View Full Version : My brand new Thompson (just got it 12/2/14) M1A1 SBR Broke after 90 rounds......

12-05-2014, 07:15 PM
Hi folks,
Spent a lot of dough (and 10 months production time, 6 months to get my tax stamp) waiting to get my new AO Thompson M1SBR. I took it out to the police range today to fire it for the first time. It seemed to go quite well for the first 50 shots...then the chambering problems started, and the extractor fell out of the gun. I took a lot of ribbing from the LEO's on the range about my "New Gun".

What was worse, when I got home to inspect the gun, I noticed that front sight (which is pinned) was straight up and in place before I fired the gun and now the sight is leaning to the left......like the barrel somehow rotated to the left.....maybe from the impact of the bolt face closing hard on the chamber????

This is a brand new rifle......
As a new Auto-Ordnance/Kahr Arms customer I can't believe that after spending all that $$$$ that this product would break so easily.......am quite disappointed.

Has anybody had any positive experience with the AO repair shop and their warranty work?
Do you think they can fix these issues?
I apologize for sounding so down tonight, but I am.:(:frown::faint2:

12-05-2014, 08:00 PM
We had a fella from Texas here a few years back that had an issue with his and Kahr / AO fixed him right up and he was really happy with it.
Heck I even just now remembered his handle. Kyle Tex. Everybody remember Kyle?

I don't doubt that they can fix your issues. I'm sure they can and will make it right.

Still sad and a pain that you have to send it back. Getting your tax stamp all done is a victory in itself, I guess you can hold on to that nice thought while your Tommy is getting fixed.

I've been wanting to do the tax stamp thing for a long time, just hate all the hoops and BS ya gotta go through in order to do what you should be allowed to do without all the hoops.

Keep us posted.

Longitude Zero
12-06-2014, 01:03 PM
Kahr will hopefully make it right. It is too bad it was not right to begin with.

12-10-2014, 05:58 PM
Kahr will hopefully make it right. It is too bad it was not right to begin with.I sent the

I sent it off yesterday, The service dept. sent me a shipping label so I did not have to pay for it to be sent back.
I will keep you guys informed as to the progress. Hope ya'll are right about them making it right...
Nathan Hale

12-10-2014, 06:28 PM
No hope needed. They will make it right. Keep sending it till they do.

Usually one trip is all it takes.