View Full Version : Just installed these new Aimline sights on a friends Glock 19

12-23-2014, 04:07 PM
Guess I'll post this here on "other" firearms since they are currently only available for Glocks. I ran across these sights online the other month and recommended them to a friend, actually my barber for the past 44 years. He is a semi newbie at shooting handguns and was having some issues with sight picture. He purchased these and I just finished installing them on his G19. I LIKE these sights! Took it out back and ran a mag through it. They are very intuitive and extremely fast acquisition to target. I think they may help him with sight picture. As soon as they come out in tritium I will buy a set for my G26. I sure wish they would make them for Kahrs. The only thing I don't like is they have to be aligned covering your target (POI), much like the sights on my CM9 and CW45. I prefer a 6 o'clock hold. Here's a halfa$$ pic and the website. www.aimline.com (http://www.aimline.com)

12-23-2014, 05:16 PM
Don't know that I care for those, sorry. Sad case that I am, I actually like the stock Glock sights.

12-23-2014, 05:22 PM
Thanks. Never heard of Aimline before. I like the old three dot system. I'd glow paint the front green or red or something.

12-23-2014, 05:45 PM
I can shoot the stock sights but don't care much for them. When I shoot stock Glock sights I don't pay any attention to the "U", I just align the sights as if they were blacked out, regular iron sights. I have Trijicon 3 dot on all my Glocks and they work pretty well for me, but I think I could acquire a decent sight pic with these Aimlines faster. Need to do some timed plate runs with them if I can get up with my buddy at the range one of these days. Nothing to be sorry about Itxi - shoot what works for you.

12-24-2014, 07:28 AM
I like the Aimlines. I went with Ameriglo i-Dots. It is whatever floats your boat. Let's face it, if we suddenly needed to fire our guns for SD, few will remember the sight picture anyway.


12-25-2014, 03:11 PM
sights make me crazy. one of these days I'm going to buy a Colt New Agent and kiss sights goodbye. apparently as a person gets older they might have symptoms of "Presbyopia"-- target at 5-25 yds. is clear, sights are blurry to fuzzy blobs. I need an oversize rear sight and a large front sight, w/ blinking LED. I recently shot an HK 45 Tactical and those are the best sights I've worked with.
apparently these sights are "high profile"(big!) so the shooter can look over the top of the suppressor . "ball in the bucket" Glock sights work for me too. Kahr sights are ok.
why can't the smaller production gun makers use sights from major gun makers, or at least use the same machining dimensions, or why aren't sights standardized for interchangeability?

Bill K
12-25-2014, 03:44 PM
... Let's face it, if we suddenly needed to fire our guns for SD, few will remember the sight picture anyway.

Remember the sight picture? Many, maybe even most, will not even obtain a sight picture if the SD incident takes place at close range. Because I believe this true is why I'm an advocate of more practice and training point shooting than sight shooting.

12-25-2014, 05:47 PM
Those are interesting sights there glockrocker. Better than the ball in a bucket stock sights. 340pds sights are good too.

I'm hooked on the kahr style dot the I sights. I used a sharpie to color in the stock sights to be bar and dot. I struggle more left to right than up and down so they work pretty well for me like that.

12-25-2014, 06:08 PM
sights make me crazy. one of these days I'm going to buy a Colt New Agent and kiss sights goodbye. apparently as a person gets older they might have symptoms of "Presbyopia"-- target at 5-25 yds. is clear, sights are blurry to fuzzy blobs. I need an oversize rear sight and a large front sight, w/ blinking LED. I recently shot an HK 45 Tactical and those are the best sights I've worked with.
apparently these sights are "high profile"(big!) so the shooter can look over the top of the suppressor . "ball in the bucket" Glock sights work for me too. Kahr sights are ok.
why can't the smaller production gun makers use sights from major gun makers, or at least use the same machining dimensions, or why aren't sights standardized for interchangeability?

Gunfighting 101: Focus on the front sight, not the rear nor the target....repeat out loud 25 times.

Especially with age, other than pitch black/with any real ambient light at all gold bead fronts are the best out there.

12-25-2014, 06:52 PM
I'm on the wrong side of the tracks for Gold but I put a Brass Bead on my C Bob and it's the cats back side. I like it vera vera much.

Amazing how much that shiny piece of brass picks up any available light too. I'm vera happy.

12-26-2014, 08:58 AM
"Gunfighting 101: Focus on the front sight, not the rear nor the target"
I think you want to change that to Target shooting 101. gunfighting 101 would be more like, get the gun out of the holster, zoom your eyes in on the target(just like pitching a baseball), depress the trigger, repeat, etc., change magazine. (elapsed time: 2-3 seconds?) when your on the second magazine consider transitioning to sighted shooting if the threat(s) are now out past 5 yds.

12-26-2014, 03:15 PM
Perhaps I should have said Shooting 101. At this point in my life some things are long ago learned "truths" coupled with instinctive what works for me experience, so I thought more about it. Some truth in what you wrote although I don't fully agree nor buy the baseball pitching analogy. If you have an arm you can point shoot well under stress then I agree sights are irrelevant...otherwise not. Ignoring that is what leads to spray and pray, a misguided luxury that came with high cap autos. One reason I like gold beads so much is they pick up really well without any effort or conscious thought. Trit fronts are better, of course, in really dark out but not as good with decent ambient light and they need replacement after five to ten years.

12-26-2014, 03:24 PM
I'm on the wrong side of the tracks for Gold but I put a Brass Bead on my C Bob and it's the cats back side. I like it vera vera much.

Amazing how much that shiny piece of brass picks up any available light too. I'm vera happy.

Shiny be the key. Gold is better but no way worth the cost delta over clean, shiny brass unless one has more money than sense. That would be me....not like I have all that much money, just not a whole hell of a lot of sense.

12-26-2014, 04:03 PM
Aw, I've found my twin separated at birth, senseless poor bastard that likes Gold.

Longitude Zero
12-26-2014, 04:16 PM
Ugly. Not a fan. I like my Dawson adjustable night/fiber sights.

12-26-2014, 06:44 PM
Ugly. Not a fan. I like my Dawson adjustable night/fiber sights.
If I had to do it over, I would go Dawson too. Dawson sights are not pretty sights either amigo but I like the adjustability and the FO FS (which has problems if you drive your gun hard IMHO) is still better for my older eyes.

12-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Aw, I've found my twin separated at birth, senseless poor bastard that likes Gold.

Which reminds me....although I'm retired after January 5th my son's coming to visit and I gots a lot of other thingys going on for the next couple of months. So I won't be conveniently able to get to fixin' your Violet problem until sometime in March. Can ya hold out that long or do I need to rearrange some stuff?

12-26-2014, 09:15 PM
March! Man, that's a far ways off. Your liable to just find a shell of a half man what looks a little like a door mat.

They really been on a roll lately too. All want to be somebody so they's all trying to teach me stuff they don't know how to do.

I was home sick a couple weeks and they tried to do some of my stuff, like they's doing me a favor or something. Didn't do have the steps they told me they insist I do. Big case of the blind leading the blind me thinks.

I'll be ok really. Focus on getting yersef retarded and then we'll focus on the big stuff.

12-26-2014, 11:37 PM
Glock's ball in the bucket works well for me for fast, minute of bad guy accuracy. For bullseye shooting, I don't look at the white, just the black iron. HK's big 3 dot white sights work well for me too. I'm still learning my Kahr sights, but they are similar to Sig's to me.

12-27-2014, 06:19 AM
short of trying to carry a big gun with lights and laser on the rail, does anybody practice shooting a carry gun in one hand while holding a flashlight in the other hand? (I have to get my Daisy 415 and a flashlight with good batteries and go out back some night and see if this is doable.)

12-27-2014, 09:16 AM
I can see where the "Line-Bar" format would help some shooters.

12-27-2014, 03:23 PM
I can see where the "Line-Bar" format would help some shooters.

I do, too. It would not work for me, but there's good reason sights can be had in so many configurations.

12-27-2014, 03:40 PM
March! Man, that's a far ways off. Your liable to just find a shell of a half man what looks a little like a door mat.

They really been on a roll lately too. All want to be somebody so they's all trying to teach me stuff they don't know how to do.

I was home sick a couple weeks and they tried to do some of my stuff, like they's doing me a favor or something. Didn't do have the steps they told me they insist I do. Big case of the blind leading the blind me thinks.

I'll be ok really. Focus on getting yersef retarded and then we'll focus on the big stuff.

Ok, ok, ok....deep breath, don't stroke out on me here.

Send me....via plain brown wrapper snail mail....a list of names, addresses if you have them general location if not, and airport codes for the nearest decent general aviation airports.

Get that wedding/funeral tux cleaned, relax and try to stay calm, and I'll get to it soonest I can after son/wife/grand daughters' short visit mid-January.

12-27-2014, 04:02 PM
Very interesting concept...... thanks for sharing that.... I may have to give them a try when I'm in the market for sights.... I have factory glock sights, tru glo and even factory glock night sights which are around 8yrs old and still hold a very good candle to my truglo that are around 1 yr old....

glocks factory U doesn't bother me a bit and I think that was a good concept way back when, but these Aimline's have really peeked my interest, I also like the low profile...

12-27-2014, 06:15 PM
did you ever handle or shoot a Steyr? https://www.google.com/search?q=steyr+sights&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 wish I could get some of these for the Kahr.

12-28-2014, 08:36 AM
short of trying to carry a big gun with lights and laser on the rail, does anybody practice shooting a carry gun in one hand while holding a flashlight in the other hand? (I have to get my Daisy 415 and a flashlight with good batteries and go out back some night and see if this is doable.)
Good idea, but being as clumsy as I am, walking and chewing gum can become an obstacle.

I have been kicking around the idea of a rail mounted light for my XDm .45 house gun. I suspect the best option would be to get one with a laser also.