View Full Version : New Problem: FTF ever so slightly!

12-23-2014, 04:01 PM
Have about 500 rounds through my CM9. Today while shooting it (towards the 85 round count), the last round fed but not entirely. The round was approx. 1/4" from fully putting the gun into battery. This occurred with both magazines (one being the newest one) and with the same ammo (FreedomMunitions 115 gr. FMJ, new). I had to hit the back of the slide to get the round to seat. My first thought was to blame the ammo, but up to that time, it had run fine on that ammo.

Anyone have this problem?

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


12-23-2014, 04:34 PM
If it happened only 1 time it could have been 1 bad cartridge, however if you were ending your shooting for the day and that really was the last round, I think it was "Limp Wrist" due to fatigue of shooting 84 rounds and relaxing on that last and final shot.

12-23-2014, 06:28 PM
Thanks Ikeo74! I was wondering about that. And you confirmed what may very well be the problem!
I'll give it a go next time at the range and shoot only 50 rounds and see if any of them FTF. Thanks for the wisdom!