View Full Version : To open carry or not open carry?

01-20-2015, 08:54 PM
Just curious how many of you open carry if your state allows it? And if so what kind of experiences or reactions have you had from people when they see it?

My state allows open carry but I have never opened carried.

01-20-2015, 08:56 PM
Just curious how many of you open carry if your state allows it? And if so what kind of experiences or reactions have you had from people when they see it?

My state allows open carry but I have never opened carried.

In or out of uniform?

01-20-2015, 09:05 PM
Its legal in Pa, without any paperwork. Never done it when I wasn't in uniform. For me, the pistol was always my ace in the hole! YMMV

01-20-2015, 09:33 PM
I guess over the years I've learned to be very low profile. I won't open carry as it would put a spotlight on me and get unwanted attention. Just as josp my pistol is my ace in the hole. Don't want anybody to even know I have it.

01-20-2015, 09:35 PM
Florida does not permit it, except in certain instance....hunting, fishing, or "any other lawful expedition"..... whatever that means. We have an open carry cadre that regularly goes fishing with open carry to goad the police.

However, as far as open carry goes, I'd open carry in certain circumstances, and not in others. There are times when I'd like to be comfortable and just carry, other times when concealed is the better way to go. Totally depends.

For instance, if I'm out and about running errands, I wouldn't have a problen with open carry, but maybe out to eat in any place better than DD's, I'd go concealed.

Its situationally dependant for me.

01-20-2015, 09:38 PM
Texas is currently leaning hard at allowing open carry. Several local groups are doing some wild, "in their face" acts to get open carry passed, but we ain't there yet.

I personally will never open carry, I'm not flashy, I'm sneaky.

01-21-2015, 05:50 AM
Legal in Ohio, but you can't get into a car, then it's considered concealed. I really don't see the point of open carry unless it's your only legal option. You lose your element of surprise and open yourself open to gun grabs.

01-21-2015, 06:35 AM
I don't see myself open carrying for self defense against humans. I might do in the great outdoors if worried about gators, snakes, bobcats etc. I hope concealed carry continues to be the norm. I think its the element of uncertainty that gives criminals pause. In Florida, they never know who might be healed.

01-21-2015, 08:11 AM
legal in Missouri. the only people I've seen doing it are "activists" on the news. I've seen people asking about it at gun stores, generally told it's a bad idea. (when it's 100F, w/80% hum., a typical STL summer day, you might see me working in the yard, shorts, t-shirt, not overly concealed pistol. that's on my property, wouldn't go to the store dressed that casual.)

01-21-2015, 08:20 AM
I only open carry when in my uniform (RSO/instructor) and going directly to or from work.

Too many open carry "in your face" guys making statements with their AR's in local stores are causing all of us unneeded press.

Bill K
01-21-2015, 08:25 AM
It is legal in Connecticut but I don't open carry. About the only open carry I've seen is by small shop owners and/or employees - gun shops and jewelry stores in particular. Personally have only known one CT pistol permit holder that regularly opened carry.

The following is a CT State Police training bulletin concerning open carry... http://ctcarry.com/Document/Download/a034b530-1221-425d-a99f-53af710ff219

01-21-2015, 08:39 AM
Legal in Michigan. Stupid in Michigan.

01-21-2015, 09:27 AM
A bit harsh to say it's stupid to open carry. It's been legal here forever. I don't do it, because I don't want to be face planted by LE. Otherwise, I would do it some of the time, depending on the circumstances, and I really could care less what anyone else thinks. We all know that if someone bum rushes you, and they are within 20 ft. of you, your toast. You'll never get your firearm out in time. Open carry gives you a bit more of a chance to get your firearm drawn. Being sneaky doesn't help you, if you can't draw your firearm in time. It's the age old argument.

01-21-2015, 09:29 AM
In or out of uniform?

I would say out of uniform.

01-21-2015, 09:38 AM
NC allows open carry but I have zero interest in doing so as a normal way of life. I will OC if handgun hunting but otherwise I have CC for 27 years . Don't like drawing attention to my handgun or me .

01-21-2015, 12:06 PM
I only open carry when working out side on my small farm. Otherwise I really don't want anyone to know I am armed, except the people I am with, (unless there is a libtard in the group) I've pretty much switched to carrying in front, on the left side of my jeans, I seem to have less problems with printing there, and don't have to worry about the handle sticking up if I bend over, like I do when carrying at kidney position.

01-21-2015, 02:44 PM
Texas is currently leaning hard at allowing open carry. Several local groups are doing some wild, "in their face" acts to get open carry passed, but we ain't there yet.

I personally will never open carry, I'm not flashy, I'm sneaky.

You & me both.

While I'm all n favor of it, some of those OC advocates in Austin are going about it wrong and could mess up the whole program.

01-21-2015, 02:46 PM
I owb carry, usually under a loose t-shirt. Conceals fairly well but obviously not perfect. But, open carry is also legal here, so I really don't give a rat's patootie if I occasionally flash or print. It's comfortable.

01-21-2015, 06:27 PM
I would say out of uniform.

Then, no. Not unless culturally appropriate rural, back country, hunting sidearm, or with some other real reason driving the choice. Open carry just 'cause I can and I wanna make a statement is counter productive. Weapons should be carried for and with reason, not for narcissistic flash.

01-21-2015, 06:41 PM
Narcissistic flash? Is that like extra large boobs hardly contained?

01-21-2015, 06:53 PM
It's legal in AZ, but I don't ever do it. I prefer stealth mode. A friend and I argue about this on occasions. He advocates it, I do not.

I don't care if anyone chooses to open carry, but I have no interest in it.

01-21-2015, 08:08 PM
It's legal where I live, but the only time I open carry is when I'm actually at the range. I'm not interested in OC as a normal mode of carry. Just like others said, I'don't want any unnecessary attention from people around me.

01-21-2015, 08:27 PM
Narcissistic flash? Is that like extra large boobs hardly contained?

Well, now...there ya' go!! :)

marshal kane
01-22-2015, 12:38 PM
Could lead to more auto accidents especially during the summer months.

01-22-2015, 05:27 PM
Well, here's one (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?26113-The-stupidest-crap-I-ve-seen-in-a-while) for the concealed carry column.

01-22-2015, 07:24 PM
I live in NC and we're allowed to open carry but I've only seen two people actually doing it. One was at a local Academy Sports buying ammo and it just seemed kind of natural. The second time was at a Walmart and I was a little surprised when I first saw it. Followed the guy around for awhile from a discrete distance to see what other people's reactions were. Not one person even seemed to notice let alone be bothered about it. Gotta admit though I was just a little bit tempted to walk up behind him and see if I could grab it out of his holster. :o As for me I will continue to carry concealed and eliminate that temptation from anyone less "disciplined" than me.:rolleyes:

01-22-2015, 07:26 PM
I do not carry openly, for many of the reasons already stated in this thread. But, there is part of me that is happy to see others carry openly, because it desensitizes our population's irrational fear of guns and belief that everyone with a gun is evil.

01-22-2015, 07:53 PM
I live in NC and we're allowed to open carry but I've only seen two people actually doing it. One was at a local Academy Sports buying ammo and it just seemed kind of natural. The second time was at a Walmart and I was a little surprised when I first saw it. Followed the guy around for awhile from a discrete distance to see what other people's reactions were. Not one person even seemed to notice let alone be bothered about it. Gotta admit though I was just a little bit tempted to walk up behind him and see if I could grab it out of his holster. :o As for me I will continue to carry concealed and eliminate that temptation from anyone less "disciplined" than me.:rolleyes:Hi Grotman! Just curious because we both go to the same Academy Sports store (I don't go to WalMart) . What is the "dress code " firearm wise of Academy vs. WalMart? I would hope to hear something like a Sig at Academy but a HiPoint at WalMart. Or is everyone wearing Glocks these days? I know you did not see me with my Kahr CM9 at Academy because I pocket carry.

01-23-2015, 08:09 AM
Concealed where more people are present. I think it is stupid to advertise who a crook should shoot first.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-23-2015, 07:29 PM
Hi Grotman! Just curious because we both go to the same Academy Sports store (I don't go to WalMart) . What is the "dress code " firearm wise of Academy vs. WalMart? I would hope to hear something like a Sig at Academy but a HiPoint at WalMart. Or is everyone wearing Glocks these days? I know you did not see me with my Kahr CM9 at Academy because I pocket carry.

More like a Kimber at Academy Sports and a kel tec at walmart :D. Actually couldn't tell what "make" they were but both were definitely 1911's.

01-24-2015, 03:48 PM
I live in NC and we're allowed to open carry but I've only seen two people actually doing it. One was at a local Academy Sports buying ammo and it just seemed kind of natural. The second time was at a Walmart and I was a little surprised when I first saw it. Followed the guy around for awhile from a discrete distance to see what other people's reactions were. Not one person even seemed to notice let alone be bothered about it. Gotta admit though I was just a little bit tempted to walk up behind him and see if I could grab it out of his holster. :o As for me I will continue to carry concealed and eliminate that temptation from anyone less "disciplined" than me.:rolleyes:

Why would you even be tempted to do that? Do you have a death wish, or at the veery least wind up cuffed, stuffed, & jailed just like that guy Foster who tackled the CHL guy in the Walmart? Please tell me you're kidding.

01-24-2015, 06:57 PM
99.99 % kidding.. but gotta admit the thought did cross my mind. :o

01-24-2015, 09:07 PM
99.99 % kidding.. but gotta admit the thought did cross my mind. :o

Well that's a relief, for a minute there I thought you might have gone "all Jocko". :w00t:

01-25-2015, 07:04 AM
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I think that says it all. The exercising of ones rights is an individual matter.

01-25-2015, 08:57 AM
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I think that says it all. The exercising of ones rights is an individual matter.
Yes, but one political party thinks the Constitution says "provide welfare" instead of "promote the general welfare". They gots readin' problems.

01-25-2015, 08:10 PM
Yes, but one political party thinks the Constitution says "provide welfare" instead of "promote the general welfare". They gots readin' problems.

Not really. Though it is what Corporatists want us to believe so we'll buy into the false dialectic of "all welfare or no welfare." Same strategies as during the industrialist turn of the century. Another one was the "unions are always awesome / unions are always evil" false dialectic. Populism is easy meat for savvy political operatives.

01-26-2015, 05:36 AM
Conceal it.

If you give up the "element of surprise", you have almost 0% chance to shoot anybody.
At least with my gun hidden the bad guys can't tell I'm waiting for them, out in the open, they will go someplace else to rob, rape, & cause mayhem.

02-03-2015, 08:03 PM
My state doesn't allow it and I am glad. I'm all for concealed carry, but I think guns are strictly to protect the life of the carrier and not to flash and intimidate openly.