View Full Version : PM45 reaction

11-16-2014, 03:10 PM
This guy shoots a PM45 for the first time on camera. His reaction is priceless...


11-16-2014, 03:19 PM
Love the reaction from that blowhard.

11-16-2014, 06:35 PM
If he'd checked with us first he'da known what to expect. The PM45 is ridiculously pleasant to shoot for its size and weight. Only thing better would be a K45.

11-17-2014, 12:20 AM
If he'd checked with us first he'da known what to expect. The PM45 is ridiculously pleasant to shoot for its size and weight. Only thing better would be a K45.

Or even better, an MK45! :)

11-17-2014, 02:56 AM
Maybe a chance to convert from his beloved Glock-36.

11-17-2014, 01:19 PM
I find mine more pleasant to shoot than my PM9.

11-17-2014, 01:29 PM
Be careful with this guy. He pushes an organization that he runs. It's allegedly for concealed carry, but they are selling memberships and will continually try to "upsell" you. I bailed as fast as I could.

11-17-2014, 02:38 PM
He basically said that he likes it because of how different it was from a Glock. Except for the parts he didn't like, because they were not enough like the Glock.


11-17-2014, 03:35 PM
Well, with a name like "Tactical Tim" what do you expect?

11-17-2014, 09:33 PM
He basically said that he likes it because of how different it was from a Glock. Except for the parts he didn't like, because they were not enough like the Glock.


Yeah, his reaction tells it all. Then he starts talking and I tune out...kinda the same with Mrs b4uqzme. :o

11-17-2014, 09:56 PM
I wish I had that reaction. well, I did after 600 + rounds. LOL.

01-19-2015, 07:00 PM
I stumbled across this video for a follow-up: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ruYEhH0mkhE

It seems after he tried the PM45, Tactical Tim started carrying one and has continued to carry it for 4 years. He can't be all bad. ;)

01-19-2015, 09:31 PM
I must be missing something, what about it is "priceless"? He just goes hmm, like maybe he thought it would have more recoil or something. Is that what you are referring too? Maybe I was expecting something different. I don't know. I'm clueless half the time anyway.

And yes he does run the USCCA, and sells insurance to cover legal expenses if you get sued for using your firearm to defend yourself. I've been a member a couple times. I purchased the mid level coverage, and never got bothered to upgrade, maybe a letter or two that probably went to the trash. If you don't have homeowners insurance or anything to cover you, you might want to check out some sort of self defense liability insurance, several companies offer it. I don't know which is the best. I did enjoy the USCCA magazine, it's similar to the magazines the NRA puts out, with stories about real self defense shootings or brandishing a gun to scare a criminal away, and reviews of various types of gear.
I thought they were a lot less troublesome than the NRA and their constant phone calls and the way they "guilt" you into giving, it's always a crisis, and they have to have funds NOW, can't wait until you get paid or anything. I wonder how much of my donations went to the telemarketers, and how much actually made it to the NRA? That's why I switched to a different gun lobby. That was after the NRA compromised on an issue that I thought they should have dug their heels in a little more on. And this other group didn't back down. They do fill up my inbox with requests, but those are much easier to ignore. The next time I join the NRA I'm gonna give them the Hyundai's dealer's number. I'd probably become a life member if they'd promise not to call me. They really are a fine group and help us out a bunch. I hate to think what the last 6 years might have been like without them.

01-19-2015, 10:01 PM
Tman, FYI The NRA has never called or harrased me since I rejoined a few years ago, and just like you said about the other gun group the NRA just sends me emails and a few letters every now and then. It is not even remotely a pest like they were in the past... I know groups like GOA are good, but the NRA is by far the most known and powerful gun rights group.

01-19-2015, 10:32 PM
I 100% agree with TMan's description of the NRA's character up to a few years ago. Always a crisis, aways begging for money, always calling from dozens of area codes, always upselling, guilting you if you didn't. And the magazines became caricatures of themselves with pages and pages of ads for bullion, coins, keepsakes, survival gear and tacticool accessories - the same paranoid sales tactics every month. And who needs another NRA hat?

I dropped my membership for a while after Heston's replacement made an ass of himself a few times, but rejoined a few years ago when a friend said they had cleaned up their act. He's right - they're more respectful of their membership now.

01-20-2015, 07:05 AM
The NRA is right about there constantly being a crisis, but they haven't seemed to do very much to stop it.

01-20-2015, 07:44 AM
The NRA is right about there constantly being a crisis, but they haven't seemed to do very much to stop it.

You're kidding, right? You can still own ARs in most states, magazines have no capacity limits, guns don't need some schmantzy fingerprint system, background checks are instant, not the 5-10 days it once was, concealed carry is available in most states... And that's just off the top of my head waiting in line for coffee!

01-20-2015, 08:07 AM
I think the priceless reaction (over stated) was his surprise at how little recoil comparatively the PM45 has to say a 1911.

01-20-2015, 08:56 AM
You're kidding, right? You can still own ARs in most states, magazines have no capacity limits, guns don't need some schmantzy fingerprint system, background checks are instant, not the 5-10 days it once was, concealed carry is available in most states... And that's just off the top of my head waiting in line for coffee!
"...in most states..." LOL. What I mean is, nobody has attacked the root cause of the constant crises, which is tyrannical leftists with unlimited funding exploiting the uneducated masses and probably rigging elections. Can the NRA stop that? I don't know, why not try. But it's good for cash flow to constantly need money to fight these enemies.

The NRA is trying to put band-aids on a terminal cancer patient.

01-20-2015, 10:10 AM
But you're just talking about politics, man - the only constant is change, so ya gotta get with the game or cede it to others who will play. Believe me, conservatives use just as much funding and gerrymandering.

Heck, the only way to "settle" it is to establish complete, autocratic control over a disempowered populous, North Korea style, and even that isn't guaranteed. That's the reality of the human condition, so you vote with your energy.