View Full Version : Bought a P380 Today

06-30-2010, 08:48 PM
Okay, Okay, I know what you guys are thinking. I've said many times that my PM9 is the smallest gun I want to carry....And it still is! I bought the P380 for my girlfriend. Took her to the gun store where they had a 2 tone, standard sites. She fondled it briefly and said she wanted it. She absolutely loves the trigger. She had a Kel Tec .32 and said she never felt comfortable with it. I think she's going to love the P380 and it fits her hand perfectly. So I sorta kinda own a P380 now...at least I'm claiming part ownership. Won't be able to break it in for a while as vacation is coming up so I'll post a range report when I, she, we get one in.:music:

06-30-2010, 09:16 PM
Pictures mostly of the girlfriend but maybe some of the gun too.

06-30-2010, 09:46 PM
Is that a scenting post? I'm writing you up, or writing something down. I swear Bawanna you spread your scent more than most......but you make me laugh more than anyone else. Pictures will be forthcoming but only if she agrees and only to you.

06-30-2010, 09:52 PM
Is that a scenting post? I'm writing you up, or writing something down. I swear Bawanna you spread your scent more than most......but you make me laugh more than anyone else. Pictures will be forthcoming but only if she agrees and only to you.

Here we go with the scenting guilt trip again huh.

Hope she agrees,:p

Hope she agrees,:)

Hope she agrees,:rolleyes:

Maybe some wallet sizes and a nice 8x11?:madgrin:

What are you writing down, you keeping a log for the Ban Bawanna Bureau.
You really don't want me to take my ball, my shower cap and rubber shorts (you know the ones with the kevlar safety crotch) and go home do ya?