View Full Version : Viridian r5 green laser

12-14-2014, 05:52 PM
I have a pm9 and just ordered an R5 laser for it. I am wanting to know if any one here has one and what the pros and cons of it are. Or what brand of laser You use and the pros and cons of it. Thanks

12-14-2014, 06:43 PM
have r5 on my pm9 and it is great. i like crimson trace and have them on several guns but the green is much brighter and easier to see. you can accually see it in daylight. the r5 can be turned on and off by almost any magnet and viridian sales a stick on for any holster. i buy 1/4" x 1/16" rare earth from applied magnets and have them in all my holsters. enjoy