View Full Version : DA the best for SD?

11-15-2014, 04:38 PM
When it comes to self defense I prefer to keep it simple: draw, point and shoot. I really don't want to complicate things with a lot of extra safeties and such. That's why I choose to carry Kahr pistols and DA revolvers. I consider them safe enough to handle, holster and carry without compromising self defense. How about you?

11-15-2014, 04:50 PM
On a Kahr web site, I expect you will find most agree with that thinking.

11-15-2014, 04:54 PM
Yeah...but I suspect there are plenty of members who carry others too.

11-15-2014, 05:36 PM
Although some Kahrs now have external safeties ;)

11-15-2014, 05:47 PM
^^^ yeah. Pass on those. Those are just to satisfy some bureaucrats and open up new markets.

11-15-2014, 10:03 PM
I am a big fan of the DAO, which is what originally piqued my interest in Kahrs years ago when they came out. I was not as monetarily inclined back then and did not have the funds for a Kahr (the value line is awesome in my opinion), so I stuck with what I had (Ruger SP101 and Glocks). Both of these had a simple manual of arms, pull trigger and wait for boom... Like the Kahrs...

I have carried others, SA/DA Smiths, Hi-Power clones, etc... All of the different manual of arms made me want to carry Israeli style with the chamber empty and rack upon draw... I value the simplicity of just having to pull the trigger, but not having a trigger so sensitive that a simple SNAFU can set it off... So I agree with you on the Draw, Aim, Squeeze, Boom technique... Kahrs fall squarely into the DAO revolver safety in long trigger pull realm for me... One of my favorites now...

11-15-2014, 11:27 PM
I carried DA/SA for many years but I'm an old cowboy at heart so I generally thumbed the hammer back first shot. I hated the super hard first trigger pull and then a decent normal pull there after. Also didn't relish the idea of having to remember to hit the drop safety before reholstering.

Most DA only's like the kahr have much nicer trigger pulls.

I don't consider the Glock a DAO at all, I consider it a 1911 with no safety. But that's ok. I'm a 1911 guy so it works.

When you look the elephant in the eye, simple is best.

Bill K
11-16-2014, 07:30 AM
Personally I'm in agreement with the body of your post. However, I feel your thread title is debatable... might very well depend on the particulars of the SD situation. Which action you're most comfortable and familiar with would also come into play.

11-16-2014, 07:41 AM
Personally I'm in agreement with the body of your post. However, I feel your thread title is debatable... might very well depend on the particulars of the SD situation. Which action you're most comfortable and familiar with would also come into play.

good point. And I'm fortunate that I've kept my training/familiarity focused on DA for self defense. Any other action types are just for range/target. I will add to my SD list DA/SA pistols with a decocker: I use a CZ P07 .40sw for IDPA. But once decocked, the SD manual of arms is the same: draw, point and shoot.

11-16-2014, 08:31 AM
In certain situations, I carry my Beretta inox, sometimes my Sig. I don't worry about the safety, because I don't use it. I also don't worry about the first trigger pull...............adrenaline does wonders, and most likely under stress, you won't even notice that first pull. Smoothing out the trigger also helps. They are the firearms which I am most familiar, and most comfortable.

11-16-2014, 09:04 AM
another good point about the trigger pull. In competition, I really don't notice the difference in first vs. the rest of the trigger pulls. All my focus is on hitting the target and being aware of the scenario. The DA/SA trigger pull thing would not concern me at all for self defense...as long as I don't have to thumb a safety.

11-16-2014, 09:22 AM
If someone is willing to carry a Kahr, Glock etc., I really don't understand why they would use a safety on their da/sa firearm. Between 1911 models, da only models, and da/sa................da/sa are by far the safest to carry, safety or no safety. There is a reason for that first pull. Since I am a new 1911 owner, I have to get acquainted with that type of carry...........I like to be able/comfortable to carry any/all of my firearms. I am least comfortable with the cock and lock................we'll see how it goes......it's not a deal breaker, as far as the firearm goes.

11-16-2014, 09:39 AM
1911's are wonderful to shoot and own...I just don't carry them.

11-16-2014, 04:40 PM
I'm comfortable and proficient with two manual of arms for defense, 1911 single action and double action revolver. I can pretty much mindlessly switch between them. One big reason I can carry a PM9 is it mentally fits easily into the DA revolver category. Since I carry SA cocked and locked I'm able to work with my Glocks as a 1911 style....swiping off a nonexistent safety.

11-16-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm not a fan of SA pistols for CC. Most of them have to sensitive of a trigger for an older guy like me, that has muscle spasms that might set off a light trigger. I find the Kahr to be my perfect carry option. The long trigger makes it where a muscle spasm is not going to fire it. I also like the DAO Sig P250. My favorite of the DAO triggers is on my S&W M&P Pro, on which you take up the slack with very little resistance, then feel it stop, at that point applying about 5 lbs of pressure gives you a very crisp trigger break, almost as crisp as a 1911. But it is a little large for CC, with it's 5" barrel. If I were a cop or armed security professional, I definitely would look into it as a duty weapon, or if I were into open carry, I'd not hesitate to strap it on.

11-18-2014, 08:50 AM
I'm not a fan of SA pistols for CC. Most of them have to sensitive of a trigger for an older guy like me, that has muscle spasms that might set off a light trigger. I find the Kahr to be my perfect carry option. The long trigger makes it where a muscle spasm is not going to fire it. I also like the DAO Sig P250. My favorite of the DAO triggers is on my S&W M&P Pro, on which you take up the slack with very little resistance, then feel it stop, at that point applying about 5 lbs of pressure gives you a very crisp trigger break, almost as crisp as a 1911. But it is a little large for CC, with it's 5" barrel. If I were a cop or armed security professional, I definitely would look into it as a duty weapon, or if I were into open carry, I'd not hesitate to strap it on.

I agree. My S&W M&P Pro 40 is my favorite trigger too. Don't get me wrong...I love my PM40's DAO trigger too and that's what I carry. I would carry the S&W M&P Pro40. It is a shooter and my IDPA gun of choice. But too big for conceal carry. I've often considered the M&P Shield, but stick with my PM40. I agree that the Kahr DAO is a great SD trigger....no safety to deal with....safety is built into the trigger.

11-18-2014, 08:53 AM
I do like DAO, Kahr style, for the simplicity, but I prefer a shorter trigger for accurate rapid fire. DA/SA offers that, but the choices in compact pistols are very limited, especially if you prefer metal frames as I do.

12-08-2014, 07:55 PM
They get smaller??? Dang! :(:rolleyes: