12-04-2014, 06:16 PM
i do too now that she has explained it to me.
> Subject: Fw: One Old Lady Who Loves Obama----A DIFFERENT TAKE]
> This is certainly a different way to look at what is
> happening.........................
> ----
> One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point.
> She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream!
> She gives us an entirely new slant on the "amazing" job Obama is doing, and
> she says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her
> additional comments and an explanation. When discussing Obama, she says:
> 1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through
> the heart of Hillary's presidential aspirations - something no Republican
> was ever able to do.
> 2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - no more Kennedys trolling
> Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.
> 3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis
> Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron
> Dorgan had never lost a race. Harry Reid - soon to be GONE! These are
> just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has
> destroyed. By the end of 2014, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in
> December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In two election
> cycles, they had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press
> was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican
> Party. However, in just one year, Obama put a stop to all of this and
> gave the House and the Senate - back to the Republicans.
> 4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they
> are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why
> they should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home
> the lesson very well: Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Liberals won't bring
> themselves to protect America. Liberals want to take over the economy.
> Liberals think they know what is best for everyone. Liberals are not happy
> until they are running YOUR life.
> 5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone
> since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement
> and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name
> one other time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in
> taking back America!
> 6. Obama, with his "amazing leadership," has sparked the greatest period
> of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding
> citizens have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting goods
> field while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.
> 7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in my
> life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country
> was going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all
> about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that
> my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people
> has been flat wrong.
> 8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter
> reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great
> Americans! Again, I want to say: "Thank you, Barack Obama!" After all,
> this is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!!
> 9. He made Jimmy Carter happy since Jimmy is no longer the worst
> president we've ever had.
> Subject: Fw: One Old Lady Who Loves Obama----A DIFFERENT TAKE]
> This is certainly a different way to look at what is
> happening.........................
> ----
> One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point.
> She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream!
> She gives us an entirely new slant on the "amazing" job Obama is doing, and
> she says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her
> additional comments and an explanation. When discussing Obama, she says:
> 1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through
> the heart of Hillary's presidential aspirations - something no Republican
> was ever able to do.
> 2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - no more Kennedys trolling
> Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.
> 3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis
> Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron
> Dorgan had never lost a race. Harry Reid - soon to be GONE! These are
> just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has
> destroyed. By the end of 2014, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in
> December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In two election
> cycles, they had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press
> was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican
> Party. However, in just one year, Obama put a stop to all of this and
> gave the House and the Senate - back to the Republicans.
> 4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they
> are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why
> they should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home
> the lesson very well: Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Liberals won't bring
> themselves to protect America. Liberals want to take over the economy.
> Liberals think they know what is best for everyone. Liberals are not happy
> until they are running YOUR life.
> 5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone
> since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement
> and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name
> one other time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in
> taking back America!
> 6. Obama, with his "amazing leadership," has sparked the greatest period
> of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding
> citizens have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting goods
> field while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.
> 7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in my
> life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country
> was going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all
> about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that
> my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people
> has been flat wrong.
> 8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter
> reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great
> Americans! Again, I want to say: "Thank you, Barack Obama!" After all,
> this is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!!
> 9. He made Jimmy Carter happy since Jimmy is no longer the worst
> president we've ever had.