View Full Version : CW380 Failure of Slide to Lock Back on Last Round
10-26-2014, 08:38 PM
Hello all. New to the Forum but not so new to Kahr as I bought the CM9 and loved it and when the CM40 came out I had to have that one too for CCW. When the CW380 came out I had been eyeing it for a while and recently sold my BodyGuard 380 for it as I prefer the lighter, smoother striker fire trigger of the Kahr. Took the CW to the range and had a few issues. The first was a rash of failures to extract using TulAmmo 91 gr FMJ's. I switched over to PMC Bronze 90 Gr FMJ's and problem solved - must have been a case rim dimensional issue. Pistol ran 100% with the PMC's, however, the slide failed to lock back after the last shot 100% of the time. When I pull the slide back on an empty mag the slide locks back all the time with no issue, so the slide lock appears to be functioning correctly and during the shoot, I purposely kept my thumbs away from the slide lever to make sure that I was not inadvertently holding it down. My thinking is that the recoil springs, which are fairly stiff, have not broken in yet (only 50 rounds through...yes I know less than the 200 Kahr states for break-in) and maybe still too stiff vs. the loads I'm using to cycle the slide far enough back to properly allow the slide lock to engage (but enough to pick up the next round in the mag)? Any thoughts? Thank you for your help.
10-26-2014, 09:10 PM
It may be that the ammo is a little underpowered and is not moving the slide fully back in recoil or the new recoil springs need to set up some. Try this: Lock the slide back and leave it that way for at least three days (a week is better). More would be better. That allows the recoil springs to take a set and may also make it just a little easier to rack the slide. Try shooting after the wait and you may find the slide locking back as it should. You can also try hotter ammo.
10-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Just keep in mind that the opposite of this problem is failure to go fully into battery, and if you weaken the recoil springs too much (by locking the slide back a few days), I think it may lead to that problem which is not infrequent (happened to me and others here). So, do what it takes, but more is not necessarily better. There is a balance, and you need a strong recoil spring for a reason. Basically, all the advice on the board is meant to fine tune the gun, as needed.
Also use a lot of lube, which probably helps the slide going both directions (into battery and back to slide stop when it's time). Run it wet.
You might also double check to see if that follower moves up the magazine unimpeded. There are stickies describing how to make sure the magazine is optimized with regards to the follower and the mag release and the smoothness of everything. The follower has to move up in time to engage that slide stop release, though that may not be the issue. Just a thought.
It may be that the ammo is a little underpowered and is not moving the slide fully back in recoil or the new recoil springs need to set up some. Try this: Lock the slide back and leave it that way for at least three days (a week is better). More would be better. That allows the recoil springs to take a set and may also make it just a little easier to rack the slide. Try shooting after the wait and you may find the slide locking back as it should. You can also try hotter ammo.
10-26-2014, 10:02 PM
If you aren't shooting with a firm wrist the slide will short cycle. Try to limit the muzzle flip. The recoil springs are fairly stiff in Kahr pistols.
10-26-2014, 10:13 PM
Thanks for your inputs. I definitely had a strong grip on the little CW, as best as possible with such a small grip. There was little to no muzzle flip at all and easy to keep on target for quick follow-up shots. Also, plenty of lube on the rails and barrel. I think the issue is the stiff springs. I'll spend some time cycling the slide to work the springs and leave it overnight with the slide locked back and try again at the range, and also bring some hotter ammo to see if that makes a difference. Thanks all!
11-13-2014, 08:43 PM
Hey Kahrtalkers, just wanted to close the loop on this thread. I went back out to the range with a couple boxes of PMC Bronze ammo that seemed to function 100% except for the gun not holding open on the last round. Figured I just needed more rounds through it to exercise the stiff recoil spring...only 50 rounds through it at that point. Well, I first let my buddy shoot a couple mags through it and wouldn't you know it, the slide locked back after each mag emptied! I then let my 13 year old son shoot it (a regular pistol shooter) and the slide locked back for him every time! I take the gun, empty the mag and the slide does NOT lock back! Grip was like steel, thumb clear of the slide lock and NO JOY. Fortunately, my buddy was watching and he thought that perhaps my left thumb was dragging on the slide. I'm a right-handed shooter with a high grip and both thumbs up against the frame. With this tiny gun, my left hand thumb was actually rubbing against the slide (forward of the slide lock) and slowing it down resulting in no lock back. On a compact of full size gun, my thumbs would not normally contact the slide. I changed the position of my left thumb and TALLY HO lock back 100% of the time. I have a LOT of experience running compacts, full size, and long barreled target guns but this was my first go at a micro. For all new to micro pistol shooters, be patient and examine what you are doing/ how you are interfacing with the pistol as a lot (not all) of the functional issues can be traced back to things like limp-wristing, grip style that neutralizes the slide lock, or rides the slide, etc. that usually don't happen on larger pistols because the geometry of those guns are more in line with the geometry of the adult hand. I have a CM9, CM40 and CW380 - all now run 100% without ever having to go back to Kahr. Hope this helps somebody.
11-13-2014, 09:22 PM
Thanks for the follow up JR. I had the same experience with my First Kahr...MK9. Zero pistol issues but a couple of operator errors. I always recommend checking all your shooting fundementals first before fiddling with any pistol.
11-14-2014, 07:14 AM
Glad to hear you got it figured out.
11-14-2014, 07:45 AM
I've been know to be all thumbs at times. Glad to hear that the problem has been resolved. :)
marshal kane
11-15-2014, 01:44 PM
Good thinking to have other shooters shoot your pistol before starting to go at it with hammers and wrenches. Yes, a thumb dragging on the slide can result in negative effects. Glad to hear this problem was found and eliminated
11-16-2014, 05:39 AM
Thanks for closing the loop. I suspect some post strident put downs of Kahr and resent any suggestion to check their technique, then later find out their problems were pilot error and never have the face to post the follow up.
11-18-2014, 10:55 PM
hammers and wrenches rofl
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