View Full Version : Fondled a P380 Today

06-24-2010, 03:42 PM
Stopped in a gun store today and got to handle a P380. Not really interested in purchasing it for myself but looking at it for my Lady. They want $569 for it. Basic 2 tone with standard sights. I'll have to take her to see it. It is quite small but same Kahr quality.

06-24-2010, 04:00 PM
LOL, yepper....you're gonna hear it. But I definitely have to agree. I LOVE my PM45. I also, love my PM9, I carry it everywhere. There's just something about that .45.

06-24-2010, 04:11 PM
It's a MANthing.

06-24-2010, 04:13 PM
I always say I'm not a great shot and figure them wider bullets give me a little edge too. But almost without exception everyone who gets a 45 says they shoot it better. I think many are intimidated by it based on heresay. I find it more comfortable to me than the quick snap of a 9, and trainloads ahead of any 40 I ever owned. But I'm not giving up my K40 just yet either, it's a man thing too.

06-24-2010, 04:17 PM
Oh Yea Mr ryoung, you really stirred the pot good on that post. Jocko must be asleep...I am am quite sure he won't let that pass without a comment.
The only thing I didn't understand was the MK9 being lumped in there...they are chunky little monkeys for there size, calibre well maybe but not feel. That little blaster weighs in at about 22-23 oz's empty, that weighs as much as our PM45 loaded with five in the mag and one in the snout. Hell if you miss the bad guy with the rounds it will do the job if you throw it at them....probably knock them piss limber, if you hit them in the head.