View Full Version : triple tap teen

06-30-2010, 10:23 AM
So much for child firearm access laws. The quick thinking teen even had enough common sense to target the adult leader and leave the juvie follower alone:

Texas: Teen shoots would-be burglary suspect :The Armed Citizen (http://www.thearmedcitizen.com/2010/06/30/texas-teen-shoots-would-be-burglary-suspect/)

06-30-2010, 10:43 AM
Good for the officers kid, they should throw him a parade. Leave it to some rocket scientist to bring up a child access issue.
All falls under common sense which sadly is lacking in modern times. Do we really need a law created to force adults to do things to protect their kids? Some of the things I see adults do that endanger kids drive me banana's. Saw a young women with 2 car seats with infants in them, tailgating, dodging in and out of traffic, in a big hurry to get someplace, yaking on the phone at the same time.
The only gun access issues in my house are if they can get to them fast enough and if there's enough ammo to get the job done.

06-30-2010, 01:41 PM
Good for the officers kid, they should throw him a parade. Leave it to some rocket scientist to bring up a child access issue.
All falls under common sense which sadly is lacking in modern times. Do we really need a law created to force adults to do things to protect their kids? Some of the things I see adults do that endanger kids drive me banana's. Saw a young women with 2 car seats with infants in them, tailgating, dodging in and out of traffic, in a big hurry to get someplace, yaking on the phone at the same time.
The only gun access issues in my house are if they can get to them fast enough and if there's enough ammo to get the job done.

You're right, common sense is lacking. But you gotta love a happy ending. I really enjoy it when the good guys win. If the good guys win enough maybe the bad guys will get the hint that it ain't worth it. Well there I go losing all my common sense.:cool:

06-30-2010, 03:06 PM
If parents today used any common sense, we wouldn't need laws to protect kids. How did the rest of us ever grow up without it??? At least some kids are getting the right training. Good for them. How many parents send their kids off to drivers ed. and then throw 'em the car keys and tell 'em to have a good time? Try teaching a hunter's ed. class or watching a military range session, it's scary. Guns and shooting are taught through education. Sadly, we don't have those courses in highschool these days. It scares the liberals.