View Full Version : Rifle, or rifle?

11-29-2014, 07:56 AM
I have been considering another rifle.

Something tells me... I Ruger Gunsite Scout with 18-1/2 inch barrel (not 16-1/2) would be a handy thing to have. Already have an M1a that shoots just fine, same ammo, lighter... MUCH ligher package, and probably in the same league as the M1a for accuracy. My M1a is just off the shelf not accurized in anyway... so probably about where an off the shelf Scout would be.

On the other hand.... I've been wanting to build up a custom rifle. And, I've been thinking of getting a Ruger #1 in .45/70, and rather than rechamber it, have it rebarreled to a heavier profile, in 45/120. Do something like a globe up front and fold up tang sight in the back. My old bud Bob had one made back in the 1980's, and he was doing just over 3000fps with a 300g bullet, and that sounds rather interesting. This was back in the day when Huntington Die Specialties made up custom dies and would work up a load - all based on a submitted rifle. Their letter to him said "your gun will take more, our shoulders won't".


mr surveyor
11-29-2014, 08:17 AM
Since I got totally infected with reloading, it's been concentrate on one or two calibers at a time. For my "needs", the lever guns I have in .30-30 and .44 mag cover most of the locations I need a rifle. After having traded my last mid/long range rifle (Ruger M77 Mk II in .243) a few years ago for a Ruger Super Red Hawk, I now find myself totally without anything effective (with my "abilities") beyond 150-175 yards, and the Ruger Gunsite Scout has been screaming my name for a couple of years. That would be my choice that would fill a couple of niches. Then again, the #1 rifles have great appeal when chambered in a caliber worthy of the gun itself. Might as well consider the #1 in .480 Lott :)


edit .... .458 Lott (had a brainfart)

11-29-2014, 08:24 AM
I really like my 45/70 their are lots of variety available for ammo in just about any weight you may want. I stick with factory loads...for me it is cheaper in the BIG PICTURE [less issues]. Currently I have gun at Ahlman's installing Mercury recoil reducer, anxious to see the improvement so I can use even heavier loads. Gun now hitts dead on at 100 yards.


11-29-2014, 09:16 AM
My next rifle purchase is going to be a Gunsite Scout. Been drooling over them since they came out. It will probably become my new deer rifle. I currently carry a Winchester 70 in 7MM Rem Mag. These old beat up shoulders cringe at the thought of pulling the trigger these days. Ruger #1's are awesome rifles and have also been on my want list for many years. I've had to drag myself away from purchasing one several times at gun shows through the years. Not sure I'd want to do a lot of trigger time on the one you're talking about building though.

11-29-2014, 09:37 AM
Pick the one you want and can afford.

Commonsense, I don't need no stinking' commonsense. That is me though.

11-29-2014, 12:55 PM
That Gunsite Scout is a sweet bolt action rifle. Several places have the 16.5" model for around $770, and I saw an 18" model for $823. CDDN had a DPMS AR-10 style rifle for $800 on one of it's weekend sale flyers 16" barrel, 20 round mag. I'm looking for something I can use as a sniper rifle. Something in .308, 25-06, 270, or 30-06 or 6.5 Swedish. Has to be at least a 6mm to legally hunt deer with it here. I'd just as soon go with .308 or 30-06 or 6.5 Swede, so I don't have to stock up on another caliber.

11-30-2014, 08:43 AM
I've got a S&W 629-2 44 Mag Mountain Gun.
Have often thought about a 44 Mag lever gun to compliment it.
The handgun/lever gun in the same caliber combo has always been popular.

11-30-2014, 10:32 AM
I"d go the Gunsite Scout myself. My son has one and as mentioned it's a great rifle.

While I really dig the 45/110 theory although I'd go a Sharps over a Ruger although I like the Ruger too, you'd only shoot that on days when you felt like pummeling yourself.

The Scout you could shoot leisurely and still be able to bring a cup of joe to your lips with your strong side arm the next day.

11-30-2014, 11:52 AM
I was just watching Hickok45 do a test of a little break action single shot from Chiappa. The Little Badger, 3 lbs., fold up. it comes in .22lr. I wish these gun companies would go try and find .22 ammo and then maybe put out the same rifle in 9mm or maybe .32acp, a handgun cartridge that's on the shelves.

11-30-2014, 05:07 PM
There you go and ask a question, do you like Vanilla or Chocolate and we serve up 28 flavors of Baskin Robins for you!:)

11-30-2014, 06:34 PM
I was hoping some nastalgia buff would say oh man... yah, the 45/120 is the bomb!

Col., Sir, I am fairly recoil proof on shoulder guns, and handguns with good grip. And as you know... lots of BAD grips out there!

I dunno... gotta think this more. Part of me says, I've got most every sort of rifle up to 30 cal. , so the bigger bore still appeals to me, about as much as a .375 Winchester lever action would (the hot .38/55)

Still thinkin

11-30-2014, 07:50 PM
Your absolutely right and I feel lower than pond scum for letting my fingers type before my non fully functioning brain had a chance to digest the options.

I definitely wholly and completely endorse the 45/120, 45/90, ????

Not many people can say they got a shooter in one of those, and of course you already got all the other homogenous blah blah calibers so all the more reason to go for the gusto.

I'm sorry. Now you got me with the wants too. I want me a Sharps.

12-02-2014, 04:36 PM
A long time Jeff Cooper disciple I put together a proper scout rile as he'd originally defined. Built it maybe 20 years back, well before Steyr reintroduced the concept in a modern, commercially produced arm. Based mine on the good Colonel's original selection of a .308 Remington 600 I picked up specifically for the purpose. Great little rifle. One of my ain't never sellin' it guns.