View Full Version : pm45 disassembly problem

02-06-2015, 06:22 PM
So I got my PM45 last night and took it apart... three times. Had a strange problem and I'm not sure what to attribute it to:

Took it apart and put it together with only relatively minor hassle from the slide stop pin (better than I previously experienced). When I racked the slide, however, sometimes - not always - but sometimes the slide would have a forward and backward loose play to it that was definitely noticeable... at least 1/4 inch, maybe more. On top of that, I could draw the slide back maybe 1/2 inch from the start and it was possible to lightly release it, causing it to hang up and "stick." So I took it apart for the second time, and everything looked fine. The recoil spring looked like it was appropriately placed on the lug, I figured I must have done something wrong with the slide stop pin somehow. So I put it back together, and had the same problem. Took it apart time #3, removed the recoil spring and inspected it to make sure the springs were facing the correct way (they were). Reset everything, did it a third time and now no more problems. Strange. Is there an easy explanation here? Was it really the spring, or did I screw up the slide stop pin twice?

02-06-2015, 06:35 PM
I lean towards thinking the spring was just a nano off. It usually will work itself out just racking the slide a few times. Also your gun being new if you let the slide down easy like it will sometimes hang up before going into full battery.

It won't do that for long after you shoot a few rounds. Everything is just tight and needs to get acquainted with each others parts.

I sometimes get my recoil spring in just enough off to where I can't get the slide on, shift just a bit and then it will go.