View Full Version : Girls and Guns
11-02-2014, 08:12 PM
2 things happened today:
1) Mrs b4uqzme shot the K40 today. She did great. It took a little coaching for her grip...and a little more coaching... but she handled the recoil fine and shot pretty accurate. She tells me I'd make a lousy doctor but today I would have been rich: I had plenty of patience(patients).
2) We shot trap this morning with a new couple. It was her first time so we were patient and encouraging. She made a couple of (very minor) safety errors but our puller (another girl) was on it. For some reason, some goofball who wasn't even shooting decided to interrupt and give her a safety lesson. And he wasn't very nice about it. What is wrong with some of us that we have to strut our feathers and talk down to women? She left crying and didn't finish the round. Our puller was furious! But she was the bigger man and held her tongue.
So just remember if you can that our women friends can handle more than we expect if we are just patient and encouraging. And when we are not, we are the a$$holes.
11-02-2014, 10:10 PM
I agree and sometimes those same a$$holes like to strut their feathers to guys too and experienced guys.
One reason I take issue with most firearm classes, it's usually more of a history lesson of all the things the instructor has done and all the places he's been which I don't care about.
Just teach the gun and move on.
If I had ears I'd be a good instructor. Unlike here I'd never get a swelled head and I like to help new shooters.
11-03-2014, 04:53 AM
So just remember if you can that our women friends can handle more than we expect if we are just patient and encouraging. And when we are not, we are the a$$holes.
Yeah let's see you push a baby outta your Vagina...
11-03-2014, 06:23 AM
There's a lot to be said for civility. Likewise, there's a lot to be said for gun safety. You can't call back a shot. A few tears now could save a lot of tears later. Some people need a pat on the back and others need a swift kick a little lower. I'd say that the person who intervened could use both.
11-03-2014, 07:48 AM
^^^ exactly. And our puller runs a safe and fun trap range (in that order).
Ken L
11-03-2014, 09:42 AM
Any way to get the new shooter back for another round? Maybe with some enforcers keeping the crowd back? It would be a shame to lose someone over the actions of one d-bag.
11-06-2014, 07:13 AM
Reminds me of the time I took my wife shooting for the first time when we started dating. She was kind of against guns at the time, so I told her that things would not work out for us. She decided to go to the range to watch and see what shooting was like. After a day of observing some black powder competition, she gave it some thought and told me she would give it a try. I took her to the next shoot and taught her how to load and shoot my son's 32 cal. Most of the guys welcomed her, but some were kind of quiet. Anyway, she shot a perfect score her first shoot and decided to join the club. 3 guys announced they would drop out if a woman was allowed to join. The rest of the guys said good bye to them and welcomed my wife. She went on to be the 3 time Florida State muzzle loader champ...3 yrs in a row....women's division. She won by such a margin, that I feel she could have won the Nationals. The guys in the little club we were in were always proud that she came from their club. The little club is broken up now and my wife has given up shooting for grand children.
Another quick story. One shoot she decided that she wanted to shoot in the men's division, so she could compete against me. We always practiced together and had friendly competitions. She beat me half the time. At the shoots, the women were always given "easier, larger" targets for their division. My wife recognized this as a macho thing, and wanted no more of it. She wanted to shoot the same targets and measure her shooting against the rest of the male pack. The guy at the entry desk told her she could not enter the men's division. She asked Why? The entry desk guy told her, "You women have your place and that is in the women's division." I asked him to let her shoot the same targets, but not enter her score....just for fun. He said No....she shoots with the women or not at all. My wife replied, "Are you afraid I will beat you?" He never answered, because he realized that she would. I thought....good for her. Just shows how men can be foolish.
marshal kane
11-06-2014, 07:36 AM
. . . Just shows how men can be foolish AND STUPID.
I rather enjoy seeing women on the firing line as it breaks up the monotony of seeing just men. There's no reason why they can't outshoot the men as shooting isn't exactly a weight-lifting contest. Also, we shooters need all the political support we can get.
11-06-2014, 07:43 AM
^^^^ There's a local youth shooters club who opens up their trap ranges to the public on Saturday mornings. It's great to see the young shooters and their fathers and their MOTHERS all shooting together.
11-06-2014, 07:56 AM
When it comes to women...
we are the a$$holes.
And it's true, those jerks do that to us guys, too. You can turn someone completely off to an activity with five seconds of thoughtless douchbaggery, or you can make a friend for life by showing some leadership.
11-06-2014, 08:47 AM
^^^ well said! It's encouraging to see more and more people getting into firearms sports/competition (myself included). It's good for the gun culture. It's good for society IMHO. And it's everyone's duty to be good gun advocates. We'll attract more people with fun sporting activities vs. preaching self defense (admitting that self defense is extremely important).
11-06-2014, 10:38 AM
with this thread's title, the thread should have this link in it....
11-06-2014, 11:20 AM
My heart is going pitter-patter now they say there were guns in that but i didn't see them just got to get the heart rate down
11-06-2014, 11:31 AM
with this thread's title, the thread should have this link in it....
Thanks for completing the thread! :rolleyes: Mrs b4 won't usually allow me to watch those kinda youtubes. That's not the sort of encouragement she encourages.
11-06-2014, 11:39 AM
11-06-2014, 07:21 PM
I signed up at a new range and the RO (Kid) attempted to "teach" my wife how to hold her pistol differently.
She shot like crap, felt annoyed/uncomfortable, with "His Way". It caused her to say time to go.
I told her the way I showed her worked, why didn't you politely tell him to F-Off, you preferred the way you were taught.
I think he wanted to appear important. Not a deal breaker....But some of these guys should shut-up.
11-06-2014, 10:01 PM
I could say a lot about that pic but I will refrain
11-06-2014, 10:05 PM
"I wish they all could be California girls..."
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