View Full Version : Old member with new cm9

01-10-2015, 01:47 AM
I haven't been here in a few years. Been carry my K9 trouble free for a few years now. Trust it with life!

I bought a LNIB CM9 to go with my MK9 and K9 and I finally had a problem.

The infamous ammo nose dive issue. I read pages and pages of fixes and will get to see what worked in few days. I have 3 6rd and 3 7rd mags (1 8 rd also) so can compare before and after.

Good to see a few familiar names still here.

01-10-2015, 10:07 AM
Welcome back, Jim. Sorry to hear about the nosedive issues. Let us know how it turns out.

01-10-2015, 11:53 AM
Aw, you got me with Vegas Baby! Never been there myself but hear it's pretty impressive, got a sister that lives there now. Glad you found your way back from being lost.
Lot's of help here working through that nose dive issue.

01-10-2015, 03:36 PM
I've pretty much given up on my 7 round mag except for the range.

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01-10-2015, 06:58 PM
Hi Jim and welcome back have you considered doing the follower mod? 9mm is one of the hardest single stack calibers been doing it to all my mags really seems to help

01-11-2015, 02:10 PM
I had slightly modified one follower a few days ago and polished the mags (to 1200 grit), and changed ammo from 147 HST to 124gn HST.

The ball ammo now all fired flawlessly today, about 150rds in three 6rd mags. Before the slight buff and polish it was one nose dive per mag with ball. Now perfect.

With the new SD ammo I still had an occasional nose dive, not every mag, but eventually all mags did nose dive with HST 124.

So I came home and stripped the mags and also found one of the old mags from my MK9 had a broken follower. Wasn't there two days ago and I haven't run it thru anything but the CM9. Irritating.

So I have modified two followers more closely to what is recommended here on KT. The broken one (I will order a new one from Kahr) I will try and repair with JB weld. If I do a three stage buildup of JB Weld, I should be able to re-enforce the break well enough to make it good as new. But it will take three days because of the dry time between layers. (The fast drying JB Weld has a poor tensile strength, so I don't use it anymore.)

I also took about 1/10 of an inch off the tip of the feed ramp. Polished it up and it looks factory new. I am a tool hog and reloader and have great tools to do these things accurately and carefully. Also been doing gunsmithing for 20+ years. Only my own guns. Best advise I ever got was from an old friend in AK.
"There's no money in working on other peoples guns. Keep your real job."

Hopefully Thursday I can sneak out and see how every works now.