View Full Version : Sportsman Channel

01-06-2015, 12:37 PM
Last night on the Sportsman channel which is 642 on U Verse and available on several other dish and cable providers they had Art Moore with Kahr Arms on the show talking about the new CT40 and CT45 pistols....He also had an Auto Ordnance 1911 there and did a comparison between the guns...They tested the new pistols and everyone seemed to like them and how they felt in the hand as well as how they performed on the range....Kahr Arms is a major sponsor of the network and if you like shooting and Kahr pistols which is pretty much a given if you are a member here then check out the Monday night line up starting at 8pm eastern on the Sportsman channel if you have it or can order it from your cable or dish provider.....

Lots of good entertainment and info for gun enthusiasts on the Monday night shows....Check em out

01-06-2015, 12:58 PM
My cable co. offers this channel, and I believe some of it originates in my neck of the woods...............sometimes I can get it and at other times, I can't. Good show though........................

01-06-2015, 04:23 PM
I just discovered it myself. Great programming.