View Full Version : DoubleTap 9mm

01-14-2015, 02:21 PM
Is anyone using DoubleTap ammo in their carry guns? I was watching a show on the Outdoor channel that featured DoubleTap ammo. I'd heard of it before but never really paid it any attention. I now carry a CM9 and was curious if any other CM/PM9 owners carry DoubleTap. It effectively doubles your hits on target. I was curious how it would cycle and if there is a change in accuracy.

01-14-2015, 03:22 PM

01-15-2015, 09:28 AM
Muggsy, thanks for the referral to the video. Looks like DoubleTap is just another gimmicky round. I'll stick with my Zombie Max ammo. :)

Ron AZ
01-15-2015, 10:10 AM
Scarywoody, I know the question was about cc with that load. But FYI Doubletap has a full range of handgun and rifle ammo, not just that one load. I don't personally use any Doubletap for CC. But I did buy a supply of their .40 S&W 200 gr. hard cast bullet ammo for when I am in bear territory in the back country.

01-15-2015, 12:28 PM

01-16-2015, 09:49 AM
If you want a ammo that's not a gimmick check out Underwood Ammo . They offer the speer bonded hp aka gold dot , noslers jacked hp and horndays xtp an a couple from extreme bullets . I'll pass on those. I use there 124gr and 155gr bonded in 9mm and 40sw for carry. Good stuff at a fair price that really meets the advertised velocities .

Plenty of you tube videos too

01-16-2015, 09:57 AM
If you want a ammo that's not a gimmick check out Underwood Ammo . They offer the speer bonded hp aka gold dot , noslers jacked hp and horndays xtp an a couple from extreme bullets . I'll pass on those. I use there 124gr and 155gr bonded in 9mm and 40sw for carry. Good stuff at a fair price that really meets the advertised velocities .

I've looked at those. I just figured with the Double Tap I would effectively increase the capability of my carry ammo. Two holes for each round.