00 AM
I'm with you. Even before I turned 70 I long knew how often the dream was better than the reality after purchasing that "thing" (be it a gun or otherwise) that I just had to have. Have to say the my Kahr PM9 has been an exception, it has turned out to be more than what I had "dreamed" it would be.
Kinda in the same boat. Trying not to buy anything. But what I'd recommend. Springfield emp. Kel tec sub 2000. Henry golden boy.
EMP is high on the list. Henry something is a possible but second to a Browning if I go new. Hadn't thought of KelTec, but I'll look into....tks.
I'm with you. Even before I turned 70 I long knew how often the dream was better than the reality after purchasing that "thing" (be it a gun or otherwise) that I just had to have. Have to say the my Kahr PM9 has been an exception, it has turned out to be more than what I had "dreamed" it would be.
Having "collected" firearms for over half a century I don't think I've regretted acquiring anything I now have. Some were bought for a purpose that no longer exists, or were superseded by better. Some customs I built or had built and used, or didn't much. Some collected for uniqueness or just for the....collection. Etc. Roughly....half of what I have I wouldn't part with, a quarter I'd let go to a decent home, another quarter I'd let go to any new home. The three I listed as still want have current practical applications.
My trusty PM9 is definite keeper.
10-27-2014, 08:35 AM
Let's face it guys a woman can't have too many pairs of shoes and a man can't have too many guns. It's a fact of life.
10-27-2014, 08:49 AM
10-27-2014, 11:15 AM
That is nice. It's been months since I bought a gun. I have bought a couple of scopes and other add-ons lately. I have been considering what I might regret if I did not buy before the vote on our little gun-grabber initiative here in Washington. Maybe all I need are some 80% AR parts though...
10-27-2014, 12:30 PM
That is nice. It's been months since I bought a gun. I have bought a couple of scopes and other add-ons lately. I have been considering what I might regret if I did not buy before the vote on our little gun-grabber initiative here in Washington. Maybe all I need are some 80% AR parts though...
I have high hopes that our little gun grabber initiative won't pass here. The lies the spew on commercials make me sick, unbelievable.
It will probably up the cost of government of course since I'll have a bunch more background checks to do everytime grandpa wants to give his grandson a gun.
It'll cost us a bit more of course like everything else but we'll be ok since we're good guys.
The saddest part is it will have no effect whatsoever on the dirtbags and neerdowells who don't purchase guns in a legal fashion anyhow. But try to explain this to so called educated and rich bastards who have put millions into the campaign.
I will get a huge chuckle when it fails though. All that money down the tube and common sense prevails.
I sure hope so anyhow.
Short 9mm carbine....fits right into my stated, three gun bucket list.
10-27-2014, 04:24 PM
Funny how a school shooting came just in time! Problem is it was a minority (Native American) that did it.
10-27-2014, 05:20 PM
Also a kid so none of the old laws or new laws apply. Unless his dad was a stalker or child molester like all the TV commercials say. They all get their guns at gun shows or on line with no background check.
Wish I could figure out how to do that.
This was real though. I know a dozen guys that were actually there. I heard one account where there was over 120 cops there. I think they needed a checkpoint to keep track of the cops more than the kids.
10-27-2014, 06:37 PM
I have high hopes that our little gun grabber initiative won't pass here. The lies the spew on commercials make me sick, unbelievable.
It will probably up the cost of government of course since I'll have a bunch more background checks to do everytime grandpa wants to give his grandson a gun.
It'll cost us a bit more of course like everything else but we'll be ok since we're good guys.
The saddest part is it will have no effect whatsoever on the dirtbags and neerdowells who don't purchase guns in a legal fashion anyhow. But try to explain this to so called educated and rich bastards who have put millions into the campaign.
I will get a huge chuckle when it fails though. All that money down the tube and common sense prevails.
I sure hope so anyhow.
I hope you're right, that it fails. But, you are missing the opportunity it brings. Even my wife is thinking she might want to get a new carry pistol this week. There are probably lines at the gun stores this week, although I haven't checked.
10-28-2014, 01:45 AM
well there you go, get rid of the 25% and fulfill your bucket list... :p
10-28-2014, 08:25 AM
A the edge of turning 70 I am in the same boat as the OP. Neither of my children are interested in guns and my grandchildren are shooters but still very young.
I teach and RSO at a range so I am working on re-honing my rapid fire double tap type drills. I am shooting all my carry and house guns in these drills. Any guns that do not pass my personal requirements will be moved into the for sale side of the safe.
Realizing they never really worked the way I thought they would, I recently sold a couple of Milt Sparks IWB holsters for a 1911 that resided in my holster box with more to go. I am cataloging and pricing much of my reloading equipment and supplies. I am trying to protect my family in the event I become incapacitated and have to watch all that go in a garage sale because my wife listed that stuff at the price I told her I paid for it in the first place.
A the edge of turning 70 I am in the same boat as the OP. Neither of my children are interested in guns and my grandchildren are shooters but still very young.
I teach and RSO at a range so I am working on re-honing my rapid fire double tap type drills. I am shooting all my carry and house guns in these drills. Any guns that do not pass my personal requirements will be moved into the for sale side of the safe.
Realizing they never really worked the way I thought they would, I recently sold a couple of Milt Sparks IWB holsters for a 1911 that resided in my holster box with more to go. I am cataloging and pricing much of my reloading equipment and supplies. I am trying to protect my family in the event I become incapacitated and have to watch all that go in a garage sale because my wife listed that stuff at the price I told her I paid for it in the first place.
Aww, crap....don't even get me started on the holsters...:spider:
So...with nothing better to do I've studied and researched "intensely" for the last couple/three days. Top contenders for the win of my three gun bucket list challenge are Springfield EMP, Browning lever action .22, and Sig MPX-p-9-PSB.
Questions, comments, rumor control?
11-12-2014, 03:41 PM
I'm getting to the point where I've been seduced by all the hot slutty new gun designs, and now I'm jaded. I don't really see much true innovation out there, just refinements of existing designs and more fantastic drastic spastic plastic. Drilling holes in the trigger doesn't turn me on, light rails don't turn me on. I like my guns to be metal and endowed with a soul. I don't foresee any new designs in my future, but I do want a couple of old-ish designs (Bersa 380 and Ruger P90DC) in my safe.
I agree with you. Two of the leading contenders on my list could be considered worthwhile recent design enhancements, but the list itself is driven by useful wants of things I don't have. Using the term need loosely, I need a 1911 in 9mm, a rifle that can handle .22 shorts, and a short long gun in 9mm. Wrt the latter, Sig MPX is a pricey, overkill stretch for my needs but having researched and handled the HiPoint and KelTec they're both out no matter how cost effective.
11-12-2014, 05:06 PM
Ruger police carbine, or Marlin camp gun?
11-12-2014, 05:20 PM
Ruger police carbine, or Marlin camp gun?
A Ruger PC4 is one of only two guns I've ever sold. It wasn't a bad gun, but it did not have a good trigger and was more particular than the pistol about feeding ammo from different mags. So, it wasn't a great gun either. Away it went.
Ruger police carbine, or Marlin camp gun?
Thanks, very much, for the suggestions. Either should work well for my purpose. Ashamed to admit I don't remember even knowing about the Ruger PC. Long addicted to Ruger in general and 10/22s as I am, this would be a natural. I do now recall the Marlin Camp Gun. I'd forgotten. I 'm quite fond of older Marlins so will be looking at them as well.
And speaking of Marlins, I'm now one down and two to go on the gun bucket list. Stopped into Cabela's today to buy a sweatshirt and stumbled across a treasure, a 98%+ Marlin 39 Century, Ltd for a stone cold bargain (yeah, at Cabela's) price. $427.50 + tax and my .22 lever action "don't have one" issue was instantly solved beyond expectation.
11-19-2014, 06:58 PM
I've only seen one of those Marlin Camp 9's for sale and it was tough to pass on. I'm still kinda regretting it.
11-20-2014, 08:04 AM
A the edge of turning 70 I am in the same boat as the OP. Neither of my children are interested in guns and my grandchildren are shooters but still very young.
I teach and RSO at a range so I am working on re-honing my rapid fire double tap type drills. I am shooting all my carry and house guns in these drills. Any guns that do not pass my personal requirements will be moved into the for sale side of the safe.
Realizing they never really worked the way I thought they would, I recently sold a couple of Milt Sparks IWB holsters for a 1911 that resided in my holster box with more to go. I am cataloging and pricing much of my reloading equipment and supplies. I am trying to protect my family in the event I become incapacitated and have to watch all that go in a garage sale because my wife listed that stuff at the price I told her I paid for it in the first place.
Check that, I lied. One week after posting this I brought home a Glock 19.
Lovin' it BTW.
11-20-2014, 10:20 AM
Beretta Billenium 96, Ruger 10/22,..........4" Python...............I'd croak a happy man.......................just picked up a Springfield Range officer compact..........I did sell one, to get one, so I didn't add any to the herd:)
Found and ordered an ideal, for me, 9mm 1911. Dan Wesson ECO. So, along with my recent purchase of that Marlin Centennial M39, I'm hopefully now two down and only one to go!
Although, with thanks(?) to berettabone a Springer RO Compact or DW ECO in 45ACP may have just been added to the list
01-10-2015, 08:33 AM
Well i didn't make it long either. M&P 10 on the way. Always wanted one and its on sale. Guess I'm spent out for a while now.
I'm pretty much stickin' to my "final three" list as far more money out. Them are/were stuff I didn't have. Buying a fourth, another .45, will be a replacement financed/covered by the sale of at least one of my Kimbers and something else. As will be anything else I get from now on.
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