View Full Version : Senator Robert Byrd Dead.

06-28-2010, 04:45 AM
Fox reports that Sen Byrd [D.W.Va.] has died.My sympathy goes out to his family but I did not care for the man or his politics.I truly feel he did a lot more to harm this nation than to help it.Can you imagine the ridicule a Republican senator would have faced if he had been a former Klansman as Byrd was? Yet the Democrats embraced him.What a double standard,both from the Dems and from the media.I can`t wait to hear the glowing eulogies that are coming.

06-28-2010, 08:34 AM
Yeah, I can't wait, either. I can just see Jesse Jackson and the Black Caucus all standing around eulogizing him and sobbing about his loss -- the last "former" KKK Grand Wizard or what ever, serving in Congress.
I just had to check senatorial succession there and who the governor is. Here's a bit about both:

Senate Succession In West Virginia - The Eye (CQ Politics) (http://blogs.cqpolitics.com/eyeon2010/2010/06/senate-succession-in-west-virg.html)

Watch the politics there... ought to be fun... no relief for the Nation, though.


06-28-2010, 09:09 AM
Boohoo... My condolences for the family and a prayer for his soul, but thankgoodness for the potential salvation of the country.

06-29-2010, 12:35 PM
Fox reports that Sen Byrd [D.W.Va.] has died.My sympathy goes out to his family but I did not care for the man or his politics.I truly feel he did a lot more to harm this nation than to help it.Can you imagine the ridicule a Republican senator would have faced if he had been a former Klansman as Byrd was? Yet the Democrats embraced him.What a double standard,both from the Dems and from the media.I can`t wait to hear the glowing eulogies that are coming.

From the wikipedia article on Byrd:

"According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did." Byrd held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops."

Kleagle & Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. And the inspiration for his political career came from the KKK.

Sorta reminds me of the Trent Lott / Strom Thurmond situation. Trent Lott was not the former segregationist; Strom Thurmond was. Yet because Lott said some overly nice things about Thurmond at Thurmond's 100th birthday party (as did folks on both sides of the aisle!) he was drummed out of his Senate Leadership position by the media.

Which should serve as a caution against anyone at the national level saying nice things about Byrd. Do so at your peril, if you are an enemy of the media. Byrd will not be criticized for his actions and beliefs, you will be. That's the upside-down world in which we live.

06-29-2010, 01:13 PM
aray......right on! I thought the same thing when I heard he passed. I pity the poor SOB that says a bad word about the patron saint of pointy white hats. It makes me crazy.


06-29-2010, 02:54 PM
aray......right on! I thought the same thing when I heard he passed. I pity the poor SOB that says a bad word about the patron saint of pointy white hats. It makes me crazy.


Speaking of bad words about patron saints, our current leadership on the national level has me pondering shopping for a white pointy hat to call my own!

I'm probably going to hell now for sure huh? I've slandered the poster child for hopey / changey.

06-29-2010, 03:02 PM
Speaking of bad words about patron saints, our current leadership on the national level has me pondering shopping for a white pointy hat to call my own!

I'm probably going to hell now for sure huh? I've slandered the poster child for hopey / changey.

Bawanna,shame on you!! You really don`t want folks putting you in the same category as Byrd,do you?I think you`ve got a little more on the ball than that.Join the Sons of the Confederacy if you want to.The South`s gonna rise again.[I hope.]

06-29-2010, 03:15 PM
Bawanna,shame on you!! You really don`t want folks putting you in the same category as Byrd,do you?I think you`ve got a little more on the ball than that.Join the Sons of the Confederacy if you want to.The South`s gonna rise again.[I hope.]

Dietrich, once again you've provided the voice of reason, sound guidance and put me back on the right path. (Probably right to the prison fence with a bathtub of grease next to it. Sign me up for that Sons of the Confederacy thing. One of my few brushes with the law on the other side (other than chopping up city park picnic tables for fire wood, it was cold) was having a confederate flag in the back winda of my truck in school. Didn't get charged, (no crime) or beat up or anything, they just didn't like it. I think I still got it, I'm gonna hang it in the back window again.
Do they got like an ROTC program, I definitely want a sword. Shall we rendevous at the potomac?

06-29-2010, 08:01 PM
I too was not a Byrd fan by any stretch. I believe it was a 60 Minutes interview that I saw Byrd asked how he justified allocating hundreds of millions of dollars to West Virginia and he replied "what's good for West Virginia is good for the country." I think I should adopt that philosophy. What's good for Kahrseye is good for the rest of you. Please send your donations promptly.

06-29-2010, 11:32 PM
I too was not a Byrd fan by any stretch. I believe it was a 60 Minutes interview that I saw Byrd asked how he justified allocating hundreds of millions of dollars to West Virginia and he replied "what's good for West Virginia is good for the country." I think I should adopt that philosophy. What's good for Kahrseye is good for the rest of you. Please send your donations promptly.


Good plan, wish I'd thought of it. If I did it now everyone would think I was a copycat instead of a research scenting turbo bucket mouth.
Don't need that on my resume.

06-30-2010, 08:34 PM

Good plan, wish I'd thought of it. If I did it now everyone would think I was a copycat instead of a research scenting turbo bucket mouth.
Don't need that on my resume.

Donations can be sent to my PayPal account. If you wish to donate to Bawanna, I'll be happy to pass along his money (after a small handling charge).:der: