View Full Version : New to Kahr (CW9)

01-04-2015, 11:08 AM
Hello, all!

I have been doing a bit of research on the K9, and on the 'net it looked like it would be a good compliment to the SigP250 that I'm currently carrying. Seems like the folks that like a DA trigger are very happy with the Kahr line, and I wanted to try on something that was a bit thinner than the Sig. Having recently moved to a new state, this seemed like a good excuse to get myself acquainted with some of the LGSs and ranges. So, off I go, searching for a K9 to get my mitts on.

Last stop of the day, found a used CW9. Slide and frame look like they are nearly new, though the barrel and guide rod show a fair amount of use, so she's already been broken in. Not really what I had been searching for, but I figure it will be a good introduction to the Kahr line, and if I like it I can pick up the K9 at some point in the future. So, as many of has experienced, the darned thing followed me home. :D

It'll be at least a week before I'm able to get to the range and see how she runs, but I'm excited by the prospects.

I'll be spending some time pouring through stickies and old posts, but if any of you have advice or guidance to get me started off on the right foot, please feel free to point me in the right direction!

01-04-2015, 12:05 PM
I'm not a CW9 owner but bought a CM45 after enjoying a P250sc45 and wanting something thinner and lighter.

Def look through the break-in threads just in case your previous owner sold it after running into probs running it dry.

01-04-2015, 01:06 PM
I have a CW9 and a CM9 (smaller). Both have been flawless so far. Due to yours being new I would go through the pistol very carefully before firing. There are threads in the Tech section that walk you through the slide disassemble. Definitely make the slide tool for yourself from a piece of wire. It helps immensely.

01-04-2015, 10:37 PM
Thanks Scott and Woody, I think you are on the right track with giving it a good cleaning. Magazines were really sticky when I cleaned them, no telling what the impact was to functioning. I'll definitely want to find the slide disassembly threads to make sure there's nothing fouling up the works there, appreciate you pointing me that way.

01-05-2015, 07:41 AM
The "C"models are Kahr's low end. Not meaning cheap, meaning they don't receive the same level of hand fitting that the "P"or "K" models receive. It appears that 99% of the "C" models are perfect off the line. The 1% needs a bit of TLC. Personally, I love working on guns and have built my own 1911 from scratch learning to hand fit each and every piece.

Getting started I would definitely suggest reading up on the "follower breaking issue", it doesn't sound like yours has a problem but just good to know. I polished out the barrel and feed ramp. I try to remove all tooling marks from the critical components. I believe these can be culprits that cause problems.

On my CW9, I re-profiled several areas on the slide. I rounded (just a bit) the ejection area to remove the sharpness. I filed the recoil rod housing to make it easier to angle the recoil rod into. I rounded the recoil rod a bit. Makes for easier re-assembly. I polish the dis-connector for smoother operation. I also polished the rounded part of the trigger bar on the frame. Is any of what I did necessary, no. The 200 round break in does most of the listed by itself. I just help it along.