View Full Version : Extractor question

11-15-2014, 08:30 AM
I have a fairly new (400 rounds) PM45. I've noticed that when there is a round in the chamber the extractor sticks out a little bit. This is not my first Kahr (actually it's the 9th) but I've never paid any attention to the extractor. I did notice today that the extractor on my loaded CM45 lays flat against the slide. I was having a few FTFs yesterday at the range with the last round in the magazine, but I assumed that was a weak spring on my modified flush fit mag. No FTE. Any ideas? I assume this isn't normal.



11-15-2014, 08:34 AM
Forgot to mention that I replaced the extractor and springs a couple of weeks ago. I bought a new slide (long story) and had to replace all of the internal components with new parts. So there could be an installation caused issue. Again, no FTEs.


11-15-2014, 09:13 AM
That isn't normal IMO, My CM45 also lays about even with the slide when loaded.
My guess is either something is out of spec, damaged, or you assembled the extractor-spring-pin stack wrong somehow? Maybe you could take it apart again inspect for any damage or burrs and reassemble making sure all is free to move and inserted the correct way.
You can also compare parts with your CM45 as I would "think" they should be the same as far as extractor parts go. Also try taking both slides off and slide a round up under the extractor to see if you see what is different between them.

11-15-2014, 09:24 AM
With the chamber empty the extractor should sit flush with the slide. With the chamber loaded the extractor should protrude slightly. In this regard the extractor acts as a loaded chamber indicator. Yours appears to be protruding more than usual. If the gun was functioning properly I'd say to "Shoot the Fokker like you stole it, but since it isn't, I'd check the orientation of the front extractor pin. Hope this helps.

11-15-2014, 05:54 PM
I just disassembled the extractor system and reinstalled it making sure that everything was right. Still sits out when a round is loaded. I have a spare PM45 slide. I installed it on the frame and loaded a round and that extractor lays flat. Should I try using the spare extractor instead. Is it better for it to lie flat? My concern is that the original extractor may not be sitting in the cartridge grove correctly.


11-15-2014, 07:46 PM
I just disassembled the extractor system and reinstalled it making sure that everything was right. Still sits out when a round is loaded. I have a spare PM45 slide. I installed it on the frame and loaded a round and that extractor lays flat. Should I try using the spare extractor instead. Is it better for it to lie flat? My concern is that the original extractor may not be sitting in the cartridge grove correctly.

I'd try the spare extractor.
Here's my CW45 with an empty chamber:
...with a round in the chamber:

11-15-2014, 07:51 PM
I just disassembled the extractor system and reinstalled it making sure that everything was right. Still sits out when a round is loaded. I have a spare PM45 slide. I installed it on the frame and loaded a round and that extractor lays flat. Should I try using the spare extractor instead. Is it better for it to lie flat? My concern is that the original extractor may not be sitting in the cartridge grove correctly.


I would try switching them (extractors) to see what each one does in the other slide. I would also think with it cocked out on that much of an angle it isn't fully in the cartridge groove.

If the new extractor sticks out of the old slide when you switch them I would say it is made wrong.

My CM45 looks about like Gregs CW

11-15-2014, 09:25 PM
You've likely already checked, but if not, remove the back plate off the slide and then rotate the extractor assembly to make sure the angled (beveled) side of
the extractor pin mates flush with the extractor and hasn't rotated 180 degrees.

11-16-2014, 11:37 AM
I'd be more concerned about how the gun functions than about the amount of extractor protrusion. The same applies to sex. :)

11-17-2014, 05:45 AM
Swapped extractors and pins and get the same slight extension. I shot it and it was flawless so I'm not going to worry about it any more. Thanks for the advice!


11-17-2014, 09:19 AM
Swapped extractors and pins and get the same slight extension. I shot it and it was flawless so I'm not going to worry about it any more. Thanks for the advice!

Comparing the pics of your gun to the others posted, YOUR extractor looks WAY Shorter, with a larger gap between the extractor end and barrel.
Probably the WRONG extractor

11-17-2014, 10:49 AM
Two PM45s. Both extractors did the same thing. Both work. I think that there may be a slight burr in the extractor seating that's causing it. Again, it works so I'm not going to tinker any more

11-17-2014, 08:46 PM
OK then, what's your question?
Mine is does it extract when you rack the slide?

11-18-2014, 08:28 AM
Tilos, my question was answered earlier in the discussion. I was wondering if it could be a problem. It may be an unusual amount of extension but after trying different extractors and then shooting it all appears well.


11-18-2014, 09:39 AM
I asked about hand racking extraction...not shooting it:o