View Full Version : CFE Pistol at the range

12-15-2014, 07:25 PM
A few weeks ago I picked up some CFE pistol at the LGS near my mother-in-law's. Last weekend I finally had time to try it out, and mostly cooperative weather conditions. I'd assembled some trial loads in 380ACP, 9mm, and 40S&W. Saturday brought temps in the low 40's with a little mist/sprinkles and fog. It was a little too damp for the chronograph but fine for accuracy testing.

But first, let me add this disclaimer: Any load data you may see in this thread should be regarded with suspicion. Always check reliable sources for load data, such as http://www.hodgdonreloading.com/data/pistol or your favorite loading manual. I take no responsibility for your reloads. You make it, you own it.

First up was the CW380. I'd loaded 50 rounds at .2gr under the maximum listed on the Hodgdon site. Generally my 380's like the maximum load, but the pressures listed were a little on the high side and I like to keep my stuff in one piece.
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141210.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/800)
Shot at 25 yards. What a surprise. A little low, but I rarely shoot this nice a group with a target .22 or a tuned 45ACP. This is the highlight of the year for me.

Next up was the TCP. Generally I shoot much better groups with my TCP so I had high expectations.
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141211.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/801)
Maybe the TCP doesn't like CFE as much as the Kahr, maybe I was still shaking after such a good group with the CW380. Don't know. It still is not that bad, just not as good as I'd like. More work to be done.

Next is the LCP. I have no expectations - the LCP has been the least accurate gun I own. Reliable over the 200+ rounds I've owned it, but despite the best sights in the group it is not accurate for me.
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141212.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/802)
This may be the best group I have shot with this little Ruger at 25 yards. Nothing great, but improving. Maybe when this one has 1000 rounds through it like the TCP it will get better.

Next up the 9mm.

12-15-2014, 07:32 PM
The 9mm loads were a little on the light side. There was sooting down the sides of the cases, which I think indicates a poor seal as the bullet leaves the case mouth.

The CM9 seems to shoot this load well enough:
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141213.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/803)
The group seems to be centered a little to the right compared to factory ammo and other reloads I've used in this gun. Not a bad 25 yard score, but the vertical stringing concerns me. I'll probably try about .2gr more powder next time.

For comparison I tried the SCCY CPX2.
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141217.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/807)
A little high and right. I've been struggling to find a good reload for the CPX2 since the supply of ST7625 dried up. I'm hoping that a little more velocity will print lower.

12-15-2014, 07:37 PM
Last up was the 40S&W. The Hodgdon site lists two bullets and I used the lighter data for the 165HP. Once again no problems and decent groups.

http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141214.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/804)

Well, I think this is a perfectly acceptable group from the CM40. Full disclosure - I had one reload that refused to chamber in the 5th magazine of this load. No other failures, so it might have just been a bad case. I was using some range pick-up brass - once I get over 100 of the same headstamp it's fair game to tumble and reload. These were Federal's and FC's mixed. Speaking of brass - the CM40 tends to throw brass about 15 feet behind me with the twpical WallyWorld WWB or Federal FMJ's. This must be a bit lighter since all the brass is fairly close by. No failures to feed (other than the one I could not get to feed from the magazine) and perfect functionality with slightly less recoil.

For comparison I tried the same load in the PT140:
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/13/62/95/74/20141215.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/13629574/805)
Probably not the smallest 25 yard group from this gun, but the best distribution across the scoring rings. This gun typically prints a little left, and the CFE tends to push the bullets a little right. It's a nice combination.

12-15-2014, 08:19 PM
Cleanup. The claim is that CFE is a Copper Fouling Eraser. Saturday evening I spent a little time communing with the bore solvent and patches. First wet patch down the bore came out really clean, second pass still clean. Scrubbing with the bore brush brought out a little black, but no green. Post-cleaning I saw a little copper still in the grooves (especially in the bores with over 1000 rounds through them). I suppose one should do a deep clean with some Sweets before starting an experiment with CFE, but I did not take the time. I do think this is cleaner than the other powders I've used, even in the 9mm where there was some case sooting.

Bottom line - I think this is a good powder. I'm not sure it will replace old favorites, except that old favorites are not on the LGS shelf. CFE seems to be more available - there were 5 pound bottles and a couple 8 pounders of CFE and TiteGroup at the LGS near the church I played for last Sunday. One less TiteGroup (I have 2 CFE's) when I left. Let's hope that the production ramps up to meet demand.