View Full Version : Not the one I'm after, but respectable

11-13-2014, 06:58 AM
He ain't big daddy but I couldn't make myself pass on him with 1 more day of black powder season left. The TC Triumph and 250 gr Hornady SST put the smackdown on him!

Muggsy - I tried to run him down and slit his throat with my pocket knife, but my hip's been bothering me a little lately.:biggrin1:

11-13-2014, 07:19 AM
:Dquite respectable indeed, two of the three racks we got would fit inside his:o. can i come hunt in your back yard?:rolleyes:

11-13-2014, 07:44 AM
:Dquite respectable indeed, two of the three racks we got would fit inside his:o. can i come hunt in your back yard?:rolleyes:

No problem Buzzard, but you'll have to get in line. After I showed the trail cam pic of big daddy I've had several requests! The accommodations are quite nice - a 12 year old homemade wooden ladder stand with a dove bucket sitting on it.

11-13-2014, 09:01 AM
Put me in line too please. Wait, is there an elevator? My legs been bothering me some of late too.

That's a beauty my friend. Far exceeds anything I ever brought home and in a T shirt too.

It's damn cold round here last few days. How cold you ask, damn cold.

11-13-2014, 09:28 AM
:cool:I`m w a i t i n g .... You`re trail cam pic reminds me of an experience a few years back: while hunting near our camp near genessee pa., i was walking around by the genessee river looking for signs and climbed up to an old logging trail to take a break, set the compound bow down by a big evergreen, when i glanced up to see a "big daddy" staring at me 20 yards away. we stared at each other for 2 minutes or so (which felt like 2 hours) till he got spooked and disappeared in two bounds. Hunting can be fun even if you don`t bring one back. :D

11-13-2014, 09:36 AM
Put me in line too please. Wait, is there an elevator? My legs been bothering me some of late too.

That's a beauty my friend. Far exceeds anything I ever brought home and in a T shirt too.

It's damn cold round here last few days. How cold you ask, damn cold.

I got a good chain hoist. If you make the trip from the far Northwest out here to N.C. we'll damn sure figure something out. I was wearing camo coveralls this morning in the stand but I actually could have hunted in a t-shirt. It was 50F here this morning, but the cold is on it's way. Supposed to be about 23F in the morning. I know that's not even close to what you and a lot of the country are experiencing, but it's pretty friggin cool for here this time of year.

11-13-2014, 09:56 AM
Nice healthy looking buck for sure, should be mighty tasty on the plate!

Bill K
11-13-2014, 10:02 AM
Congrats! Where I generally hunt that would be considered a monster buck! Also hunt black powder but prefer percussion side lock.

Believe it or not that's an 8 pointer that you see pictured. Taken with my Excalibur Exocet 200 crossbow this past Tuesday.

11-13-2014, 12:45 PM
Nice job guys. Gotta love muzzle loaders.

11-13-2014, 04:27 PM
Put me in line too please. Wait, is there an elevator? My legs been bothering me some of late too.

That's a beauty my friend. Far exceeds anything I ever brought home and in a T shirt too.

It's damn cold round here last few days. How cold you ask, damn cold.

I had to go back and look at the photo. From your comment, I thought the buck was wearing a t-shirt.

Nearly had a buck walk right up to me last weekend. I don't have a tag. I doubt that clubbing it and saying it was self-defense would work.

11-13-2014, 05:00 PM
I had to go back and look at the photo. From your comment, I thought the buck was wearing a t-shirt.

Nearly had a buck walk right up to me last weekend. I don't have a tag. I doubt that clubbing it and saying it was self-defense would work.

Gotta work better than the truth?

I haven't bought a tag in 20 years, lately I've been getting the urge again. I just don't want to do the fun part and have to watch somebody else do the work.
I might just go out and road hunt, bring my gun with no bullets to avoid temptation.
Hunting is the fun part. Getting one, the funs over and the work begins.

11-13-2014, 05:49 PM

11-13-2014, 06:13 PM
No problem Buzzard, but you'll have to get in line. After I showed the trail cam pic of big daddy I've had several requests! The accommodations are quite nice - a 12 year old homemade wooden ladder stand with a dove bucket sitting on it.
Congrats GLOCKROCKER, nice buck! I think as a fellow tarheel and a Glock owner as well I should get some kind of priority to move to the head of that line!;)

11-13-2014, 06:40 PM
Congrats GLOCKROCKER, nice buck! I think as a fellow tarheel and a Glock owner as well I should get some kind of priority to move to the head of that line!;)
That will get you priority status GROTMAN, but you're still behind the Colonel - he made me new 1911 grips! Now if you could come up with hmmm lets say a new 6" KKM hunting barrel for my Glock 20 the line might get shorter!:biggrin1:

11-13-2014, 07:14 PM
Wouldn't think of trying to cut in on the colonel.. but maybe the 3 of us could work something out. I could make a donation towards a fish fry ? :rolleyes:

11-13-2014, 07:40 PM
I'm good with a threesome. Not in any mano mano way ya understand.

My son in law is in Charlotte as we speak. Funeral for his grand dad tomorrow I believe. Not sure how far you are from there but could of sent them grips with him.

They are heading out tomorrow by the way. Finish was good and dry so off they go.

11-14-2014, 03:41 AM
Nice Bucks boys... We are so overpopulated with them because of density and gun laws, no one want to hunt them. Sadly, they die from vehicles and hunger

11-14-2014, 06:06 AM
That will get you priority status GROTMAN, but you're still behind the Colonel - he made me new 1911 grips! Now if you could come up with hmmm lets say a new 6" KKM hunting barrel for my Glock 20 the line might get shorter!:biggrin1:

ok, i`ll go to the back of the line:(