View Full Version : I'm Thankful for....

12-19-2014, 06:08 AM
In the spirit of my last post, and keeping things good in here, let's stop and take a moment to discuss things we're thankful for. Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only time of year we reflect on the good things that happen to us. I had a heavy reminder of this the other day when we went to Walmart and a biker group was collecting toys out front for the Toys for Tots drive. We bought a toy and had my daughter give it to them, with her understanding the toy was for a little boy who didn't have toys. It was a sobering reminder of how great most of us have things, but there are many people who don't have things going so well, and regardless of the reason, their children can't do anything about it.

Now, back to something fun... My daughter, Saoirse, turned three at the end of July. This year Santa is THE MAN. It has been one of the best things watching how excited she gets every time she sees him! She has sat on his lap five times now, and overtime she is just as excited as the previous! The first time we went to Bass Pro and had her picture with him (They have a really good Santa here, with stuffed Reindeer and a carousel, games, crafts, etc). They had to change the photo printer cartridge just as we got to the front of the line, and with the delay Santa came over to the line and told "The Night Before Christmas". Satires was in awe at him standing so near, and telling the story she knew so well (She eve helped him with the story a few times when he tried to add a dramatic pause). After that she sat on his lap and told him all about the things she wanted. it really was a great experience and I think helped her set the tone for her Santa interaction this year.

The second time, she got to ride on the float with him at the local Kiwanis parade (my mom is the president of Kiwanis so we might have had some special access) and she got some one-on-one time with Santa before the parade started. The third time we were at my old college, which the alumni association does a Breakfast with Santa. We were standing in line to get a balloon snowman made by a clown when Santa walked in. I was holding her and she started waving at him, motioning for him to come over, and yelling "Santa! I love you! Come here Santa!". The fourth time was the above mentioned Walmart trip and we had just picked out the toy to donate, when we rounded the corner, and there he was, sitting in a chair waiting for visitors. They had JUST set it up, no one was even around yet, so she got to run over to him and talk for a minute. A line quickly formed and we left, but it was kind of neat that it was a chance encounter and she didn't have to wait at all, just pure excitement with immediate interaction. The fifth time was this past Tuesday, she had her Christmas program with her pre-school and at the end of their performance, he showed up and took pictures with all of them. Every single time has been a magical experience for her and seeing her delight has really changed my thinking from what I want for Christmas, to just how special this time of year is for her!

Also, I filled my truck up for $1.97 a gallon....That was pretty special too - especially since I've been very fortunate and have been hunting way more this year than I ever have, so I've needed to burn the extra gas. There is just something special about standing in the woods for a few hours, doing nothing but enjoying nature and reflecting on all the great things in my life. Also, shooting a deer with my bow and getting to provide meat for the family is a pretty awesome experience.

That got a little long, so in case anyone TLDRs it but wants the gist (TLDR = too long, didn't read) - My daughter LOVES Santa, We have cheap gas, and I get to hunt a lot - ;)

Let's hear from everyone else! Tell us about how great your 2014 is wrapping up, and know that 2015 will be even better!

12-19-2014, 06:45 AM
I'm thankful for my two daughters, one turns 14 Monday, the other turns 4 next month. Both are healthy, smart, and awesome. My wife isn't half bad either :D And I'm thankful for my clients, who keep me afloat and able to keep putting food on the table and buying ammo to play with.

marshal kane
12-19-2014, 08:09 AM
I'm thankful that starting in 2015, with conservatives controlling the House and Senate, I shouldn't have to worry about more Federal gun control BS coming down the pipe for a few years. I'm ALSO thankful that I live in a State that is tolerant of gun owners! I'm thankful that both my wife and I are in relatively good health and can live on our pensions and social security. I'm thankful that both my sons and their families are self sustaining. I'm hopeful that Santa will bring reloading components back to the gunstore shelves in 2015. I'm hopeful that a conservative takes the Presidency in 2016 and that the economy improves.

12-19-2014, 08:14 AM
Thanks Justin,

We adopt a few families every Christmas season and the whole company pitches in. You are right...it is good to think about others and share the year's good fortune.

Many years ago Smiley (Mrs. b4) and I had 7 places to visit on Christmas day and it really kinda took the fun out of it. Well that year started a whole new batch of traditions with everyone spreading out the Christmas calendar. Now Christmas for us lasts 2-3 weeks and we have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves with our friends and families. I'm very thankful for that.

My sister's husband gave me a call and wants to take his SIL's to the range over the holidays. Do I see a new tradition developing?

All four of our parents are very healthy right now despite a few bumps this past year. I'm extremely grateful for that. We're hosting the family gift exchange...the house is looking pretty...and Smiley is happy. I'm doing my best to stay on her good side. It's the best present I can give her :)

Going to the indoor range with Smiley's brother this afternoon. It's been too cold to shoot outside. He is on a mission to buy a new sporting shotgun. Has his heart set on some fancy dancy Benelli. It won't take much to get him to pull the trigger today. Then we'll take it to the shooting club on Sunday and see if we can learn how to shoot five stand.

"Life is good" Hickok45

12-19-2014, 10:38 AM
Merry Christmas to all! We are looking forward to having all six grand kids here over the holidays, and seeing them enjoy each other -- 3 girls and 3 boys, and the oldest is only six. In the spring we will add one more and we will have seven under the age of 7. Lots to be thankful for, but the grandrascals are definitely a highlight.
Best wishes to KahrTalk readers for a great 2015.

12-19-2014, 11:06 AM
I'm thankful for:
God's gift of the Christ child.
My great family
The freedoms we currently enjoy
Guns and ammo
The good kahrtalk folks.

12-19-2014, 11:54 AM
I'm thankful for the new local indoor rifle range that just opened this week.

12-19-2014, 01:40 PM
I don't know about you guys, but anytime I start thinking about the good things in my life, and those to come, it just puts me in a better mood, regardless of all the crap I may see or hear about.

12-19-2014, 01:45 PM
I'm thankful I found 8 boxes of .22 at Wally World last week....:)....I'm thankful I am a Christian and my Lord God forgives my many sins and loves me anyway...I'm very thankful for my family and that I still have a job to support them with...I'm thankful that the Good Lord has given me 57 years this month and hope he gives me a few more....I'm thankful for my Kahrtalk friends who are nice enough to put up with a "Grumpy ole Man" who allow me to join in the fun and laughter here at the best forum anywhere on the interweb....I may not be able to get to a puter next week so if not I want to wish everyone at Kahrtalk a Very Merry Christmas!!!!....

12-19-2014, 03:22 PM
My newest granddaughter turned one year old a few days ago....December 15th. She's the culmination of recovery from a long hard road for my son who's first wife died of cancer almost exactly 10 years ago. That's makes her a special blessing.

My last scheduled professional work day is 5 January 2015 after precisely 53 years 6 months in the adult workforce.....and I'm healthy and financially secure enough to properly enjoy retirement.

More things to be thankful for, of course, but those are the two foremost in my mind as this year comes to a close.

12-19-2014, 03:30 PM
Itxi, those are both fantastic things, and you'd have a lot of trouble finding something better in my opinion! You will be in almost the same spot as my Dad. He retired about a month before my daughter was born, which means he has had tons and tons of Grandpa time, which the other grandkids didn't have. Her "Papa" is a major force in her world, but I think he feels it even worse than she does when they're apart for very long.

12-19-2014, 04:12 PM
Small boobs?

12-19-2014, 04:18 PM
Small boobs?

Ahhh...yes. I do have small boobs, for which I'm also grateful.

12-19-2014, 04:30 PM
Any boobs is good boobs.

12-19-2014, 06:33 PM
Itxi, those are both fantastic things, and you'd have a lot of trouble finding something better in my opinion! You will be in almost the same spot as my Dad. He retired about a month before my daughter was born, which means he has had tons and tons of Grandpa time, which the other grandkids didn't have. Her "Papa" is a major force in her world, but I think he feels it even worse than she does when they're apart for very long.

^what he said^

12-19-2014, 06:58 PM
Grateful here for God's mercy and salvation. We are also thankful for still having all 4 parents, the way things are going, we probably won't be able to say that next Christmas. I am grateful to God for a wonderful wife and the friends and family I have been blessed with!

12-20-2014, 05:45 AM
I'm thankful that starting in 2015, with conservatives controlling the House and Senate, I shouldn't have to worry about more Federal gun control BS coming down the pipe for a few years. I'm ALSO thankful that I live in a State that is tolerant of gun owners! I'm thankful that both my wife and I are in relatively good health and can live on our pensions and social security. I'm thankful that both my sons and their families are self sustaining. I'm hopeful that Santa will bring reloading components back to the gunstore shelves in 2015. I'm hopeful that a conservative takes the Presidency in 2016 and that the economy improves.
So Far it looks like a RINO Congress, god help us as they can easily blow it and the Dems sweep back in 2016 especially with a Jeb Christie or romney candidate. They lack any balls whatsoever, imo

12-20-2014, 06:37 PM
Thankful for my little clan,
12065which lives in what is still the best country in history.

Grateful our country still recognizes individual rights such as the RTBA, and the right freely to associate with you all here, and for those who fought to secure these and other inalienable rights to us.