View Full Version : Whoops shot Ballistol into firing pin

01-03-2015, 11:00 AM
Accidentally grabbed Ballistol instead of compressed air and sprayed a small amount into the firing pin of P380 while cleaning.

Should I remove the firing pin and wipe it down or will it be OK as is?


01-03-2015, 11:07 AM
If it is a carry gun you should clean it out, lest it leak onto your primers. Otherwise just let it go. No harm will come. it will eventually be blasted out by shooting, until your next detailed cleaning.

01-03-2015, 11:09 AM
Ballistol is not regular oil, it's made from mineral oil. It evaporates fairly quickly.

01-03-2015, 12:20 PM
Shoot some brake cleaner into the clean out hole and work the striker back and forth and you should be ok. That will clean it out.

01-03-2015, 04:16 PM
Gotcha. Thanks for the tips. Just curious - how often is detail-stripping and cleaning that area a good idea, generally?

01-03-2015, 07:00 PM
Gotcha. Thanks for the tips. Just curious - how often is detail-stripping and cleaning that area a good idea, generally?

Good question. I dont know either but have somewhere betwn 2-300 round thru my CW380 and have never stripped the striker nor cleaned it with anything other than
wipe off the externals. In fact, when I feel it needs a cleaning, I'll blast it with brake cleaner, blow it dry with a hair dryer, and call it a day.

PS: wear safety glasses when you use brake cleaner.

01-04-2015, 05:56 AM
Ballistol is not regular oil, it's made from mineral oil. It evaporates fairly quickly.

Correct. And when it dries, it becomes wax-like and is very sticky. It should definitely be cleaned out. That can be done by detail strip of the slide, or by flushing it well, as described by others.

01-04-2015, 07:31 PM
got it. Will do. Thanks for all the tips!!

01-05-2015, 06:59 AM
Correct. And when it dries, it becomes wax-like and is very sticky. It should definitely be cleaned out. That can be done by detail strip of the slide, or by flushing it well, as described by others.

I'm not sure what product by Ballistol you are using, but mine doesn't dry "sticky". Check out Hickok45's videos, it's all he uses and he hoses down his weapons in the stuff.

01-05-2015, 07:53 AM
Correct. And when it dries, it becomes wax-like and is very sticky. It should definitely be cleaned out. That can be done by detail strip of the slide, or by flushing it well, as described by others.

RE: drying sticky. The Ballistol Company claims otherwise. FYI.

marshal kane
01-05-2015, 08:35 AM
A shot of Brakleen should clean up the excess lubricant nicely. Everything I've ever learned about applying lubricants to firearms is to use it sparingly. In fact, for those of you who live where it REALLY gets cold, the advice is to use no lubricants at all.

01-24-2015, 11:33 AM
I'm not sure what product by Ballistol you are using, but mine doesn't dry "sticky". Check out Hickok45's videos, it's all he uses and he hoses down his weapons in the stuff.

He says to use it sparingly, and to always keep it away from the firing pin to avoid gumming up the works.

01-24-2015, 12:54 PM
I'm not sure what product by Ballistol you are using, but mine doesn't dry "sticky". Check out Hickok45's videos, it's all he uses and he hoses down his weapons in the stuff.

He says to use it sparingly, and to always keep it away from the firing pin to avoid gumming up the works.

I lube Kahrs more, mostly because of all the info I've read on this site, and Ballistol works for me- but not in the firing pin channel. NOTHING GREASY OR "LUBEY" SHOULD GO IN THERE. Follow everyone's recommendation and shoot some non-chlorinated brake cleaner into the cleanout. The little straw that comes with the aerosol can is perfect for that hole. That should take care of it.

01-24-2015, 01:16 PM
Groo here
I have little experence with Kahr's compared to "block" but lube in most striker fired gun striker channel
will cause light firing pin strikes.
The lube acts like a shock on your car, slowing down the striker.
The colder it gets , the worse it is.
In Very cold/winter conditions , many people will use a dry lube or none at all.
As few shots will be fired in such conditions, [ most SD shootings are 3 rds or less and almost all are done by the time the gun runs dry- per Grant Cunningham]
The wear to parts is small.

08-16-2018, 02:11 PM
Ballistol is amazing stuff.
Never hardens and for me is truly all-purpose.
Aside from weapons, I use it on nearly everything.
If you read more about it you will find it has medicinal uses as well.

RE: drying sticky. The Ballistol Company claims otherwise. FYI.

08-16-2018, 05:01 PM
I would never use compressed air on any of my firearms. Compressed air, think of it as a "high pressure system" when you release the high pressure it turns into a "low pressure system". Low pressure systems bring rain and moisture. Why do you think air compressors come with the little water drain hole at the bottom of the tank? Everytime you use the compressor it lowers the air pressure inside the tank and causes condensation. That same release of pressure at the nozzle will shoot water or condensation into your gun.

08-17-2018, 06:29 PM
Just take it apart and clean the firing pin channel and striker