View Full Version : 7 rd Mag for P & CW380

11-28-2014, 04:50 AM
This is prob old news, but having just bought a CW380 I wanted a pinkie extension for the existing mag and an additional mag. Saw the 7rd one listed online for the CT and emailed Kahr if it would fit mine. Quick ans from "Jay" that it would so I ordered one, along with a pinkie extension for the mag that came with the gun. I liked the idea of having the extra protrusion from the mag to give my pinkie and back of my hand a bit more grip, and the extra bullet is just a bonus. I carry OWB so that little extra will make no difference.

Heading to gun show this weekend in Winston-Salem NC to find a holster and hopefully some more Defender round nose ammo. This reman ammo is made in NC seems to work well in the CW although I've only had a chance to fire 30 rds thru the new gun. A couple of hangups on first mag and one on the third mag and the rest performed as they should. The last I bought several weeks ago sold for about $13+ box, a good price in these parts.

I have some Blazer brass cased I want to try today to make sure it works in case I find some at the show at a decent price.

PS: Fired a box of Blazer without any malfunctions yesterday.

11-28-2014, 05:26 AM
welcome I am also from Lexington.You know n82 holsters is located in Lexington Nc .

11-28-2014, 05:54 AM
welcome I am also from Lexington.You know n82 holsters is located in Lexington Nc .

Don't they mainly make pocket concealment holsters? I think they may be the group that originally were located just down the road from me in Churchland on RT 150 but moved a year or two ago. Nice folks. I'm hoping to find a Murphs holster. I have two of them now; one for the Ruger LCR revolver and one for the Ruger Lc9s, which also nicely fits my Kahr P45. Have been told that due to health, Murph is no longer making holsters so I may not find one. If not, I'll get out the tools and make one.

Do you have a 380? I'm hoping mine will turn out to be a good one. If not, I'll try something else. The G42 performed flawlessly for me but I couldn't get the hang of
the trigger and splattered shots all over. Traded it for the Ruger Lc9s which has a
nice smooth trigger. It too has performed flawlessly with a variety of ammo.

11-28-2014, 06:34 AM
I'm off of rt8 in Southmont . I have a p380 had to send it back to kahr but it seems to be working fine now.

what range do you go to in the area ?

11-28-2014, 07:06 AM
I'm off of rt8 in Southmont . I have a p380 had to send it back to kahr but it seems to be working fine now.

what range do you go to in the area ?

My back yard. Just a pile of dirt for backstop and a piece of plywood nailed to couple
of 2 X 4's stuck in the ground. Good for plinking and off hand shooting. Sometimes I'll sit in a plastic chair and prop my elbow on the armrest for a little more
accuracy. I seldom shoot more than a box at a time. With the casings flying all over in the grass, I don't try to pick them up. I don't reload 380 or 9mm, but do with 45acp and 38spl. I don't shoot these two much, and only recently got interested in the two small compacts. It goes against the grain to not recover the brass, but its too much trouble dragging out a big tarp and such.

Used to have a shooting stand with netting around the sides to catch the brass but over time, wood rotted and a hard wind blew it down. Might build another one of these days but I'm sorta like the stand; getting long in the tooth and not so able to do much anymore.

If you'd like to come out one day when its not so cold, PM me for directions and we can
plink a few.

11-28-2014, 07:16 AM
thanks for the invite. Let me know when you decide to build another stand I will give you a hand.

11-28-2014, 07:43 AM
thanks for the invite. Let me know when you decide to build another stand I will give you a hand.

Apprec the offer. May take you up on this spring.

11-28-2014, 07:55 AM
Apprec the offer. May take you up on this spring.

hope so will,I will pm my #