View Full Version : Kahr Double Action Trigger vs Glock Trigger

07-01-2010, 07:44 PM
I have a PM9 and that is why I am posting this here.

I have serious reservations about the Glock trigger, I have a G23 that has never fired without me pulling the trigger, it is accurate and has never given any problems. I have only CC for a few months now, the G23 was a range gun up until I got the CCW. It was unloaded and in my safe the past 15 years, so the issue of the trigger never came up.

Issue #1- re-holstering the G23 especially in the appendix position makes me nervous. My finger is off the trigger, however if clothing or the edge of holster should catch the trigger that would be bad.

Issue #2- The Glock trigger is so much different from the Kahr PM9, The Kahr takes a deliberate pull, not so with the G23, so in a stressful situation an accidental discharge could result.

Issue #3- Using the Glock for home defense and Kahr for CC, the transition under stress might result in something going wrong.

I like the double action trigger for carry, especially pocket and appendix carry. The trigger has to travel farther than the Glock trigger.

Conclusion get rid of the Glock and replace it with a different gun for home defense, I am thinking either 9mm or 45acp, what gun would you recommend for home defense. Here is my short list PM45, CW9 or CW45.

07-01-2010, 07:52 PM
The CW series are great guns for HD or CC. Either way you would have the same trigger pull on both guns. There are documented Glock Ka-booms from faulty reholstering. Most of the time the trigger finger is found to be the culprit.

07-02-2010, 05:18 AM
Conclusion get rid of the Glock and replace it with a different gun for home defense, I am thinking either 9mm or 45acp, what gun would you recommend for home defense. Here is my short list PM45, CW9 or CW45.

Why did you leave out the P45 or TP45, (which may be the best buy)?

07-02-2010, 05:28 AM
What makes them a better value, what price range are they in.

07-02-2010, 05:41 AM
glock trigger system and kahr trigger systems are two entirely different systems. Both take some getting used to. I can shoot my G19 10X more accurate than I can my 3 kahrs, so kudoos to the glock trigger system in that area. that being said glocks are not pocket guns, many kahrs are and the looooong trigger system is certainly the best system out there for that type of carry...

My personal experience being around some glock shooters and kahr shooters is that if you can shoot his kahr as good as you can shoot your glock then IMO you are one hell of a good shooter. Many of us are not and for that reason some shy away from having a kahr as they think same hole accuracy is a must and in a defense situation (which is what the kahrs are designed for) kahrs will do the job as good as any gun out there.

I love my G19 and would not peddle it for love or money but it is what it is, my home and range gun, my kahr is my 24/7 pocket gun and my home and range gun also. With the kahr I think you have the best of both worlds. But when SHTF I would go to my G19 for reasons of 15 runds trumps 7 any day of the week.

07-02-2010, 06:27 AM
As Jocko has already stated, the Kahr trigger pull takes a lot of getting used to and I don't think I'll ever be able to shoot my Kahr as well as some of the other guns out there, but my CW9 is PERFECT for concealed carry. I like not having to worry about an accidental discharge while carrying or re-holstering my gun. In my opinion, the CW series is a great, inexpensive way to get a quality Kahr. It does everything you need it to, it just doesn't look as pretty. For a gun that I carry in my pants and that I keep in my sock drawer at home, I don't care what people think it looks like.

07-02-2010, 07:50 AM
Here is a story about one man's problem with a Glock 30. Double ouch!

Local News | Shoppers recall silence, fear in Lynnwood Lowe's store when man shot himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012026554_shooting04m.html)

07-02-2010, 08:00 AM
I have a PM9 and that is why I am posting this here.

I have serious reservations about the Glock trigger, I have a G23 that has never fired without me pulling the trigger, it is accurate and has never given any problems. I have only CC for a few months now, the G23 was a range gun up until I got the CCW. It was unloaded and in my safe the past 15 years, so the issue of the trigger never came up.

Issue #1- re-holstering the G23 especially in the appendix position makes me nervous. My finger is off the trigger, however if clothing or the edge of holster should catch the trigger that would be bad.

Issue #2- The Glock trigger is so much different from the Kahr PM9, The Kahr takes a deliberate pull, not so with the G23, so in a stressful situation an accidental discharge could result.

Issue #3- Using the Glock for home defense and Kahr for CC, the transition under stress might result in something going wrong.

I like the double action trigger for carry, especially pocket and appendix carry. The trigger has to travel farther than the Glock trigger.

Conclusion get rid of the Glock and replace it with a different gun for home defense, I am thinking either 9mm or 45acp, what gun would you recommend for home defense. Here is my short list PM45, CW9 or CW45.

Go with the PM45 (there's one in my night stand every nite) and you can carry it easily if the mood strikes you. Oh yeah, one more thing....you'll love shooting it.:53:

07-02-2010, 08:02 AM
Here is a story about one man's problem with a Glock 30. Double ouch!

Local News | Shoppers recall silence, fear in Lynnwood Lowe's store when man shot himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012026554_shooting04m.html)

A Smart Carry Holster would have solved his problem with the jogging pants. I have one and it comes in handy when other holsters won't work.

07-02-2010, 08:07 AM
Conclusion get rid of the Glock and replace it with a different gun for home defense, I am thinking either 9mm or 45acp, what gun would you recommend for home defense. Here is my short list PM45, CW9 or CW45.

I have a PM9 and that is why I am posting this here.

If you already have a PM9, it seems to me you keep the glock. :rolleyes:

07-02-2010, 08:47 AM
my glock22 has become my nightstand gun as i now carry my pm9. i shoot them often enough to say i feel comfortable with both. think im going to put a tact. light and laser on the glock now that i dont carry it i figure those attachments might come in handy .i dont know how big your nightstand is but this is always an option too!?!

07-02-2010, 09:16 AM
Here is a story about one man's problem with a Glock 30. Double ouch!

Local News | Shoppers recall silence, fear in Lynnwood Lowe's store when man shot himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012026554_shooting04m.html)

Wow! Been in that Lowe's many times. Didn't hear about that one.

07-02-2010, 10:03 AM
Hey Bawanna, let us know if the store decides the post "no concealed gun" signs.

07-02-2010, 02:21 PM
The guy's lucky the customer no service sales guy didn't walk right by him like they do me....I remember reading about a guy that accidently shot himself in the upper thigh with a 1911 while cleaning it and while it was healing he would post pictures of the wound and that was one more freaking ugly looking thing...I cant imagine shooting one or both of the boys with a .45 ...... That post while hard to look at really drove home what can happen and the results of a mistake with a hand gun......:eek:

07-02-2010, 04:45 PM
We must shop at the same store. I sometimes feel like I have a big sign on me that says stay the hell away from this guy he dont need help. Actually that's not a bad plan, maybe I better make a sign.
Funny when I'm just browsing or looking around trying to remember why I went there in the first place they are on me like used car salesman.
When I'm on a mission, know what I want and need them to get it for me, it's like armageddon, not a soul around. Wierd.
We have Big 5's out here, not sure if they are everywhere or not but they sell rifles and ammo, mostly womans jogging shorts, and tennis rackets and such. Once in awhile they get a bunch of surplus rifles in and I'll go look em over. They only bring out 1 or 2 and usually have to sell those before they can bring out another. I have talked them into letting me look at others on occasion. Same deal if I'm just looking they are on me. They had some Moisin Nagant short rifles in, I went at lunch time to buy one, no help any where, wait and wait. The gun counter guys have to carry the gun to the checkout and escort you to your car even. I did get a really nice one in great condition with the bayonet, great for frogs, or marshmellows.

07-03-2010, 12:07 PM
Are any short trigger mods possible with the PM9?

07-03-2010, 01:22 PM
Are any short trigger mods possible with the PM9?

no. loooong by design

Shawn Dodson
07-03-2010, 04:17 PM
Issue #1 - re-holstering the G23 especially in the appendix position makes me nervous. My finger is off the trigger, however if clothing or the edge of holster should catch the trigger that would be bad.

I had to exercise care when holstering my Glock 19 in the Milts Sparks Executive's Companion IWB I wore behind my strong side hip when I CCW'd in Washington state, where a light jacket can be worn for a good part of the year as a concealment garment. Sometimes when I'd sweep my jacket back to holster I'd have to be very careful of of the zipper pull.

As there's no need to "speed holster" a little extra care and caution are all that's needed to keep safe. I currently carry my PM-9 appendix carry in a modified Milt Sparks Summer Special II.

Issue #2 - The Glock trigger is so much different from the Kahr PM9, The Kahr takes a deliberate pull, not so with the G23, so in a stressful situation an accidental discharge could result.

In all honesty, I never even noticed a difference between the triggers of my Glock 19 and my PM-9. I just press it. In fact the primary reason I chose the PM-9 is its similarity to my Glock 19. Perhaps I'm just not sensitive to the difference, but it has never been an issue for me personally.

Issue #3 - Using the Glock for home defense and Kahr for CC, the transition under stress might result in something going wrong. This hypothetical problems is solved by merely keeping your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you have made the decision to shoot.


07-15-2010, 01:02 AM
Here is a story about one man's problem with a Glock 30. Double ouch!

Local News | Shoppers recall silence, fear in Lynnwood Lowe's store when man shot himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012026554_shooting04m.html)

I am not comfortable carrying a Glock as I have heard of more ADs (unintended loudnesses) with Glocks than any other quality pistols.
I favor a SIG 229 .357 as a main pistol and the PM9 or P40 as a secondary

07-15-2010, 08:21 AM
I carry the CW45 daily, but if I decide to carry a little deeper I carry the PM9. Both are fine weapons. I shoot the .45 better. I also have a CW9, but the wife carries that one. The PM45 is near the top of my wishlist. Before owning these I owned a S'field xd9sc and xd45c. Transitioning to the DAO trigger was no issue for me. I've been just as accurate with it as with the shorter xd trigger. The Kahrs carry all day much easier than the xd's due to being much lighter and thinner.