View Full Version : Every Day Carry

01-11-2015, 05:02 PM
Now do you think if more people practiced the right to carry the odds would be better and if all the people used the right to carry the scenario might be more like this commercial ( I always liked this commercial not for the Glocks but for the right). Just doesn’t seem like people are willing to use the right to carry as an everyday part of life. I remember when I first moved here there was a small bank in a small town went there one day and it was on lock down couldn’t figure out why then I found out that it was an armed robbery so I was within 20 a twenty minute window of being part of the robbery then to boot the guy lived 2 houses from me! I put my holster on first thing in the morning and always have a gun within reach. About the only time I don’t have a gun in reach is in the shower. As in the Bob Dylan song times are changin, we as a gun culture are not bad people we are just prepared. Really can’t say what the right thing to do is but at least you have the option. That’s my take on it, and by the way the police did get this guy


01-12-2015, 09:37 PM
Most people, including many gun owners, don't carry because they believe "it'll never happen to me". Truth be told, I don't feel the NEED to carry. I'm not the least bit worried about ever needing a firearm to protect myself or others.

However, I do carry because chit happens outside of our control. I never had the opportunity to be a Boy Scout but I do believe in always being prepared.

01-12-2015, 10:11 PM
I've been thinking a lot about this lately. That doesn't mean I have any special insight - I likely don't - but what the heck...

For many there is and implied, if not explicit benefit in not only protecting oneself, but "being a part of the solution" by carrying every day. Like, if enough of us good guys carried guns, the bad guys would be less inclined to predate against law-abiding citizens. That's hard to predict of course, but there is some decent logic in that. Not sure anything will work against the most hardened of criminals trained and willing to brutalize even their own kind, but that's not every crook, most of whom would prefer not to meet a legally-wielded gun.

But you know, some days I just don't want to carry. I don't want the condition yellow mentality that day, I don't want to restrict my movement and I don't want to skip an after-work beer. And you know, fear-mongering aside, I went through a vast majority of my life safely without carrying a gun, having out-thought, out-witted and out-maneuvered numerous potential threats. Heck, I live the lowest-risk lifestyle I've ever lived (a result of middle age I guess).

But I absolutely, positively value the option to carry concealed and am inclined to carry when it's legal, when I can. I also value the right to avoid commerce with states that don't respect my right to self-defense and will take that into consideration again this vacation summer.

01-13-2015, 09:05 AM
I don't really consider it an option, it's an obligation.

I think it's mentioned in the sheepdog credo. I don't mind skipping stuff where my gun would not be welcome.

Old age makes the home front much more appealing, wish I had a 100 acres so I had my own range, wouldn't need much more than that.

01-13-2015, 09:12 AM
Now do you think if more people practiced the right to carry the odds would be better and if all the people used the right to carry the scenario might be more like this commercial ( I always liked this commercial not for the Glocks but for the right). Just doesn’t seem like people are willing to use the right to carry as an everyday part of life. I remember when I first moved here there was a small bank in a small town went there one day and it was on lock down couldn’t figure out why then I found out that it was an armed robbery so I was within 20 a twenty minute window of being part of the robbery then to boot the guy lived 2 houses from me! I put my holster on first thing in the morning and always have a gun within reach. About the only time I don’t have a gun in reach is in the shower. As in the Bob Dylan song times are changin, we as a gun culture are not bad people we are just prepared. Really can’t say what the right thing to do is but at least you have the option. That’s my take on it, and by the way the police did get this guy


I even keep one within reach, in the shower.......................call me paranoid..........................

01-13-2015, 09:18 AM
The world seems to be getting worse. In the recent Paris shootings, I wonder how many less would have died if CCW carriers were near. When seconds count, the police are minutes away. Take it serious, take it to training, take it with you.

01-13-2015, 09:47 AM
I even keep one within reach, in the shower.......................call me paranoid..........................

Until my hearing deteriorated to the point where I'm totally deaf without the most powerful hearing aid in the world I used to take mine in the shower in a double zip lock bag. It's not really paranoid if they are really out to get you.
Anymore I don't really give a damn.

Why just the other day I went out to the shop to do some stuff nekkid as a j bird. A 10 year old girl could have killed me with a tree branch.

01-13-2015, 10:27 AM
A 10 year old girl could have killed me with a tree branch.

A word of advice then: don't piss off Hit Girl.


01-13-2015, 10:47 AM
In my neighborhood, since it's deterioration, I have a firearm with me in the shower....unless the wife is home............................she knows the rest.

01-13-2015, 04:56 PM
When at home inside, I rarely have a gun on my person, but there is always one with 6 feet, if not within reach. I have no small children, to worry about, none that even visit. I keep a few hid in various places, so that I can make it to one of my arsenals easily. Now if I'm working outside, I usually strap on a .357 or .44 special revolver, with a retention strap on the holster so that it doesn't fall out while crawling around under tractors or cars or whatever.
There used to be a lot of feral dogs that roamed the area, but since they paved my road, those have pretty much went away. I stepped outside once to a pair of unfriendly Rottweilers once, that were growling and looking aggressive, but a warning shot sent them running. If I'd had time think about it, I probably would have dispatched at least one of them, so they didn't attack some kid getting off the school bus, but it was all over in a couple of seconds. By the time I thought of the kids and school bus scenario, they were well out of pistol range for moving targets. Another time I had a big St. Bernard in my backyard kind of growling at me, but think I knew where it came from, and I just picked up a shovel and yelled at it "Go Home" and it took off in that direction. I sure wasn't feeling like digging a St. Bernard sized hole. Probably would have just drug it down to the creek for the varmints to chew on anyway.
I sure wonder why city folks think they can take a dog out into the country and just dump them and they will do fine. Most starve, or get shot, or attacked by coyotes or dogs that have been dumped. A guy I knew told me once a lady dumped some kind of poodle looking thing out not far from him, and as soon as it was safe, he shot it with his rifle and killed it. the lady pulled up in her car and was bitching about him killing her dog, and my friend cut her off and told her to shut up and listen up, and gave her a jumbo sized ration of sh*t about dumping dogs in the country, and then told her he probably did the dog a favor, because it was for sure going to be coyote food that night.
He told the woman to be sure and tell all her friends about what happened too, so they wouldn't be so anxious to dump a pet out in the county.

01-14-2015, 06:35 AM
In my neighborhood, since it's deterioration, I have a firearm with me in the shower....unless the wife is home............................she knows the rest.

In my home I have the wife in the shower with me. You guys don't know how to live. :)

01-14-2015, 02:52 PM
Most people, including many gun owners, don't carry because they believe "it'll never happen to me".

That is so true. Apathy and complacency are the enemy. Good post, AJ Bert

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. That doesn't mean I have any special insight - I likely don't - but what the heck...

For many there is and implied, if not explicit benefit in not only protecting oneself, but "being a part of the solution" by carrying every day. Like, if enough of us good guys carried guns, the bad guys would be less inclined to predate against law-abiding citizens. That's hard to predict of course, but there is some decent logic in that. Not sure anything will work against the most hardened of criminals trained and willing to brutalize even their own kind, but that's not every crook, most of whom would prefer not to meet a legally-wielded gun.

But you know, some days I just don't want to carry. I don't want the condition yellow mentality that day, I don't want to restrict my movement and I don't want to skip an after-work beer. And you know, fear-mongering aside, I went through a vast majority of my life safely without carrying a gun, having out-thought, out-witted and out-maneuvered numerous potential threats. Heck, I live the lowest-risk lifestyle I've ever lived (a result of middle age I guess).

But I absolutely, positively value the option to carry concealed and am inclined to carry when it's legal, when I can. I also value the right to avoid commerce with states that don't respect my right to self-defense and will take that into consideration again this vacation summer.

Well written post, ScottM.

02-24-2015, 06:08 AM
Every good woman in the US should carry, at a minimum, a small pistol such as a Kahr CM9 or Ruger LCP. These are easy to hide with typical female fashion. There is no economic excuse since both guns cost around $300.

02-24-2015, 09:36 AM
I carry everyday everywhere(except G buildings ect) I do so as a SD method but in reality, the reason why I carry has morphed into a daily reminder that I have to be better than the average guy. When I put on my rig, it is a daily reminder that I have to be more engaged, more courteous, more patient, and even more compassionate than the average guy. My 2 centavos

02-24-2015, 09:38 AM
In my home I have the wife in the shower with me. You guys don't know how to live. :)
The wife says either it's me in the shower, or the gun.......take your pick................................

02-24-2015, 09:48 AM
I carry everyday everywhere(except G buildings ect) I do so as a SD method but in reality, the reason why I carry has morphed into a daily reminder that I have to be better than the average guy. When I put on my rig, it is a daily reminder that I have to be more engaged, more courteous, more patient, and even more compassionate than the average guy. My 2 centavos

Now THAT is how to carry a gun. You sir, have won the Internet for a day!

I didn't get my CHL for years because I saw friends become borderline paranoid everywhere they went. They were a drag to go out with because all they talked about was preparing for catastrophic events that they'd need to save the world from. Broken record, big time.

I had one friend who SO stressed out about it, and became so isolated from others out of suspicion, he became a quasi-hermit and we rarely see him anymore. I didn't want that to happen to me.

But it's not the gun, it's how you wear it. It doesn't have to turn a person into a lonely, isolated and paranoid gun nut. It can be left at home or secured in a car sometimes when you want to have a drink and go dancing. You can still smile at people and say hello and make stupid jokes.

02-24-2015, 09:57 AM
I try to keep my P380 on me all day long at home. I also wear my EDC when in the car. If I go to the door or outside for something, I want to ALWAYS be armed because I don't want to be a victim of a wild... or loose domestic animal, or especially the two-legged kind. That's why it's important to have your EDC on your person and not left in the car for ANY dismount, however long.

I don't EXPECT trouble, but I want to be READY for it... "Be Prepared"... some motto from my youth. :D

I never got to the point that I kept a gun in the shower, but I do have one close at hand... usually covered from view. In the movies, the monsters or bad guys ALWAYS attack their victims in the shower! I hate those scenes where the first thing LEOs or other good guys can't wait to shed their protection when they get home... then someone... or something is waiting in the next room... or busts the door down with the good guy/gal too far from their EDC.

If I did leave my P380 somewhere for a moment, I'm never more than 3 steps from a larger weapon... larger caliber and more bullets.


Wynn :D

02-24-2015, 11:28 AM
I do keep some firearms locked up, but have others strategically placed, in case of emergency. There is a reason for the terms..........you never know.....................it's always something.

02-24-2015, 12:10 PM
That's why it's nice to have more than one or two pistols... choices... backups... strategic placement... etc.
And why more loaded magazines are handy, too, including high-capacity ones... though that usually only means one or two more rounds for the Kahrs... hence my Glock 'battle pistols", pre-positioned for home defense. You never know...

You still need to work on Situational Awareness!


Wynn :)

02-24-2015, 01:43 PM
I've been thinking a lot about this lately. That doesn't mean I have any special insight - I likely don't - but what the heck...

For many there is and implied, if not explicit benefit in not only protecting oneself, but "being a part of the solution" by carrying every day. Like, if enough of us good guys carried guns, the bad guys would be less inclined to predate against law-abiding citizens. That's hard to predict of course, but there is some decent logic in that. Not sure anything will work against the most hardened of criminals trained and willing to brutalize even their own kind, but that's not every crook, most of whom would prefer not to meet a legally-wielded gun.

But you know, some days I just don't want to carry. I don't want the condition yellow mentality that day, I don't want to restrict my movement and I don't want to skip an after-work beer. And you know, fear-mongering aside, I went through a vast majority of my life safely without carrying a gun, having out-thought, out-witted and out-maneuvered numerous potential threats. Heck, I live the lowest-risk lifestyle I've ever lived (a result of middle age I guess).

But I absolutely, positively value the option to carry concealed and am inclined to carry when it's legal, when I can. I also value the right to avoid commerce with states that don't respect my right to self-defense and will take that into consideration again this vacation summer.

The day that you don't carry maybe the very day that you need a gun the most. I carry 24/7. I'd rather pass on that beer than to pass on. Think about it.

02-24-2015, 01:59 PM
The day that you don't carry maybe the very day that you need a gun the most. I carry 24/7. I'd rather pass on that beer than to pass on. Think about it.

True and it'll be a moving decision line until I die. But I'd rather live a full & free life than an entirely safe one. Like showering with a spouse. [emoji6]