View Full Version : Getting the slide back on......

12-24-2014, 07:20 AM
This really isn't about repair or customization, but it seems like the right place.

I'm new to Kahr pistols, although I've owned a number of different firearms including 1911s and some that take down in a similar way as the Kahr, like the SIG Pro and a Tanfoglio full size .45. I'm familiar with pulling and holding the slide back and removing the pin then assembling in the reverse order.

I've taken the Kahr down twice and reassembled it. Neither time has been "smooth". This last time, I had trouble getting the slide back on. Eventually I did, but wasn't that clear on how I manage it or why it was difficult to start with.

When reassembling after lubing it, The guide rod would stick out. It seemed to be hanging up somewhere. I attended to the instructions in the manual to make sure it was parallel to the rails, this may have eventually allowed me to get it back together, but I verified it several times when I wasn't having any success.

Can someone suggest what might be going on and how I might make the process of disassembly and reassembly smoother?

12-24-2014, 07:27 AM
I had a similar experience. I need to push down on the guide rod to get it to go thorough the opening in the slide

12-24-2014, 07:43 AM
It gets easier the more often you shoot the gun. It also gets easier the more times you field strip the gun. It's just a matter of getting everything lined up correctly. Here's a video that might be of help.


12-24-2014, 07:59 AM
When I reassemble my K9 I look down the inside of the slide to see that the spring and guide rod are reasonable centered.
Then I join the slide and frame, moving the slide back to the ejector.
Sometimes the ejector needs to be pushed down a bit, (it has some wriggle room), to clear the slide.
The slide should easily move to the rear.
To install the slide stop pin I retract the slide a short distance, a quarter inch or so, then I push it in and up to the side of the slide. Try not to scratch your finish.
Next I retract the slide back to align the notch and slide stop pin, and push the pin in fully.

12-24-2014, 12:29 PM
This was all very helpful. I was doing all the right things in the right order, but the slide was stopping short of being able to reinsert the slide stop pin. The video certainly made it look much easier than it was.

The gun is used, so I would assume, unless it's not seen very many rounds, that it has been broken in already. Perhaps it's just that I need to get used to the Kahr and have a bit more finesse.

01-07-2015, 12:25 PM
This was all very helpful. I was doing all the right things in the right order, but the slide was stopping short of being able to reinsert the slide stop pin. The video certainly made it look much easier than it was.

The gun is used, so I would assume, unless it's not seen very many rounds, that it has been broken in already. Perhaps it's just that I need to get used to the Kahr and have a bit more finesse.

After awhile you be able to do it in your sleep. At my age I find that I'm doing a lot more things in my sleep. I can't stay awake as long as I used to. :)