View Full Version : thinking about a pm45
01-31-2015, 07:29 PM
Well I've been enjoying my CM9 quite a bit the past few years. Had a couple FTE's during the break in, but no problems since. I carry it most every day in my Mika pocket holster and just generally love it.
Lately, though, I've been thinking more about getting a .45 I can pocket carry. It's no so much that I don't trust 9mm to save my life, it's just that I feel that much better having a .45 in my pocket. My birthday is a little ways away, but an early present isn't out of the question...
I saw the CM45 is out and priced very aggressively and the Springfield XDS .45 is very nice looking, but I'm leaning toward the PM45. Naturally I've heard plenty of complaints about the original PM45 just like we all have, but I wonder if the kinks have been ironed out by now. What do you all think? Worth it to go for the PM, or should I be looking at the CM/Springfield?
01-31-2015, 07:34 PM
I've had my PM45 several years and never had a hiccup one. I didn't even do the proper prep or nothing at all. Took it apart, made sure it was all there and well lubed and hit the range. 350 rounds through it between me and my son on the first range visit.
A whole bunch more since then.
It should be noted though that the PM45 and the CM 45 and especially the XDS are borderline too big for pocket carry. It's just a tad bigger in all directions than the 9/40's.
If you got big pockets or like a cargo pocket, probably work ok.
Personally I'd probably go the PM45 again, the CM's weren't out when I got mine but still I think I'd go PM again myself.
My son has the XDS and it's a fine shooter but I don't like it enough to swap one out for my PM45. Like the looks of the PM better too.
Looking cool is worth a lot in my world, pretty much everything.
01-31-2015, 08:26 PM
Yeah, I semi-regularly pack an SP101 in my pocket so I'm good to go there! Just have to have the right pair of jeans/cargos and the right holster (another plug for Mika).
The dimensions are a little daunting compared to the CM/PM9 but not so bad I couldn't make it work. I've got a SmartCarry I can use also.
I carry one of two PM45's daily. Every day. Most of the day.
One was new, one used. Both worrk great, but the new one did take a few boxes of hot ammo to get that recoil spring limbered up some. After that it runs like a Singer Sewin' Machine.
01-31-2015, 09:27 PM
I agree with Bawanna that it's a bit large for a pants pocket, but I carried my CM45 today in an inside leather jacket pocket, and it fit fine. I did the same with my PM45 before it was stolen four years ago. However, when I bought a replacement last year, I "cheaped-out" and got the CM.
01-31-2015, 10:57 PM
Well I've been enjoying my CM9 quite a bit the past few years. Had a couple FTE's during the break in, but no problems since. I carry it most every day in my Mika pocket holster and just generally love it.
Lately, though, I've been thinking more about getting a .45 I can pocket carry. It's no so much that I don't trust 9mm to save my life, it's just that I feel that much better having a .45 in my pocket. My birthday is a little ways away, but an early present isn't out of the question...
I saw the CM45 is out and priced very aggressively and the Springfield XDS .45 is very nice looking, but I'm leaning toward the PM45. Naturally I've heard plenty of complaints about the original PM45 just like we all have, but I wonder if the kinks have been ironed out by now. What do you all think? Worth it to go for the PM, or should I be looking at the CM/Springfield?
I think they have worked out whatever trouble that may have once been with the PM45. I've had mine for several years, and it's been great with no trouble at all.
I occasionally pocket carry my PM45. I did that today, as a matter of fact. It depends on the situation. It's definitely doable, but it will depend largely on if you really want to.
PM45/CM45? I love my PM45 so much, I can't really imagine not having one. I know the CM45 is supposed to be pretty much the same gun, but with some cost saving changes. Are you OK with the things they changed to make it cheaper? Kind of a personal choice. For myself, I try to not cheap out on important stuff, i.e. things I might regret later. I definitely put my carry guns in that category, so for me I would go with the PM. I've seldom found myself wishing that I had gone with the lower quality option. But that's me and YMMV.
02-01-2015, 06:49 AM
Go with the PM45. Mine has 1000 flawless rounds, including a couple of hundred Ranger-Ts. I pocket carry it everyday but it is as big as I'd want to carry and that with the flush magazines that I made. Definitely worth the price over the CM45 and better all around than the Springfield.
02-01-2015, 08:27 AM
Went ahead and ordered it from Bud's Gun Shop! I found a deal for the PM9 with night sights for only $604 - couldn't believe it when I saw it! Guess it was meant to be :D
02-01-2015, 08:29 AM
I have the cm45 and like it. Got a real deal but like bawanna said the pm45 does have more cool factor to it. I was looking really hard at tbe pm45. If cost is not an issue get ghe PM. It Comes with 2 mags too.
02-01-2015, 08:58 AM
If you want a long trigger pull , get the Kahr. If you want a short trgger in a slightly bigger gun get the XDs.
02-01-2015, 10:12 AM
I like Springfield 1911"s, but would opt for the Kahr................don't care for the xd's..................
02-02-2015, 01:02 PM
I love my PM45. Surprisingly good shooter for such a small package.
02-02-2015, 09:15 PM
I'm thinking about a PM45 too only I'm on the fence between it and an XDS 45. I've swung back and forth between the two so often this past week, I'm dizzy!
02-03-2015, 11:15 AM
I'm thinking about a PM45 too only I'm on the fence between it and an XDS 45. I've swung back and forth between the two so often this past week, I'm dizzy!
Can you rent and shoot them both? How the firearm feels in your hand is seldom the entire story.
02-03-2015, 11:40 AM
Can you rent and shoot them both? How the firearm feels in your hand is seldom the entire story.
I very recently have. Two buddies, one with an XDS 45 3.3 and the other a PM45, were kind enough to meet me at the range last week.
It's really a can't lose proposition for me, really liked them both. No negatives to help me either, just weighing the positives.
I appreciated the shorter reset of the Springfield but preferred the feel of the Kahr trigger. The Springer seemed to shoot just a touch softer but I had a more positive purchase on the PM45. But that same advantage leads to a longer grip as per concealability, so it's a wash.
I was just a tad more accurate with the Kahr but a tad quicker with follow-up shots with the XDS.
And the ever important coolness factor is a push too. So my decision is really going with something different just for the heck of it or staying with what's most familiar.
Or, I can just grab a P45 or CW45. The idea of the extra round is something I can maybe get behind.
See, confused. 😉;-)
02-03-2015, 12:36 PM
I was shopping for a .45, and looked at MANY and all options...........................I am a fan of da/sa firearms, and I love my MK, but ended up going a totally new direction, and purchased my first 1911. Now that I've had it for a few months, it's growing on me, and I'm glad I got one. I take very good care of my firearms, but wanted something for the range, carry, and a bang around gun. One that I didn't worry about the finish, nicks, scrapes, etc. A shooter. Glad I made a change...............something different, and another learning process. I will still always drift towards da/sa.
02-03-2015, 09:25 PM
I shot the XDs and the grip was a little too small for my hand. Then I shot a G36 and was fairly accurate but not comfortable. I bought a used LNIB PM45 which fits my hand and hits black on the 8.5x11 target at 5 - 7 yards. It's still loosening up but I feel comfortable carrying it daily. The trigger is smooth and predictable and while double taps are tough two shots in under 2 seconds are possible. For self defense I think the PM45 is ideal.
Spend enough time on the internet and you start to lose faith in carry calibers smaller than 45acp.
I started carrying a TCP. Then winter rolls around and I figure I need to step it up, so I got a PM9.
9mm is great, but maybe it's a bit neutered in such a short barrel, better step it up to a 45acp.
I'm in the same boat, considering a PM45 or CM45. I was just at Gander today comparing sizes between a PM9 and a PM45. There really is not that much difference. Specifically, there isn't a mode of carry that one can do and not the other. Neither PM9 or PM45 can be pocket carried in my pants pockets, and I won't notice much difference IWB or inside coat pocket.
Spend enough time on the internet and you start to lose faith in carry calibers smaller than 45acp.
I disagree with this statement.
I do agree, however, that if one searches the Internet, one can find evidence to rationalize any purchase one wishes to make. If it's a .45 you want, there is no shortage of support for one. If it's a 9mm you want, you can point to the FBI study which concludes that modern ammo makes the 9mm advantageous over other handgun calibers. Take your pick.
02-06-2015, 07:02 AM
Spend enough time on the internet and you start to lose faith in carry calibers smaller than 45acp.
I started carrying a TCP. Then winter rolls around and I figure I need to step it up, so I got a PM9.
9mm is great, but maybe it's a bit neutered in such a short barrel, better step it up to a 45acp.
Sort of how I ended up here. Have a .380 LCP that I'm not wild about, but it beats nothing when I'm wearing slacks. I love my Ruger SP101 .357 snub, but it's really for IWB and I prefer pocket carry (I can make it work in the pocket with jeans during the winter months which, in Texas, are few). CM9 is great - and the size really is perfect - but a .45 is... well, it's a .45.
So I got my PM45 last night and took it apart... three times. Had a strange problem and I'm not sure what to attribute it to:
Took it apart and put it together with only relatively minor hassle from the slide stop pin (better than I previously experienced). When I racked the slide, however, sometimes - not always - but sometimes the slide would have a forward and backward loose play to it that was definitely noticeable... at least 1/4 inch, maybe more. On top of that, I could draw the slide back maybe 1/2 inch from the start and it was possible to lightly release it, causing it to hang up and "stick." So I took it apart for the second time, and everything looked fine. The recoil spring looked like it was appropriately placed on the lug, I figured I must have done something wrong with the slide stop pin somehow. So I put it back together, and had the same problem. Took it apart time #3, removed the recoil spring and inspected it to make sure the springs were facing the correct way (they were). Reset everything, did it a third time and now no more problems. Strange. Is there an easy explanation here? Was it really the spring, or did I screw up the slide stop pin twice?
02-06-2015, 07:48 AM
Could be, but I think Justin should redesign the slide stop pin to make it easier to reassemble like the LCP.
I had a tough time getting mine (on the new CT380 reseated - the recoil springs are very stout, making it very difficult to hold the slide in the proper place to insert the lever pin. In fact on my first attempt, the slide slipped and pinched the bejaysus out of my left index finger right in the 1st joint. It bled like a stuck pig, but fortunately it went in correctly on the second try. It has taken a full week for that deep cut to heal.
Maybe Kahr should include a few bandaids with each pistol. :o
02-06-2015, 09:07 AM
I usually grip the firearm in my right hand with my thumb on the grip and my fingers on the slide. It does take a bit of hand strength, but I can draw the slide back with my right hand, and insert the slide stop, using the sight as a brace.
02-06-2015, 10:57 AM
OK, I stopped thinking and grabbed a PM45 on Gunbroker. It'll be a little while before I get it (paying by personal check) but I'm looking forward to it.
I just went with the stock version, same as my PM9. I bought my PM40 in black with night-sights and after the initial coolness impression subsided, I realized that I liked both versions equally with maybe a slight advantage to the stainless/bar dot.
I mostly point and shoot emulating a quick defensive situation and even when I take a sight picture, I have no preference. But I found in front pocket carry with a Sticky holster that the night-sights would hang up. No good, hang on that, they can hang on something else too. Whereas the PM9 always draws unimpeded.
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