View Full Version : Lesson to be learned? (picture)

11-08-2014, 12:11 PM
http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r594/Adamm0621/Facebook/Mobile%20Uploads/10603311_10203142219820428_6442452018250555269_n.j pg

This guy gushed about how great his girlfriend is. She got him a KSG shotgun.

I gave him some congrats on the new shotty, but also said... that picture is disturbing.

His reply (paraphrased):
1. I have many years experience in the service (so its ok, I know what I'm doing)
2. The weapon isn't loaded
3. My finger is off the trigger
4. The safety is on
5. The muzzle would be about a foot to the right of her head.

To me, this is a lesson in arrogant stupidity. Sets a bad precident in many ways.

Back in the range days, I can recall two longtime (and retired) police officers, one a retired Marine as well, who wanted to just pay for their safety certificate (to get a CWP), instead of taking the class. Answer: No. And, within two weeks, both of those guys had ND's, one right in the showroom, zinging a round down the counter past customers and into a wall of boxed ammo.

The weapon is never loaded.... what, it was loaded? I thought it was unloaded. "Unloaded" weapons kill folks.

Cant see if his finger is on the trigger or not, but I don't care, due to the pointing of the weapon

I thought the safety was on, (and it was unloaded) I really didn't expect it to fire!

And finally, violating the #1 rule of firearms handling, NEVER point the weapon at anything you do not wish to shoot!

Nothing else allows disobediance to Rule #1. Nothing.

So, the others on that little place on the net sort of downplayed it all, pooh-poohed it as being less severe than many pictures. To me, crap... don't post pictures like that on the net, on a forum! Sets a really bad image, and sends a bad message, ya know? Especially to younger crowd.

To me, the caption should read:


marshal kane
11-08-2014, 12:35 PM
I can't verify items 1-5 so I think I'll leave. If his girlfriend is taking the picture, she should have enough sense to leave the houe too.

11-08-2014, 12:41 PM
Well, they're his statement, not a statement of fact. Although #5 is sort of evident, but it looks like the muzzle may be just a very little away from the eyepoint of the camera. I'm only guessing camera was at her face level.

To me.... it's a picture that leaves a lot of doubt about safety, and thats what its pretty damn disturbing.

11-08-2014, 12:56 PM

11-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Dude needs Biggest Loser and new countertops. Damn those are ugly.

mr surveyor
11-08-2014, 02:39 PM
I "studied the pic" and couldn't help but notice the tacticool short pants. Personal opinion of big boys wearing little boy pants aside .... is that a "peg" for his right leg?

11-08-2014, 03:20 PM
That's how you get shot.............................................

11-08-2014, 05:08 PM
Unless a pic like that is taken with a camera on timer, it is an example of very poor discretion. Just plain dumb and his answer is arrogant.

11-08-2014, 05:52 PM
Here's the thing.... even if it was on a timer, or taken with a mirror.... nobody knows it. It still looks just as bad to many folks, and still looks "Badazz and cool" to a lot more.

Exactly what message did the person handling the shotgun want to portray? Was that picture meant to say he was a safe shooter? Or was it meant to mean that he was "a badazz and not to F with him". Hmmm?

So why take the picture, why post it on the net? Just one reason that I can think of.

Ya know, we post pictures of our guns, of ourselves shooting, of our new toys and all... and I understand the desire to show off a little, get some feedback, have others share in your feelings of joy and excitement with whatever is going on in your life. Basic human nature, no? This one goes well beyond that I think

11-08-2014, 05:57 PM
Dude needs Biggest Loser and new countertops. Damn those are ugly.

I wouldn't take those counter tops for granite, Bawanna. (I love bad puns.)

11-08-2014, 05:59 PM
Looks like a peg leg to me, kind of hard to tell. Still shouldn't effect his brain.

11-08-2014, 06:33 PM
No, hiz rite leg is backwerds and thats the tag hangin down from his breeks.

11-08-2014, 06:57 PM
I found another couple of pictures of him....

11-08-2014, 08:35 PM
Only way I'd have taken that is with a camera on a tripod with a timer.

I have a friend that won't go gun shopping with me anymore. He was checking out some pistol, and sweeping the muzzle across quite a few other shoppers, finger on trigger, he took managers word for it that it was unloaded, but didn't do his own safety check, and I told him people don't appreciate having guns pointed at them, loaded or not, try not to sweep the muzzle across people, and leave your finger off the trigger, you didn't even check to see if it was loaded or not, just took some guys word for it. He got pissed and went off about how he was Viet Nam vet and knew how to handle a gun, and I said, maybe, but still, people don't like to have guns pointed at them, Then he made a big show out of pointing it up at the lights and things, and started getting pissy about it, like he couldn't find anything to check the sight picture out on, and then he just set the gun down and walked out of the store. I wasn't being mean about it, just hey dude, watch where you point that, people don't like having guns pointed at them, and he got mad and put on his little show, and walked out of the store. He told me later that he wasn't going gun shopping with me anymore, and I said that's fine with me. It's not all that difficult to follow safety rules, even in a crowded store. He just didn't like me pointing out safety rules to him, since he'd been shooting all his life, and was a war vet and all. I know I get kind of pissed when someone is pointing a gun at me in a store, and I don't mind letting them know about it either. Most the time they have no idea they were pointing it at me, just off in their own little world drawing a bead on an imaginary pheasant or deer.

11-09-2014, 03:54 AM
Yup everyone seems to look better when your pic is posted on the world wide web.....

11-09-2014, 08:44 AM
I have made it a point to say something to someone on more than one occasion..................it seems to happen a lot in Cabela's and Gander's. I usually try to be polite, and tell them, if they don't want to be pulling the firearm out of their keester, they should learn proper firearm handling techniques.

11-09-2014, 09:19 AM
What a waste of a great firearm

11-09-2014, 01:25 PM
As for the motive, I think it was more of a I'm a bada$$ now, or ain't I cool with my new shotgun.

In stores, I just generally yell hey, be careful where you point that gun, and most folks generally snap back to reality and say I'm sorry, or something. If they don't like it and want to start something, then they can talk to the hand, the one with the CM45 in it. Walmart is also bad about clueless people pointing guns around without looking at what they are covering.

11-10-2014, 01:16 PM
Dude needs Biggest Loser and new countertops. Damn those are ugly.

Darn it that's funny! I was thinking the exact same thing. He has no common sense AND bad taste in countertops[emoji38]

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