View Full Version : Brand new CM9 broke after first shot

12-25-2014, 08:41 PM
Hi, I am new to KAHR. Have 8 different guns. And this is my first KAHR - CM9. I purchased this gun brand new, cleaned, oiled, reassembled looking into the manual and in couple of days brought it to the shooting range. I was able to make only one shot. The slide does not put the bullet into the chamber. Tried different magazines - no luck. Tried to reassemble the gun - no luck: was able to take out the pin but the slide could not take out. Called KAHR and they told me to ship the gun. Was surprised that I have to pay the shipping cost (why do I have to pay for the gun which has the warranty?). It's been 2 weeks - there is no any update. When I call, the answer is: in the repair shop. At the same day (2 weeks ago) I shipped my Ruger SR22 for one minor repair. Ruger paid for all expanses including shipping both ways (even shipping box) and returned the gun in 5 days (the greatest service ever). Now please tell me if it is how KAHR's service works? Do I have to get used to this kind of service or it is a better just to sell the gun? Thanks.

12-25-2014, 09:07 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I wish you could have checked in here before sending it back. May have been something simple and we could have helped out. But anyway, the kahr cm9 is a nice pistol and mine has been flawless. Hang in there and im sure if something is wrong they'll take care of you. It may take a little longer with the holidays at this time. If you have a problem after you get it back check in so we can help out. Could be ammo or any little thing. Let us know what happens.

12-25-2014, 10:39 PM
It's too bad you didn't come on here before sending it in. There is so much great help on this forum. I am one of the people who got an excellent CM9. The only trouble I've had was caused by me, otherwise it has been 100% so I know they are good guns. Let us know how it comes out. Welcome to the forum.

12-25-2014, 10:54 PM
Could be several minor problems that could have been taken care of by the owner without sending it back to Kahr. I can think of several operator induced causes that would cause a fail to load and I can't get the slide off. Let us know what the fix is when you get it back. What was wrong with your Ruger?

12-26-2014, 03:50 AM
Do I have to get used to this kind of service or it is a better just to sell the gun? Thanks.

I think you should sell the gun. In fact, to be safe, you should probably sell all your guns. :rolleyes:

12-26-2014, 05:53 AM
There are numerous posts where the OP will (in no particular order) claim a problem, claim they did everything right, claim some varied past firearms experience as a way to justify their doing "everything right", bash the manufacturer's policies, compare those policies to another experience they had and usually conclude with some introspective about taking a loss, learning a lesson, by way of selling their new pistol.

In this case, being Christmas (or soon thereafter) I'm willing to give wide latitude of grace and actually try to determine the issue.

Dlajj5 you misassembled the pistol.

Thats the problem. The pistol was test fired at the factory. Every one is. Yes test firing a few shots is not proof of it working correctly forever, but its proof of basic function. You disassembled the pistol. You cleaned and oiled it. You reassembled it - and you claim "IT BROKE" after the first shot. That was not the first shot, but more like shot #7 or #8 or whatever....

There are things missing in your story. How exactly did you get that first round in the chamber? How did you try to get other rouuds into the chamber after "IT BROKE"? I can think of two or three reasons you'd have problems, all based on incorrect reassembly.

Improper orientation of the recoil spring
Improper seating of the recoil spring guide assembly
Improper alingment of the slide stop spring

As for the slide not coming off... they can be a little tricky. Kahr requires that you pull the trigger to remove the slide, however.... sometimes you need to coax the slide a bit by wiggling a semi-pulled trigger. Depends on the parts orientation at the time. You'll find that sometimes the slide will move forward damn near on its own after the trigger is pulled, other times you need to wiggle things. Its the nature of the beast.

Sorry you had a problem! Kahr will correct any problem with the pistol. They cannot correct any problem with the shooter, end user, operator. Thats up to you

12-26-2014, 07:52 AM
If dlajj5 did assemble his pistol incorrectly after cleaning the gun could well have failed after the first shot. Kahr warrants their pistols to be free of defects in materials and/or workmanship. It doesn't warrant the pistol for operator errors or abuse. In all probability the gun wasn't reassembled properly after it was cleaned. If the malfunction was the fault of the gun Kahr will repair or replace it for free. There is nothing in the warranty expressed or implied that Kahr Arms will pay for shipping. Kahr does pay for return shipping regardless of fault.

12-26-2014, 08:56 AM
Hi, I am new to KAHR. Have 8 different guns. And this is my first KAHR - CM9. I purchased this gun brand new, cleaned, oiled, reassembled looking into the manual and in couple of days brought it to the shooting range. I was able to make only one shot. The slide does not put the bullet into the chamber. Tried different magazines - no luck. Tried to reassemble the gun - no luck: was able to take out the pin but the slide could not take out. Called KAHR and they told me to ship the gun. Was surprised that I have to pay the shipping cost (why do I have to pay for the gun which has the warranty?). It's been 2 weeks - there is no any update. When I call, the answer is: in the repair shop. At the same day (2 weeks ago) I shipped my Ruger SR22 for one minor repair. Ruger paid for all expanses including shipping both ways (even shipping box) and returned the gun in 5 days (the greatest service ever). Now please tell me if it is how KAHR's service works? Do I have to get used to this kind of service or it is a better just to sell the gun? Thanks.
Welcome to the forums dlajj5.
As you have sent your pistol back to Kahr, there's not much we can do to help in regards to the issue you were having.
As to the service questions/complaints:
Kahr has paid for shipping on customer returns, I've no idea why they didn't for you. As mentioned by muggsy, Kahr will cover the return shipping costs. I mention that because some makers will only do that if they determine they were at fault (I had to pay for return shipping from S&W once).
As to turnaround time, a lot of things can affect that: I.E. type of issue, availability of parts, (as mentioned) the holiday season, workload, etc. I do think your 5 day turn around from Ruger was exceptional. They certainly weren't that quick with a new Bearcat I sent to them (which required a second trip to fix the issue). I did have very quick turnaround from RIA and USFA on returns, but feel these are the exceptions. I've also had extremely long turnarounds (+4 months) from S&W, but again, feel these are exceptions.
I'd advise some patience and see how the CM9 performs before deciding what to do with it.

12-26-2014, 09:19 AM
Usually they jump on dangerous or unsafe weapons with return shipping. Maybe they already knew it was a failure code ID-10-T ?

12-26-2014, 10:22 AM
C'mon folks!
He is brand new to the forum. He did not know why the gun failed and neither do you. He assumed it to be a manufacturing failure, some of you assume it to be operator error and in not so kind words.
Just based upon the responses in this thread, I would have a tough time buying another Kahr or even keeping this one even if it came back and never had another problem.

dlajj5 (http://www.kahrtalk.com/member.php?15487-dlajj5) - see how it runs when you get it back. If something else turns up, there are lots of good folks on this forum that can guide you through most of the issues that arise.

12-26-2014, 10:44 AM
Don't forget the problems ammo can cause.

12-26-2014, 01:14 PM
It sounds like it may have been reassembled incorrectly to produce the result you received. Kahr should be able to straighten it out. I would guess that part of their delay is the holiday time frame. Probably have staff out and others not able to catch up. If it was their defect they should pay for the shipping. At a minimum at least a free magazine or something.

12-26-2014, 04:09 PM
Do I have to get used to this kind of service or it is a better just to sell the gun?

Situationally, my interest is peaked not so much by the cause of the problem, but the only question the OP asked on his first post, after long monologue.

Folks do this all the time.

Maybe its a point of human frustration. You human's are a silly species that way!~

"I got a new CM9, and before I took it to the range, I heeded the prep instructions here. That means I field stripped it, cleaned, lightly lubes and reassembled the pistol. First shot was GREAT. There was no shot number two. I can't get a round in the chamber!

Can anyone enlighten me? I'm not sure if something broke or I broke something, or if its just a matter of incorrect reassembly after the maiden voyage cleaning. I thought I had some experience in this sort of thing - 8 other guns in my safe. This one... is getting to me, I can't figure out what I did wrong.

Anyone have some pointers, a clue, something to look for that I missed? Does the Kahr have any "gotchas"... its my first Kahr, so help appreciated!"


Its not the problem the OP had, but the MO many seem to present....

12-26-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm with DavidS, cut the guy some slack!

12-26-2014, 05:25 PM
We certainly should allow for the chance of a pistol failure...and how much that could tick a shooter off. Then again we've had our share of first post whiner/trolls. Who knows? OP hasn't posted again. But can you blame him?

My New Year's resolution is to read my posts before I hit submit. Just sayin'.

12-26-2014, 11:00 PM
I'm with DavidS, cut the guy some slack!

Yep. Sometimes our responses to a new members first question go back and forth worse than the liberal/conservative political discussions on Fox News. Not that I haven't been right in the middle some time but just sayin.

12-27-2014, 12:08 AM
I'm brand new to the forum too, but I'm on a number of other forums, and I read a few that I'm not a member of. These responses seem way too harsh and unfriendly to me too. I don't know, maybe Kahrtalk gets more than it's fair share of trolls and that causes hyper vigilance. I don't think English is the original posters' native language and that may have caused a perceived attitude that was unintended. Just sayin ...

Dlajj5, I would keep the gun and put some more rounds through it when you get it back, then reassess the situation.

12-27-2014, 08:13 AM
This is not about Kahr but new guns in general. I wanted a 9mm revolver that didn't need moon clips. I researched the charter pitbill 9mm. Everything I read was good for an inexpensive firearm. I bought one nib got it to the range loaded it up & the cylinder would not close. I didn't even get 1 shot off so I feel for the OP it can happen.

12-27-2014, 08:17 AM
It often sounds like English isn't Jocko's first language, but that doesn't stop you guys from picking on him. And he such a sweet old man, too. Just sayin. :)

12-27-2014, 08:32 AM
Ol Jocko knows Engish just fine. Its his keyboard that struggles with it....

12-27-2014, 08:44 AM
I'll admit my first reaction to the original post was "troll". But then I figured what would it hurt to just leave him alone vs. jumping on him. He didn't sound like he was asking for any help. And starting a flame war is what motivates trolls so I didn't want to contribute to that. And in the remote case that OP has a legitimate problem, I didn't want to bash him.

So that's my 2nd New Year's resolution: If someone comes on here and isn't asking for help, I'm not going to offer any.

12-27-2014, 08:46 AM
Its not the problem the OP had, but the MO many seem to present....

In life attitude is everything.

12-27-2014, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=CJB;328034] Its not the problem the OP had, but the MO many seem to present....[/QUOTE

In life attitude is everything.

^^^ and life is a mirror: a bad attitude typically returns another bad attitude.

12-27-2014, 08:52 AM
Ol Jocko knows Engish just fine. Its his keyboard that struggles with it....

Maybe Jocko shouldn't keep one of these by his keyboard.... just sayin'


BTW - gave a couple of those to my sons for Christmas.

12-27-2014, 01:37 PM
Hi guys,
I am really new to KAHR forum. I did not get warm greetings from some of you.
Like I mentioned before I have 8 guns (about 20 years of experience, 3 years was in army)- 4 different manufacturers: Ruger, Kimber, Glock, Beretta. And I am in those forums all time. I would like to be honest with you: I am really shocked with some of your answers. Some of you are very rude. I did not expect this when I signed to this forum. I've never received these kind of rude answers for YEARS.
But thank you to those people who saved their good face and willing to help, to listen and understand. THANKS again!
When first time I've read the answers, my first movement was to get away from this forum. I did not show for 2 days, but decided to come back. Unfortunately not much has changed. WOW!!!
I would like to add to my original post. When I was unable to shoot at the range I asked gun smith to help me to reassemble the gun but he was not able to do it and made suggestion to send it back to KAHR because of the warranty. In my past I had similar experience with my Ruger SR22 when I reassembled wrong by inserting recoil spring different way, but was able easy to reassemble the gun and correct this problem. In CM9 case case nobody (including gun smith and my friend) was able to do it. And more, I tried 2 different magazines - the same issue.
Anyway, still waiting for the gun to be returned by KAHR. I'll let you know what happen later.

Now, harsh members: please do not waste your time.
I have a question. My friend purchased the same CM9 (at the same time). He brought it first time to shooting range today. And he has the following problem. He has only one standard magazine. When he loads it completely (6 rounds), the slide does not feed the chamber. He has to decrease the number of bullets to 5 - then there is no problem. Any advice on this? Thanks a lot!!!

12-27-2014, 02:10 PM
Try this if your are doing it differently. When fully loaded, make sure to lock the slide back first, insert the magazine, then use the slide release to chamber the first round.

12-27-2014, 04:13 PM
Hi guys,
I am really new to KAHR forum. I did not get warm greetings from some of you.
Like I mentioned before I have 8 guns (about 20 years of experience, 3 years was in army)- 4 different manufacturers: Ruger, Kimber, Glock, Beretta. And I am in those forums all time. I would like to be honest with you: I am really shocked with some of your answers. Some of you are very rude. I did not expect this when I signed to this forum. I've never received these kind of rude answers for YEARS.
But thank you to those people who saved their good face and willing to help, to listen and understand. THANKS again!
When first time I've read the answers, my first movement was to get away from this forum. I did not show for 2 days, but decided to come back. Unfortunately not much has changed. WOW!!!

I would like to add to my original post. When I was unable to shoot at the range I asked gun smith to help me to reassemble the gun but he was not able to do it and made suggestion to send it back to KAHR because of the warranty. In my past I had similar experience with my Ruger SR22 when I reassembled wrong by inserting recoil spring different way, but was able easy to reassemble the gun and correct this problem. In CM9 case case nobody (including gun smith and my friend) was able to do it. And more, I tried 2 different magazines - the same issue.
Anyway, still waiting for the gun to be returned by KAHR. I'll let you know what happen later.

Now, harsh members: please do not waste your time.
I have a question. My friend purchased the same CM9 (at the same time). He brought it first time to shooting range today. And he has the following problem. He has only one standard magazine. When he loads it completely (6 rounds), the slide does not feed the chamber. He has to decrease the number of bullets to 5 - then there is no problem. Any advice on this? Thanks a lot!!!

I think some folk may have just not gotten what they wanted for Christmas.

Welcome! And to your current question....I fully agree, Try loading from slide lock if not doing that already. Kahrs don't take well to slingshot loading when new....to the point Kahr does point it out in the owner's manual. After wearing in a bit they will feed that way but Kahr still doesn't recommend it. You may want to let him try with your mag. Also, these guns, like many others, can be finicky with regard to some hollow point ammunition bullet shapes. Another thing to try is polishing the feed ramp barrel hood if he feels comfortable doing it. I do this routinely with any production semi-auto...even the best are never perfect.

Can't speak to Kahr's customer service of late but when my then new MK9 had an issue a few years ago they were nothing but helpful, fast, and picked up the shipping costs.

12-27-2014, 05:10 PM
I concur it would have been ideal to check with the helpful folks here on the forum, google is your friend as well....

but I wholeheartedly agree it is apples to oranges when comparing Ruger's Customer Service to Kahr, there is simply no comparison....period......

12-27-2014, 05:11 PM
Any advice on this? Thanks a lot!!!

The only thing I can add, is maybe you should have let your friend with the same exact CM9 reassemble your pistol. Looks like he can at least get it to shoot!

12-27-2014, 06:24 PM
As a NRA instructor are you this harsh to all your students? Or? Or may be you do not have (can't) to be instructor. Just do not answer, Do not spoil the chat, please

12-27-2014, 06:32 PM
Hi guys,
I am really new to KAHR forum. I did not get warm greetings from some of you.
Like I mentioned before I have 8 guns (about 20 years of experience, 3 years was in army)- 4 different manufacturers: Ruger, Kimber, Glock, Beretta. And I am in those forums all time. I would like to be honest with you: I am really shocked with some of your answers. Some of you are very rude. I did not expect this when I signed to this forum. I've never received these kind of rude answers for YEARS.
But thank you to those people who saved their good face and willing to help, to listen and understand. THANKS again!
When first time I've read the answers, my first movement was to get away from this forum. I did not show for 2 days, but decided to come back. Unfortunately not much has changed. WOW!!!
I would like to add to my original post. When I was unable to shoot at the range I asked gun smith to help me to reassemble the gun but he was not able to do it and made suggestion to send it back to KAHR because of the warranty. In my past I had similar experience with my Ruger SR22 when I reassembled wrong by inserting recoil spring different way, but was able easy to reassemble the gun and correct this problem. In CM9 case case nobody (including gun smith and my friend) was able to do it. And more, I tried 2 different magazines - the same issue.
Anyway, still waiting for the gun to be returned by KAHR. I'll let you know what happen later.

Now, harsh members: please do not waste your time.
I have a question. My friend purchased the same CM9 (at the same time). He brought it first time to shooting range today. And he has the following problem. He has only one standard magazine. When he loads it completely (6 rounds), the slide does not feed the chamber. He has to decrease the number of bullets to 5 - then there is no problem. Any advice on this? Thanks a lot!!!
This forum has a great feature called the ignore list, and after reading this thread, I've added some more members to mine.
Read my sig line, and start your own ignore list

12-27-2014, 06:41 PM
happy new year!

12-27-2014, 08:52 PM
Tilos, thanks!

12-27-2014, 09:04 PM
As a NRA instructor are you this harsh to all your students? Or? Or may be you do not have (can't) to be instructor. Just do not answer, Do not spoil the chat, please

Yes, no, ok, oops too late!

12-28-2014, 09:33 PM
OP, perhaps if you reread your original post you might understand the reason for the "rude" responses. I agree that there is no need for forum members to reply in kind, but the tone of your original post hardly elicited warm fuzzy responses.

Welcome to the forum. You have purchased a wonderful pocket 9mm. Once you have it back from Kahr and once you have gotten used to the gun I am sure it will become a favorite. Hang in there, you are actually on one of the friendliest forums on the net. I am on a lot of forums so I do know.


01-05-2015, 04:09 PM
Received my gun back today without e-mail notification. Was lucky to stay home. It was a problem with the trigger. The exact problem explanation: 'CK-REWORKED TRIGGER AND TRIGGER BAR LUBED AND TESTED GOOD WITH 32 ROUNDS". Called KAHR to verify the issue and it was with the trigger. Hopefully will test soon.

01-06-2015, 06:53 PM
Received my gun back today without e-mail notification. Was lucky to stay home. It was a problem with the trigger. The exact problem explanation: 'CK-REWORKED TRIGGER AND TRIGGER BAR LUBED AND TESTED GOOD WITH 32 ROUNDS". Called KAHR to verify the issue and it was with the trigger. Hopefully will test soon.
Glad they got it fixed for you.
I seldom visit this forum because of all the jerks on it.

01-06-2015, 07:19 PM
I seldom visit this forum because of all the jerks on it.

Why thank you. :-) Try to hang around though Steve, as the people here are really big hearted and compared to other forums that I'm on, there are far less jerks here and it is way more fun. There is normally a reason people react. Many times it is simply that they misread the tone of a post and flare up. That's the problem with the written word.

Good luck with your gun OP now that it's back from Kahr.


01-06-2015, 08:07 PM
I fail to see how a trigger and or trigger bar issue would inhibit chambering.... but hell, wtf do I know, and its fixed (they say)

01-08-2015, 01:25 PM
dlajj5, you came to this forum with a bad attitude. Had you come to this forum seeking assistance with a good attitude you wouldn't have been rebuffed. You would have been cordially welcomed and assisted by some of the best people in the hand gun world. You've been given a second opportunity to make a good first impression. Don't waste it.

01-08-2015, 03:56 PM
muggsy, you're such a curmudgeonly dick. Keep up the good work!

01-08-2015, 05:19 PM
muggsy, you're such a curmudgeonly dick. Keep up the good work!

Yeah. Muggs is on his 9862nd opportunity... ;)

01-08-2015, 05:40 PM
Muggs has the consistancy in attitude that is matched only by the ascerbicism of his speech. Kudos really ol' bean.

01-08-2015, 07:42 PM
dlajj5, you came to this forum with a bad attitude. Had you come to this forum seeking assistance with a good attitude you wouldn't have been rebuffed. You would have been cordially welcomed and assisted by some of the best people in the hand gun world. You've been given a second opportunity to make a good first impression. Don't waste it.
...it's people like you that drive others away from this forum. His attitude seemed fine being he just spent good $ on a "quality" gun and it was DOA

01-08-2015, 08:29 PM
...Now please tell me if it is how KAHR's service works? Do I have to get used to this kind of service or it is a better just to sell the gun? Thanks.

^^^ Just a reminder.

Kahr took care of OP. So life goes on.

01-08-2015, 10:12 PM
...it's people like you that drive others away from this forum. His attitude seemed fine being he just spent good $ on a "quality" gun and it was DOA

I noticed that you're still here, Steve, so I guess that you can take it. I went through everyone of my posts and can't find one thing that I said that was untoward or untrue. If you don't like what I had to say then feel free to put me on ignore. His gun wasn't DOA. It didn't fail until after he field stripped, cleaned and reassembled it. It functioned perfectly when the factory test fired it.

08-30-2015, 01:20 PM
while not reading the tread in its entirety I will say of course there are some real Jerks here that always seem to slam people when they bring up the slightest disgust in Kahr products, to much koolaid, brain washing or simply following the 'cult' I dunno, but if you think its bad here you can go visit GlockTalk and get equal lashings or even bashings for that matter....

Kahr CS may have apparently changed as I too had a very bad first impression, and I came off as an innocent customer looking for help, I was sent away as a bother for the most part and or given the option to send the gun in on my dime, not happening here.... I tweeked the gun myself as kahr would have and was slammed for doing so as the guys at Kahr must be Gods infixing guns, but I find that comical as many have been returned with even worse problems or initial problem not fixed at all...and the waste of money to send the gun....

Kahrs CS dept may have changed as I recently just made an inquiry call as my cw380 has just sat on the shelf for many months untouched, I was inquiring about the change in recoil springs and if I could buy the newer updated springs on their site, he refused to allow me to buy it and insisted to send me one, I was shocked felt like I was talking to Rugers CS dept..... kudos.....