View Full Version : Found a Hoppe's No 9 scented fragrance oil!
Thought this was something a few of you might be interested in
I typed Hoppe's into google to order a new bottle (the local wally world was out) and I ran across a place that sells a fragrance oil that smells like it :)
Might get some to sprinkle in the wrangler since I cant find the Hoppes air fresheners anymore.
maybe even get my wife to wear it :tongue:
12-23-2014, 08:54 PM
I'm wearing it right now......the real stuff! :Amflag2:
12-23-2014, 09:27 PM
One of my better moments at work, we were cleaning guns after a range session and showing some new guys AR cleaning stuff etc.
I planned ahead as we have numerous pint bottles of Hoppe's. I found an empty one but one that was pretty ugly on the outside, rinsed it out pretty good and filled it 3/4 full of water.
The guys for some reason always put on latex gloves which I hate, so I was telling them how harmless the stuff is and it can't hurt ya. Actually has medicinal qualities, grabbed my bottle out of a group of several with fingers crossed of course that I grabbed the right one. Unscrewed the lid and drank about half of it down. Mmmm mmm, put the lid back on and dropped it down with a group in a tool box.
You could have heard a pin drop in that room. I grabbed another bottle and handed it to an officer and told him to give er a try.
No takers???? True story. I'm sure I've absorbed enough through the skin that drinking it wouldn't hurt bad.
12-23-2014, 11:05 PM
He's a wild and crazy guy!
12-24-2014, 09:52 AM
That explains a lot Bawanna...
12-24-2014, 10:41 AM
Great story Bawann!!!...My wifes uncle swore by spraying WD-40 on his knees and elbows and said it did wonders for his Rheumatoid Arthritis and kept the Mosquittos away as a bonus....I say it was the quart and a half of Vodka he drank every day that did it but who knows.....
12-24-2014, 10:53 AM
^^^ ... Couldn't feel his knees and didn't care about the dang mosquitoes. :D
12-24-2014, 11:52 AM
I can relate to that not feeling his knees. Never acquired a taste for the Vodka myself.
Heard it makes one feel like Bull! Mooooo Mooooo.
well, Bawanna I am sure what you drank was healthier than those sugar free breath mints that people eat. (smells batter to)
and glad you didn't chug a bottle of the No.9 ahahahah
as far as vodka.... if it's not aged in oak, I'd just rather not drink ;)
Love me some Glen Garioch or if I am in the mood for something a tad sweeter Knob Creek.
And I did order a little 1oz bottle of this stuff :D so I will do a side by side comparison with a new bottle of No.9 in a few days.
12-24-2014, 05:33 PM
not sure exactly where vodka comes from..but have been told this is how Jack Daniels is made>>
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