View Full Version : Inciting a riot

12-02-2014, 10:11 AM
Inciting a riot is a crime, but in this case, I am not so sure it should be enforced:

12-02-2014, 10:59 AM
Inciting a riot is a crime, but in this case, I am not so sure it should be enforced:

So do you think he is "above" the Law? I say throw the book at him, just like a white person would get.

12-02-2014, 11:01 AM
Charge Louie Farrakhan too.

12-02-2014, 11:09 AM
things are just starting to settle down. Are you sure you want to get tempers high again?

12-02-2014, 11:17 AM
things are just starting to settle down. Are you sure you want to get tempers high again?

Nobody gets a free pass from the law. If you think the blacks are done with their riots, you are mistaken. You were right in your first post, "Inciting a riot is a crime". Riots make looting easy. Looting is also a crime. Raise your hands for justice.

12-02-2014, 11:23 AM
Are we going to let these terrorists win, too? We are a nation of laws.

12-02-2014, 12:15 PM
points made and understood.

12-02-2014, 12:23 PM
Inciting a riot is a crime, but in this case, I am not so sure it should be enforced:

not to sure of that. It is aganst the law to yell fire in a theater, if there is no fire. I have no douvbt they won't arrest that pr!ck,forhe is black and the papa of Brown. I do think he should have been arrested also but again, they won't touch him andhe knows it.

12-02-2014, 12:28 PM
We had demonstrations here in Seattle last night. The cops were out in full force, ran them out of large department stores and it became a moving march. They tried to get back into the stores (it was cold) but no dice. The cops formed a line and nobody got through.

The chief a violet of unknown quality impressed me when she said they were gonna play hardball. They had the right to march but if the stores wanted them trespassed, the department would act.

I sat in front of the wood stove in my recliner and dreamed about my van somehow becoming 4 wheel drive with a cow catcher on the front and then going for a nice drive down town fast.

I like to help the cops whenever I can.

12-02-2014, 12:40 PM
We had demonstrations here in Seattle last night. The cops were out in full force, ran them out of large department stores and it became a moving march. They tried to get back into the stores (it was cold) but no dice. The cops formed a line and nobody got through.

The chief a violet of unknown quality impressed me when she said they were gonna play hardball. They had the right to march but if the stores wanted them trespassed, the department would act.

I sat in front of the wood stove in my recliner and dreamed about my van somehow becoming 4 wheel drive with a cow catcher on the front and then going for a nice drive down town fast.

I like to help the cops whenever I can.

wellI don't know colonel our POTOS is not gonna like ur chiefs attitude. Is she black,? that would help. If the cops would have played hardball at the git go all the businesses in Ferguson would stillbe standing. Theyt let that Eric Holder intiumidate the govoner and held back the supprt needed. remember the old cowboy movies where they ran herds of cattle right down the streets in the cow towns during roundup. We I hae 15K sheed kthat I could put on loan to run down ur streets, that ouotta take care of the rioters. Just sayin

12-02-2014, 01:23 PM
This whole Ferguson thing aggravates me. Nobody has pointed out that Michael Brown would be alive if he had not beat on the police officer. What would he have faced if arrested for "petty" shoplifting. Instead Michael Brown figures he can beat up a police officer and get away. Somebody should tell Brown's parents to quit crying and face up to the fact that their son screwed up and the blame is on him.

12-02-2014, 01:29 PM
Laws are only a deterrent to crime if they are enforced and punishment for violation of the law is meted out in a swift and sure manner. Michael Brown's step father and the protesters in Ferguson need to learn to control their emotions. The next riot could be coming to a town near you.

12-02-2014, 01:52 PM
they shoot horses don't they????????????

12-02-2014, 02:02 PM
RE: sheep running down Mainstreet

What? They gonna run backwards? :rolleyes:

12-02-2014, 02:32 PM
This whole Ferguson thing aggravates me. Nobody has pointed out that Michael Brown would be alive if he had not beat on the police officer. What would he have faced if arrested for "petty" shoplifting. Instead Michael Brown figures he can beat up a police officer and get away. Somebody should tell Brown's parents to quit crying and face up to the fact that their son screwed up and the blame is on him.

maybe also that is what hap[ens to ones thought process when he is on dope to. He broke enough lawas to put 10 people in jail. My thoughts are when that cop backed up and stopeed he knew the jig was up and he was idetified as the robber of that store. No matter what he took HE ROBBED.U don'tactally hav eto steal anything to be chazrged with a felony for robery. What is the storeowner had shot Brown in tehe store, more than likelywe never have even readabout it, Just sayin

12-02-2014, 03:22 PM
maybe also that is what hap[ens to ones thought process when he is on dope to. He broke enough lawas to put 10 people in jail. My thoughts are when that cop backed up and stopeed he knew the jig was up and he was idetified as the robber of that store. No matter what he took HE ROBBED.U don'tactally hav eto steal anything to be chazrged with a felony for robery. What is the storeowner had shot Brown in tehe store, more than likelywe never have even readabout it, Just sayin

While I agree with you and others that the law is the law and should not be broken....killing that guy for stealing a pack of smokes would not bode well for the LEO either. Finally, I don't think that would constitute a felony(stealing a pack of smokes)---probably petty theft would be a misdemeanor? Not an attorney but I slept at a Holiday Inn.

12-02-2014, 03:28 PM
things are just starting to settle down. Are you sure you want to get tempers high again?

So you are for selective LAW ENFORCEMENT? Kinda like amnesty for illlegals....
I say enforce the laws so that we all will respect and obey them. Laws need to be inforced or repealed, no "you can break this one, but this guy can't". Just like gun laws, we don't need more just ENFORCE THE ONES WE HAVE.

12-02-2014, 03:58 PM
Would like the perspective of a LEO on this thread. I think citations are and have always been metered depending on circumstances. Perhaps if you are a store owner in Ferguson that made it through the recent uproar without damage, you might think twice before having this guy arrested for inciting a riot.

12-02-2014, 04:19 PM
I guess I think we have come to a point that we have to take a stand. If neccessary bring the National Guard back to protect the citizens and stores and have the police arrest for inciting riot. Do 2 wrongs make a right?
Just like letting the thugs loot and pilage...because we don't want to make them mad by arresting them, total B/S.

12-02-2014, 04:46 PM
If we could bring back ole Charles Bronson he would know how to handle it.

12-02-2014, 04:51 PM
I guess I think we have come to a point that we have to take a stand. If neccessary bring the National Guard back to protect the citizens and stores and have the police arrest for inciting riot. Do 2 wrongs make a right?
Just like letting the thugs loot and pilage...because we don't want to make them mad by arresting them, total B/S.

I understand your logic and it makes sense. However most pathways follow the money....consider bringing one man to justice for a moderate offense and the cost to life and property for doing so...... you might make your point but a lot of innocents will pay for your convictions that might feel it is too heavy a price. Besides, this could take on a destructive path that goes far beyond MO. Picking your battles is an art form and sometimes a hard to swallow necessity....

12-02-2014, 04:53 PM
If we could bring back ole Charles Bronson he would know how to handle it.
wow you sure took me back a ways to those old Death Wish movies (westerns too).

12-02-2014, 07:23 PM
The National Guard should have been brought in before the verdict in anticipation of a riot. Everyone knew the thugs were going to riot unless they got the verdict they wanted. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. (Hey, I did it.) The police could not or did not prevent the rioting, burning, and looting. Not a single business should have been damaged. The owners deserved protection, but they didn't get it soon enough. I can't think of a good excuse for letting that happen. The police have photos, etc. of many of those rioters. If they prosecute them (every danged one of them) to the limit of the law maybe they won't be so quick to riot next time. (Unless they think a few beers, some chips, and cigarettes are worth huge fines and significant jail time.

12-02-2014, 07:54 PM
Would like the perspective of a LEO on this thread. I think citations are and have always been metered depending on circumstances. Perhaps if you are a store owner in Ferguson that made it through the recent uproar without damage, you might think twice before having this guy arrested for inciting a riot.

Can't speak for other states, but in PA, it would fall under a Retail Theft, and you would be issued a citation. But, on your third conviction for retail theft, it then becomes a Third degree Felony. So if you have two strikes per se, and you get caught and convicted of stealing anything, no matter what the cost of the item, you're now a convicted felon!! Also, any use of force, however slight while committing the theft, makes it a Robbery. And I agree on adding fuel to the fire to have more riots, looting, etc. started again. Let sleeping dogs lie as they say!!

12-02-2014, 07:56 PM
Correction on last post, meant to say to NOT add fuel to the fire....It's bad enough now!!!

12-02-2014, 08:58 PM
We don't seem to have these sort of problems in Arizona. In fact, I can't remember a single one. As hot as it can get here in the summer, I can't imagine living anywhere else.


12-02-2014, 09:00 PM
Can't speak for other states, but in PA, it would fall under a Retail Theft, and you would be issued a citation. But, on your third conviction for retail theft, it then becomes a Third degree Felony. So if you have two strikes per se, and you get caught and convicted of stealing anything, no matter what the cost of the item, you're now a convicted felon!! Also, any use of force, however slight while committing the theft, makes it a Robbery. And I agree on adding fuel to the fire to have more riots, looting, etc. started again. Let sleeping dogs lie as they say!!
Thanks for the edification...as suspected, they didn't have much on the kid before he attacked the LEO and if shot for stealing the smokes and pushing around the store owner would have led to the same problems. I think most states would treat the petty theft the same way. Sad but true.

12-02-2014, 09:03 PM
The National Guard should have been brought in before the verdict in anticipation of a riot. Everyone knew the thugs were going to riot unless they got the verdict they wanted. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. (Hey, I did it.) The police could not or did not prevent the rioting, burning, and looting. Not a single business should have been damaged. The owners deserved protection, but they didn't get it soon enough. I can't think of a good excuse for letting that happen. The police have photos, etc. of many of those rioters. If they prosecute them (every danged one of them) to the limit of the law maybe they won't be so quick to riot next time. (Unless they think a few beers, some chips, and cigarettes are worth huge fines and significant jail time.

I like this post a lot but not sure how it could be applied without impinging on someone's constitutional rights( read martial law?) The US in in a critical juncture regarding race relations--no one wants to light the match of that powder keg.

12-02-2014, 09:05 PM
This whole Ferguson thing aggravates me. Nobody has pointed out that Michael Brown would be alive if he had not beat on the police officer. What would he have faced if arrested for "petty" shoplifting. Instead Michael Brown figures he can beat up a police officer and get away. Somebody should tell Brown's parents to quit crying and face up to the fact that their son screwed up and the blame is on him.

This whole thing would normally be a non-story, except the media wanted to make it one. For ratings and to stir up violence, because it's so easy to do using their intended targets.

This is a local story at best, and nothing more. Just like George Zimmerman. In both cases, the innocent were guilty by the media and government, and their lives ruined for years, if not forever.

If I were an insurance company, I'd sue the media for inciting it all.

12-02-2014, 09:12 PM

Normally insurance companies don't have to pay out due to "rioting or acts of war". This is all out of pocket for most.

12-02-2014, 09:17 PM

Normally insurance companies don't have to pay out due to "rioting or acts of war". This is all out of pocket for most.

thanks for adding that. When you said it, it was so sensible that I cant believe that it could be otherwise--but I wasn't really sure. Wow poor business owners

12-02-2014, 09:25 PM
Not being in the insurance industry I'm not shocked I'm wrong, but it's still F'ed up that the media, with their loyal accomplices can do this hand in hand with zero repercussions.