View Full Version : Double stack Kahr 9mm ???

12-03-2014, 08:00 PM
I've been dreaming of a 15+1 4" barrel Kahr 9mm for years now. I don't think Kahr is ever going to make it. Is there anything out there that replicates or comes close to the Kahr trigger with these specs?

12-03-2014, 08:59 PM
None even close that i know of. I want one too.

12-03-2014, 09:07 PM
A Glock 19 Gen 4 with a trigger kit. (Did I say that?)

12-03-2014, 09:08 PM
It will never happen unfortunately. I wouldn't mind a sr9c sized double stack kahr. Kahr has found their place and it isn't dipping into the double stacked sized weapons. I still need a cm9 and a mk9 elite O3 so I'm okay with their current offerings. I'll leave the major firepower to the other brands.

12-03-2014, 09:11 PM
closest I've found are Sig DAO's but I'm sure there are others. I chose a CZ P07 for a doublestack (with a decocker). While the trigger is not the same, it is good...and once decocked the manual of arms is the same: draw, point and shoot. CZ Omega triggers are really good. They also make a Rami that's a 14+1 subcompact 9mm. You should check them out.

12-03-2014, 10:09 PM
B4uqzme beat me to it on the sig. I had a sig 226 with the dak trigger. After tweaking the trigger springs that trigger was a lot like my kahrs.

12-03-2014, 10:11 PM
Had? You shoulda kept that one. :)

12-03-2014, 10:14 PM
A Beretta PX4, type C, is pretty much like the Kahr trigger. The gun's ergonomics are completely different though. It lightens and smooths with use like the Kahr.

12-04-2014, 09:28 AM
If you life with 12 rounds sig 290rs and Taurus pt111g2 but they weight more. Also the kt p-11 and sccy has there couply of the p-11.

12-04-2014, 09:49 AM
Sphinx has a smooth, revolver like DA trigger.

12-04-2014, 10:00 AM
It will never happen unfortunately. I wouldn't mind a sr9c sized double stack kahr. Kahr has found their place and it isn't dipping into the double stacked sized weapons. I still need a cm9 and a mk9 elite O3 so I'm okay with their current offerings. I'll leave the major firepower to the other brands.

I disaree, it will happen a DS is one model lackingin the kahr line up. certailyt doesn't spell the end to single stacks by no meaqns but just anutter hole filled by kahr. I think a DSwould sell big time..My bet u will see it withi the next 2 years, quite possably next year at the shot show..

12-04-2014, 11:01 AM
I disaree, it will happen a DS is one model lackingin the kahr line up. certailyt doesn't spell the end to single stacks by no meaqns but just anutter hole filled by kahr. I think a DSwould sell big time..My bet u will see it withi the next 2 years, quite possably next year at the shot show..

I hope you are right. I would love a cm9 sized double stack.

12-04-2014, 01:19 PM
The SIG P250 isn't too bad. The DAO trigger is fairly close to the smoothness of the Kahr. I'd also take a look at the S&W M&P PRO model with the 4.25" barrel. They have a totally different trigger feel, but it's really nice. Or a Standard M&P with the APEX trigger kit.

Covert Kahr
12-04-2014, 01:27 PM
Glock is a bit bulkier than a kahr would be but the mid size glocks with a target connector and an ny1 trigger spring with a good polish job is the closest I've found to the kahr trigger feel.

12-04-2014, 02:28 PM
:)Kahr owners want a double stack 9 - Glock owners want a single stack 9...:rolleyes:

12-04-2014, 03:02 PM
:)Kahr owners want a double stack 9 - Glock owners want a single stack 9...:rolleyes:

Funny how that is, isn't it? The grass is always greener, kinda thing.

12-04-2014, 07:38 PM
Funny how that is, isn't it? The grass is always greener, kinda thing.

Yes and No. Made in USA, preference in trigger styles, and reliability reputations I think would be major deciding points.

12-04-2014, 07:44 PM
Yes and No. Made in USA, preference in trigger styles, and reliability reputations I think would be major deciding points.

Huh? You lost me. I don't see how that is relevant to the comment posted above.

12-04-2014, 07:59 PM
Sorry for the confusion. If I had the choice between a Glock and a Kahr double stack I would choose the Kahr because I prefer their longer smooth trigger system and also prefer made in USA. The choice between a Glock and Kahr single stack I would choose Kahr again for the same reasons. Of course Glocks have the better, and rightfully so, reputation for reliability which would be a main concern for a lots of people. I would love to see a double stack Kahr 9mm. I just can not warm up to the triggers on the S&WC the RugerC is too large.

12-04-2014, 08:12 PM
But the comment was that Kahr owners wish Kahr would make a double-stack 9mm, and Glock owners wish that Glock with make a single-stack 9. That's it.

12-05-2014, 06:25 AM
Count me out as wanting a double stack Kahr. Not only do I think it less than desirable but I wonder if it could be possible given the follower design and feed system. The main attribute of the Kahr line is it's thin, flat, unencumbered, carry friendly sleekness. The trigger is OK but not one I'd want in a duty firearm. If you want a great double stack pistol, go buy a new HK VP9 and don't look back.