11-23-2014, 03:57 PM
Smith and Wesson M&P Shield 9mm
Picked this up a couple of weeks ago. I've put 175 rounds through it flawlessly (3 types of round nosed-FMJ, flat-nosed FMJ, 124 gr Speer Gold Dot JHP and 124 gr Federal HST JHP). Came with a 7 round and 8 round magazine. The picture below is with the 7 round magazine and an NDZ finger extension, also added a Pachmayr Grip Sleeve. This gun feels very natural in my hand and perceived recoil is almost non-existent with the grip sleeve. I put a bike tube on it before adding the grip sleeve and that completely eliminates the slipping that can be a problem with the Pachmayr sleeves.
This is my new nightstand, car, hotel room, or OWB cold weather gun. My EDC is a pocket 380 as I live in south Florida and generally wear "summer" clothing.
Now comes my big confession. I no longer own a Kahr firearm. :behindsofa: Can I still hang around with you guys? If you say no, I guess I'll go out and buy a K9.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d33/David-R/C309A774-A1F2-44C4-9309-2D3CBBFD6AFD_zps0qwci1aw.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/user/David-R/media/C309A774-A1F2-44C4-9309-2D3CBBFD6AFD_zps0qwci1aw.jpg.html)
Picked this up a couple of weeks ago. I've put 175 rounds through it flawlessly (3 types of round nosed-FMJ, flat-nosed FMJ, 124 gr Speer Gold Dot JHP and 124 gr Federal HST JHP). Came with a 7 round and 8 round magazine. The picture below is with the 7 round magazine and an NDZ finger extension, also added a Pachmayr Grip Sleeve. This gun feels very natural in my hand and perceived recoil is almost non-existent with the grip sleeve. I put a bike tube on it before adding the grip sleeve and that completely eliminates the slipping that can be a problem with the Pachmayr sleeves.
This is my new nightstand, car, hotel room, or OWB cold weather gun. My EDC is a pocket 380 as I live in south Florida and generally wear "summer" clothing.
Now comes my big confession. I no longer own a Kahr firearm. :behindsofa: Can I still hang around with you guys? If you say no, I guess I'll go out and buy a K9.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d33/David-R/C309A774-A1F2-44C4-9309-2D3CBBFD6AFD_zps0qwci1aw.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/user/David-R/media/C309A774-A1F2-44C4-9309-2D3CBBFD6AFD_zps0qwci1aw.jpg.html)