View Full Version : Ever use J&B Cleaning Compound?
01-18-2015, 04:06 PM
Been shooting guns for last 70 years on and off. Tried a lot of liquid bore
cleaners during that time; commercial, military, and homemade. After shooting, no matter how much, I clean the bore, and the rest of the gun if needed.
Did that today with the CW9 and it looked bright and shiny.
Happened to notice a small jar of J&B Cleaning Compound back in the corner. Had the stuff for more years than I can remember. Used it mostly on old Milsurp stuff which often had cruddy bores. Haven't used it for years.
Just for grins I smeared a little on a patch and worked it back and forth a doz times or more. Could not believe how black that patch became!
Followed with clean patch wet with G96 to finish it off and that patch also became dark. One more and it came out pretty clean.
Instructions on the jar says to use it every couple hundred rounds.
I've seen it in Brownell's catalog, but never tried it. I'll add a jar to my next order.
01-18-2015, 04:27 PM
I've seen it in Brownell's catalog, but never tried it. I'll add a jar to my next order.
Its thick stuff and prob good only for bores. A small jar will likely last the rest of ur life. ;)
PS: it also worked well on the back of the slide where the carbon ring builds up. Rubbed a little on and brushed it with wire brush. Took most of the carbon off.
Its thick stuff and prob good only for bores. A small jar will likely last the rest of ur life. ;)
Given my starting point, you're probably right!
01-18-2015, 05:42 PM
I can attest that a jar does not last a lifetime. Mine has some left and it is at least 15 years old. I figure if I am careful I can get another year or two.
01-18-2015, 06:26 PM
Jb's bore paste and kroil oil. yep for about 25 years . Been a standard for new production barrels and aided in cleaning up a old rifles bore I though was shot out. Also JB's bore polish to give them a shin. Kroils a great product for loosening copper or lead or old rusty bolts !! Check out brownell's videos on facebook on the two .
01-20-2015, 07:40 AM
I use it every time I find my patches are still dirty after a few passes. I think it is a fabulous product for occasional use AND it works very well as a easy system for lapping the barrel of new rifles. Fifty passes through my Ruger American Rimfire and that gun shot amazing 20 shot groups at 50yd. with cheap CCI ammo just resting over a 2x4.
01-20-2015, 10:28 AM
I use it just like Hardluk and 340 said above, For lapping in new rifle barrels. And occasionally to polish up a chamber or clean up a bore. It's good stuff, a little jar does go a long way mine has plenty left in it and it has been here longer then I can remember.
01-20-2015, 03:53 PM
Gave my CW380 a good cleaning today. Heres what the J&B did for it. Mind you, I clean the bore with a solvent after each firing and it still had this much build-up.
01-21-2015, 08:41 AM
I am always amazed at how much crud remains in most barrels regardless of what solvent is used. Your pic is very typical of my results.
01-21-2015, 02:58 PM
Yep, have been using it with Kroil to remove copper from the bore. It works.
I can't find my can of JB!
Maybe someone can do this little test. Rub the OUTSIDE of the barrel with a clean patch and JB.
I'm wondering if the abrasive JB is going up against the nickel plating that the barrel is covered with - inside and out.
Be an interesting test.
01-22-2015, 06:58 AM
I may be wrong, but I don't think the barrels are nickle plated but are made of stainless.
Nevertheless, the next time I have one of mine apart I'll test the outside of the barrel.
01-22-2015, 08:35 AM
AFAIK, the barrels are nickel-plated stainless.
01-23-2015, 06:00 AM
ulflyer I went down a did a little test in some nickel plated tools. jb's bore paste alone will smooth any surface marks but pressure and time is need and jb's bore brite would act like mothers metal polish to shin but you should not be using it as a standard cleaner and typical handgun barrels are not none to "copper " . Lead , yes, and soaked with kroil for 10minutes to over night depending on the owners foolishness and then the jbs bore paste and kroil together work to clean the barrel , I know , a 158gr .357 swc with a BN of 18 is nor hard enough for 1500fps . Soak , clean and polish and ready to go . I have used one container of bore paste going on 20+ years now and still have 50% of the product . Bore brites handle been touched . Most of that went to cleaning up a heavily copper 308 and 7mmrem mag barrels from the first barnes x /pmc ammo made. First run of bullets copper badly.
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