View Full Version : New member

10-27-2014, 07:16 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new member here and just ordered my first Kahr, a new PM9 with Crimson Trace Laser. Found a good deal online and I read good things about the Kahr, so, in an impulse buy, I ordered it sight unseen and without renting one at the local range first. Hope I like it ;)


10-27-2014, 07:20 PM
Welcome. Follow the sticky on break-in. I pocket carry daily my CM9. Perfect for me.

10-27-2014, 07:52 PM
It's a great firearm. And if you've ever shot and liked a DA revolver, you'll be hooked from the get go.

11-10-2014, 09:40 PM
My PM9 arrived today finally. It needed a good cleaning, looks like it was factory test fired a bit and then packed up without cleaning. I cleaned it up and I have a question. Is there anything polymer or rubber inside the firing pin channel, like a cup or o-ring or anything? The reason I ask is that I read the new gun prep sticky about shooting some cleaner in the firing pin channel holes, and I have a can of gun scrubber but it's the version that doesn't say it's polymer safe, so I'm not sure whether to use it or not on the Kahr slide/channel.

I'm really happy with the size and feel of the gun so far. Even more than I thought I would be. It easily fits in my jeans and cargo shorts pockets. I don't have a pocket holster yet, and I'd like to get one that doesn't add too much thickness. I have a desantis nemesis for my jam-o-matic P32 that the PM9 is replacing, and its a great holster as far as padding and fast draw without sticking, but it adds too much thickness. I was thinking about an uncle mikes, they are pretty thin, or else a thin kydex like the Alabama holster I saw on hickok45s video. Any recommendations?


11-11-2014, 07:14 AM
"Is there anything polymer or rubber inside the firing pin channel, like a cup or o-ring or anything?" answer= no, there is two parts for the firing pin and a spring, all metal, a can of non-chlorinated brake cleaner from an auto parts supply works for blasting out crud.
as for pocket holsters, i don`t carry my 45s in pockets so i cant help much
as our jocko likes to say, go shoot the fokker like you stole it

11-11-2014, 08:08 PM
I use the DeSantis pocket carry

11-11-2014, 08:30 PM
It's a great firearm. And if you've ever shot and liked a DA revolver, you'll be hooked from the get go.

I have many revolvers, some for 30 yrs. now, and you're right, it's like shooting a nice S&W 357 with a superb trigger job.

I put 120 rounds of Magtech 115gr FMJ through it today for its initial break in so far, and then 25 rounds of Federal HST 147 gr. which will be my carry load once I finish breaking it in. I had no malfunctions of any kind on all 3 mags which I rotated evenly, and accuracy was excellent with and without the laser. The only thing I did before shooting was clean and lube, and take apart all 3 mags to check for backwards springs. I read on here that can occur occasionally. While I had them apart, I cleaned them with alcohol (not the follower) and then put a light coat of silicone inside and out and on the spring and the sides of the follower, using a q-tip soaked in silicone spray. I wiped off the outside afterward.

I'm very impressed with this gun so far. It's easier than I expected to shoot well. It doesn't kick much, although I haven't tried any +P yet. After spending the last 3 months playing gunsmith and trying to repeatedly fluff and buff my pocket KelTec P32 into reliability, not to mention buying a laser,10rd. mag and 2 holsters, and going thru about 300 (expensive) rounds with no luck, it feels great to have a pocket gun bigger than a Beretta 25acp that I can count on. I liked that P32 a lot; if only it was reliable.

The only thing I didn't like so far on the PM9 was that I couldn't turn off the laser, there's no master switch like my other Crimson Trace's have, and the laser body takes up too much room in the trigger guard and under it. The edge was pretty sharp and my trigger finger was riding it a little and getting sliced up. I ended up using a little piece of tape to block out the laser for practice with the sights, and I sanded the sharp part of the laser smooth which helped. I think I like the Armalaser that I put on the P32 a little better, although the CT does allow you to use the offhand finger on the front of the trigger guard, which I like to do sometimes.

So far, this gun rates right up there with my best Sigs, Glocks, and HK semi's. And it's the only one that fits in my pocket 😀

11-11-2014, 08:35 PM
If you don't want to add bulk go with a PJ or Alabama Kydex holster. They are so thin and light even you won't know that they're there. Damn, I'm starting to repeat myself :)

11-11-2014, 09:27 PM
If you don't want to add bulk go with a PJ or Alabama Kydex holster. They are so thin and light even you won't know that they're there. Damn, I'm starting to repeat myself :)

Does Alabama holsters offer a discount to members of forums?

Has as anyone tried this one on eBay? (It's not a link, you'll probably have to search by item number)
Kahr PM9 CM9 Carbon Fiber pocket holster with crimson trace laser (http://www.ebay.com/itm/271646800612?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT)
( 271646800612 )

11-12-2014, 07:50 AM
I use the Fed HST 147 gr. myself......................I've been using the Desantis for years..................don't care much about printing. Welcome.