View Full Version : new gun, maybe 18 rounds through it, crazy wear on rails. need input
12-08-2014, 09:38 AM
Hey guys,
I bought this CM9 about a month ago. I've run 3 magazines through it. maybe one more. either way, not a lot. When i got it i went ahead and put trijicon sights on it and cleaned it really well and firecleaned it.
check out the wear i'm getting on the front "nub" rail. it's chewed up pretty bad. and on the backside of it. which is odd. And the metal piece in the back of the slide has a significant amout of wear... At least it seems like it considering this is a new gun.
This is my 2nd CM9 and i can't remember my other one doing this. Unfortunately i sold that one a while ago so i can't compare.
let me know what you guys think. if it's normal or not. ( ( ( ( (
i emailed kahr but haven't heard back yet.
12-08-2014, 10:52 AM
I don't see anything to be concerned about myself unless I'm missing something.
It actually looks better than some I've seen. The tupperware sometimes gets chewed up as it's breaking in and eventually just stops. It's just cosmetic.
The bearing surfaces on the metal rails on your look like they are shined up some but without seeing it in person it doesn't look excessive and should also reach a point where it doesn't wear anymore as it all mates together.
Do let us know what Kahr has to say but if it was mine I'd keep shooting.
12-08-2014, 11:29 AM
I don't see anything to be concerned about myself unless I'm missing something.
It actually looks better than some I've seen. The tupperware sometimes gets chewed up as it's breaking in and eventually just stops. It's just cosmetic.
The bearing surfaces on the metal rails on your look like they are shined up some but without seeing it in person it doesn't look excessive and should also reach a point where it doesn't wear anymore as it all mates together.
Do let us know what Kahr has to say but if it was mine I'd keep shooting.
listen to the colonel. most of the time he is wrong but in this case he is dead on. SHOOT THE FOKKER..
the etal rails is what the sidle runs on, so some shinny should show up. Lube the rails with a grease for best results. The polymer rails onl6 serve to guide the slide on. If there are any high spots, rounds downrange willsoon smooth those out Also Improper assembly of the slide on the frame has grooved many of kahrs due to user error. Not accusing u, just telling u how some of these marks show up.. ur gun is OK.
12-08-2014, 11:49 AM
I generally don't pay any attention to Jocko's ramblings, since most of his sheep have a higher IQ, but in this case his advice is sound. :) You might try cleaning up the plastic guide rails with a razor blade or Exacto knife, before you do any more shooting.
12-08-2014, 02:07 PM
I generally don't pay any attention to Jocko's ramblings, since most of his sheep have a higher IQ, but in this case his advice is sound. :) You might try cleaning up the plastic guide rails with a razor blade or Exacto knife, before you do any more shooting.
I think I resemble that remark, just sayin
fine sandpaper does a neater job, IO, just smooth things out, but better yet, leave the fokkeralone and let the action of the gun do it for you.
12-08-2014, 02:23 PM
I honestly don't see anyplace that really needs cleaning up really.
Actually one of the nicer ones I've seen. Running pretty clean.
12-08-2014, 03:22 PM
I didn't see anything either. Probably looks similar to mine with 105 rounds so far, which basically looks the same as brand new.
For the record, I use grease on my rails, not oil, if that matters at all.
12-08-2014, 03:45 PM
+1 for grease (guide rails only). I think I just do it for my own peace of mind. But it seems to be working. There really isn't anything that could be chewing that plastic up unless there is an obvious burr on the inside of the slide or some crud in there somewhere. Clean it and lube it good and I would expect it to be fine. +2 all the advice above. :)
12-08-2014, 03:46 PM
Ah, you guys just didn't squint yer eyes properly. I saw the problem right away. It does take a trained eye though ya know. Or, is that a strained eye? I can never keep the two straight. I'm cross eyed. :)
Busted Knuckle
12-08-2014, 04:00 PM
1 more for "the pics are normal" now if the metal parts were GONE , then there might be an issue to be concerned about
12-08-2014, 04:39 PM
Ah, you guys just didn't squint yer eyes properly. I saw the problem right away. It does take a trained eye though ya know. Or, is that a strained eye? I can never keep the two straight. I'm cross eyed. :)
trained eye, ":In a sheeps ass maybe"..
Just sayin
12-08-2014, 04:55 PM
And this from the man who shoots one hole groups on a good day. :)
12-09-2014, 12:05 PM
alright, thanks guys. the little nub of a rail on the right side is pretty chewed up. the corners aren't just rounded off, but they're chewed. it looks like i literally used it as a chew toy right on that rail lol.
if that's pretty normal then i won't worry about it. Just wanted to check since i no longer have my old cm9.
12-09-2014, 12:31 PM
Maybe it's a lot worse than it looks in the pictures because I didn't really see any clear damage. Maybe some better pics are in order.
Mine has no noticeable wear on the rails. I still recommend using grease on the rails. I use synthetic wheel bearing grease myself in a small syringe to make it easier to apply. No need for fancy over priced gun specific voodoo lubes.
12-09-2014, 12:34 PM
Maybe it's a lot worse than it looks in the pictures because I didn't really see any clear damage. Maybe some better pics are in order.
Mine has no noticeable wear on the rails. I still recommend using grease on the rails. I use synthetic wheel bearing grease myself in a small syringe to make it easier to apply. No need for fancy over priced gun specific voodoo lubes.
i'll take a pic without the flash under better light.
12-09-2014, 01:05 PM
alright, thanks guys. the little nub of a rail on the right side is pretty chewed up. the corners aren't just rounded off, but they're chewed. it looks like i literally used it as a chew toy right on that rail lol.
if that's pretty normal then i won't worry about it. Just wanted to check since i no longer have my old cm9.
If the front of those polymer rails are chewed up, then IMO it is eithger user error, or the store u bought it from thge people have had it apart and fokked it up puttingit backon. Onceon thegun the slide just cannot chew up the ails like that. My bet is whereit came from it was pre-abused beforeu ever got it. It will nothurt a darn thing. just ake some 600+grit paper and smooth off the edgesand forget aboutit, as I can assure u kahr willnot relace that lower section as they will tellu what I just told u. . y rails with over 32K rounds through it kand probqalby the slide ff the gun at least 300 times has notone ioutta of olymer damage due to being carefulmyself putting the slide back on and not letter utter people fokk with it. If u notice , when installing the slide backon, thaty if u don't align the slide u evenvly with the polymer guide rails and try to put the slide on crooked, it will groove and damage those rails similar to what ur stating..
sometimes the rails need some smoothing out and just shooting the gun the slide itself will take away any high sports on the polymer guide rails that are touching the slide during cycling action, but again it will smooth the down,never will it show groove marks. That t me is just simply improper installaation, and I am not saying u did it either, but I am saying that someone did it, IMO.
12-09-2014, 03:35 PM
If the front of those polymer rails are chewed up, then IMO it is eithger user error, or the store u bought it from thge people have had it apart and fokked it up puttingit backon. Onceon thegun the slide just cannot chew up the ails like that. My bet is whereit came from it was pre-abused beforeu ever got it. It will nothurt a darn thing. just ake some 600+grit paper and smooth off the edgesand forget aboutit, as I can assure u kahr willnot relace that lower section as they will tellu what I just told u. . y rails with over 32K rounds through it kand probqalby the slide ff the gun at least 300 times has notone ioutta of olymer damage due to being carefulmyself putting the slide back on and not letter utter people fokk with it. If u notice , when installing the slide backon, thaty if u don't align the slide u evenvly with the polymer guide rails and try to put the slide on crooked, it will groove and damage those rails similar to what ur stating..
sometimes the rails need some smoothing out and just shooting the gun the slide itself will take away any high sports on the polymer guide rails that are touching the slide during cycling action, but again it will smooth the down,never will it show groove marks. That t me is just simply improper installaation, and I am not saying u did it either, but I am saying that someone did it, IMO.
that would be direct from Kahr...
PSA had a deal on them. so it wasn't exactly sitting in a shop somewhere...
i need to go handle another one. This one feels gritty when i run the slide... i swear my old one didn't...
i'll get better pics tonight.
12-09-2014, 03:46 PM
Be sure you squint when you take them pitchers. :)
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