View Full Version : Slide Machining and Concealed Carry

Covert Kahr
12-04-2014, 05:22 PM
I was looking at some custom slide machining that ranges from small grooves to full cutouts that are done by cylinder and slide and was wondering what people's experince was with that type of machining on a carry pistol. I like the cutouts for weight removal but didn't knoe if it would be more prone to snagging. And for the long grooves in the top of the slide, do they really help with sight picture?

12-04-2014, 07:30 PM
Just something to spend your money on. :) We all have 'em.

Covert Kahr
12-04-2014, 08:14 PM
Is that the small grooves or the full cutouts? I like the cutouts for cutting an oz or two. Cylinder and slide has a nice looking tp9 on their site with a full cutout up front and a pocket in the back.

12-04-2014, 08:51 PM
These are the only "slots" that I like on my Kahrs...


Bongos K40 and a PM45, both good choices for this version of "slotting".
"Snagging" on the draw would be more about the holster and your draw technique then it would be about the gun. If you like the "look" for the price... then go for it! enjoy!

Covert Kahr
12-04-2014, 09:34 PM

here is the tp9 I was looking at. I haven't found a price for the work but it looks like a couple ounces have been cut out. I like the two you posted. Good clean look.