View Full Version : Did I get a brand new ''used'' glock

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 03:21 AM
So I was at the gun show today and I sold my pos Sig and bought a new in box gen 3 Glock 22. So I found what I was looking for and paid about 500 out the door. I realized later that the receipt was that of a local pawn shop. They sell new guns though. But it was dirty with powder residue. But most new guns are because they get test fired. But now I see that this one was made in 2009 and the envelope with the owners information has been hastily torn open along with the envelope with the factory spent casings. The magazines showed no signs of use. I shot it today 200 rounds no issues but the brass has bulging near the bottom and an odd looking primer strike. What do you think? I will attach a photo of the brass and primer strike from my casings from today.

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/4DBA955F-C395-4249-87A0-430F2D4C1101_zpsiiyfycc9.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/4DBA955F-C395-4249-87A0-430F2D4C1101_zpsiiyfycc9.jpg.html)

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/D020B110-808C-45FB-9802-663BCA9617F1_zpsrc3cc2vs.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/D020B110-808C-45FB-9802-663BCA9617F1_zpsrc3cc2vs.jpg.html)

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 04:03 AM
I should also mention that there is noticeable ware on the slide stop and the top of the barrel chamber part has ware. It came with the lock but it wasn't in a package and no keys. But besides all that what's with the case bulging and primer strikes?

02-01-2015, 05:15 AM
I've always thought that gun shows are where dishonest people go to dump their lemons.

02-01-2015, 05:35 AM
Go to one of the Glock forums for a honest answer.
If your in the Atlanta area take it to Glock Int. They will replace any part needed for free.

02-01-2015, 06:29 AM
I have these available for sale, for Glocks!

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 06:38 AM
I've always thought that gun shows are where dishonest people go to dump their lemons.

Ok thanks for the input. But did you have any input on my situation or my spent brass?

02-01-2015, 06:39 AM
I should also mention that there is noticeable ware on the slide stop and the top of the barrel chamber part has ware. It came with the lock but it wasn't in a package and no keys. But besides all that what's with the case bulging and primer strikes?

Just google Glock 40 case bulge or Glock unsupported chamber for lots more info on this well known issue.

Glocks primer strikes normally leave a bar shape.

Is it used??? That should have been determined by you before purchase.The wear and the fact that it is a 09' model would tend to make me think it is.
One thing you can check, The factory uses a copper colored lube. Does it still have it on? Don't mean it's new, but that maybe wasn't used a lot ???

02-01-2015, 06:45 AM
~ I shot it today 200 rounds no issues but the brass has bulging near the bottom and an odd looking primer strike. What do you think?

I have no idea if your gun was pre-owned. But, I can tell you that GLOCKs, particularly those chambered in .40S&W, are well known for bulging cases. GLOCKs are also well known for primer-swipe. There is nothing about your spent brass which suggests this gun is used, or worn.

02-01-2015, 06:54 AM
The primer smear is normal as is the bulged case. The Glock chamber doesn't fully support the case head. In my opinion you bought a used gun. If you thought that you were buying new you got screwed. Did you ask if the gun was new or used when you bought it? At a gun show let the buyer beware.

02-01-2015, 08:04 AM
A new gun dirty and showing wear after two test rounds???
Sounds fishy to me...

02-01-2015, 09:04 AM
New or used you got the gun you negotiated for. It should perform as expected...right? I too have read about the unsupported chambers so I don't think that's an indication of anything. It's possible that it could have been sitting around somewhere unsold since 2009 but doubtful. But it's yours now so go out and enjoy it.

02-01-2015, 09:32 AM
To beardog's point, check the slide rails. Glock factory lube has tiny flecks of a copper/gold color in it, kind of like Goldschlager. It sticks around for at least a few cleanings. Not sure that helps determine newness, but if it's still there, either wasn't used much or cleaned much

02-01-2015, 09:41 AM
I would have kept the Sig, and worked it out, or with their help, possibly gotten a different firearm. If the firearm has wear, it's used, period. If there is wear on the barrel and slide, it's used. Your not having too much luck lately:(. Maybe take someone along next time.

02-01-2015, 12:19 PM
Just google Glock 40 case bulge or Glock unsupported chamber for lots more info on this well known issue.

Glocks primer strikes normally leave a bar shape.

Is it used??? That should have been determined by you before purchase.The wear and the fact that it is a 09' model would tend to make me think it is.
One thing you can check, The factory uses a copper colored lube. Does it still have it on? Don't mean it's new, but that maybe wasn't used a lot ???

Excellent idea right here. That copper lube stays put until you clean it good too. I generally try to leave it, seems like good stuff whatever it is. But if it's not there, the guns been cleaned.
The primer strike looks perfectly normal to me, I was shocked when I first so Glock fired brass, I was like what the heck ya know.
Now it's normal. I babysit about 45 21's at work so I've seen the copper lube and primer strikes more than once.
I'm not in the know on the case bulge. I guess it is common based on comments from those wise than me.

02-01-2015, 12:23 PM
One other thought is that you were pleased with it enough to buy it and apparently happy when you left.

Glocks don't generally wear out and even if it is used, if it functions properly and does what you want it to do it's not all that bad.

500 it seems is a tad much for a 40 but I'm not certain of that. I have a hardly used 21 I was considering selling for 500. But everything Glock seems to be about a 100 bucks more when you get to the 45's.

Maybe focus on it's not so bad?

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 12:29 PM
I shot it out of the box then cleaned it good. I didn't look for any copper lube. Here are photos of the wear I was talking about. Aside from that it looks good. And the mags were obviously unused

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/C06A78A8-116B-4A8C-ACAC-BC4984E76DB5_zpsn8inaqig.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/C06A78A8-116B-4A8C-ACAC-BC4984E76DB5_zpsn8inaqig.jpg.html)

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/8046A38B-4443-419B-925F-54E175B46BCD_zpsg723lasm.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/8046A38B-4443-419B-925F-54E175B46BCD_zpsg723lasm.jpg.html)

02-01-2015, 02:16 PM
it might be a LE trade in, is the sticker on the handle of the Glock case blue?
usually when you have rub marks on the slide release & gun looks basically new, there's a good chance it was holsterd alot & fired very little.

02-01-2015, 02:23 PM
LEOs would likely put night sights on. That may be another clue.

02-01-2015, 02:25 PM
I have avoided gun shows in Central Texas simply because of the bad deals and individuals selling the weapons.

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 02:43 PM
it might be a LE trade in, is the sticker on the handle of the Glock case blue?
usually when you have rub marks on the slide release & gun looks basically new, there's a good chance it was holsterd alot & fired very little.

Sticker is red. well worn red sticker

Gene Hackman
02-01-2015, 02:49 PM
Also it was the display model because it was their last one so a lot of people had been picking it up and probably racking the slide, dry firing it, slamming the slide shut on an empty chamber etc. I hate buying display models. At gander mountain once I was going to buy a gun and the guy said I had to buy ''that'' one cause it was the last one and had sight paint chipping off. so I turned it down but then a miracle happened and it turned out they did have one in the back!

02-01-2015, 02:56 PM
Also it was the display model because it was their last one so a lot of people had been picking it up and probably racking the slide, dry firing it, slamming the slide shut on an empty chamber etc. I hate buying display models!
that explains everything right there, thats considered a USED gun & should bring a discount.

02-01-2015, 03:32 PM
that explains everything right there, thats considered a USED gun & should bring a discount.

Oh come on. Every mom & pop gun shop in America displays their stock and allows customers to handle the guns. It is not a used gun, until it is transferred.

02-01-2015, 03:50 PM
It's just like buying a demo car, your not going to pay full price.

02-01-2015, 04:20 PM
I shot it out of the box then cleaned it good. I didn't look for any copper lube. Here are photos of the wear I was talking about. Aside from that it looks good. And the mags were obviously unused

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/C06A78A8-116B-4A8C-ACAC-BC4984E76DB5_zpsn8inaqig.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/C06A78A8-116B-4A8C-ACAC-BC4984E76DB5_zpsn8inaqig.jpg.html)

http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag273/Dano1987/8046A38B-4443-419B-925F-54E175B46BCD_zpsg723lasm.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Dano1987/media/8046A38B-4443-419B-925F-54E175B46BCD_zpsg723lasm.jpg.html)
The finish Glock puts on their slide stops wears out if you look at it too hard; so it's entirely possible to my mind that the wear on yours could have come from handling or sliding around in the box. Likewise, the wear on the barrel hood is minimal..could happen from racking the slide to do some dry firing. This might be a safe queen. If the rest of it looks good and it functions well, call it "near new" and enjoy.

02-01-2015, 04:41 PM
Primer strike and case bulge normal. Preowned or mebbe just a bit preused methinks.